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1.    He has learned about Chinese Festivals like Spring Festival and Children’s Day.


2. Check the answers to the exercises in the activity book.

Step II Lead-in

T: Well, have you learned about other countries? Which one do you think is the most interesting?

S1:Yes.We have learned something about England, Canada, Australia and the U.S. I think Australia is the most interesting because it has special animals like Koala, Kangaroo…

T: Do you like to travel to other countries? Travel means “go to”. Do you like traveling? Where have you been?

S2: Yes, I like traveling very much. I’ve been to Brighton, England during the summer vacation.

T: Great! It’s wonderful to travel to other country, isn’t it?

S2: Yes. There are a lot of interesting things to enjoy.

T: Good! So, why don’t you get together, write down the countries you like and report on that? How about that?

S: Good idea!

T: Well, next, let’s see how Irfan give a repot on his favorite subject.

Step III Reading

Ask students to read Iran’s report on his favorite subject, have a basic idea of how to write a report on their favorite subjects, meanwhile discuss the questions given.


Ask students to listen to the tape and try to find out what Irfan’s favorite subject is.

After listening to the tape they may find out that Irfan’s favorite subject is social studies.


Ask the students to read the passage again and after that, ask them to discuss what Irfan has learned about China in pairs.

Sample answers:


1. Greetings


5.     We should help each other to finish our group work.

The teacher can sum up the main points of this text.

Step V Homework

Do the exercises in the activity book.

Period 6 Irfan Studied China

Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇及短语

interesting, travel, festival

b. 认读词汇及短语

Children’s / mothers’/ Fathers’ Day, take…to…

Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to grasp reading skills and write a report with the information they get.

Learning ability goals学能目标

Help the students to write a report with the information they get.

Teaching important points教学重点

Focus on improving students’ reading skills and writing ability.

Teaching difficult points教学难点


Teaching methods教学方法

Reading, discussing, and pair work..

Teaching aids教具准备

The multimedia computer.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方法

Step I Homework checking


4.     We should obey the rules in public places like libraries, theatres, schools, etc.


3.     We should be on time.


2.     We should try all kinds of ways to get the information.


1.     We should work well with others.


2.    Tenses;

a.    Learn the future in the past tense. Examples in the text:

(1).I told Lisa we would work on our basketball project together.

(2).I said we would meet at a quarter to three.

b.    Review the present perfect tense. Examples in the text:

(1). I have looked all the rooms in the school.

(2). I have looked in the library.

(3)Have you looked in the library? No, I haven’t.

c.    The simple present tense. Examples in the text:

(1)   Jenny and Bill meet at three o’clock to work on their project.

(2)   They are in the library.

(3)   Then Danny runs into the library.

(4)   “Yes. I’ll show you where it is,” she says.

d.    The present continuous tense. Examples in the text:

(1)   He is wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

(2)   He is carrying a basketball.

e.    Review the Past Indefinite Tense. Examples in the text:

(1).I looked in the classrooms.

(2). I looked in the office.

Step IV Discussing

Ask the students to discuss what they should learn from this text and have a discussion in pairs.

T: Now, let’s work in pairs and discuss what we should learn from this lesson.

Possible answers:


1.    Phrases:

a.    work on

b.    some more

c.    No noise

d.    Half an hour late

e.    I’ll show you where it is.

