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1. understand and remember what is reviewed in this lesson


1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

The Gift

A rich woman is thinking about her mother. It's her mother's birthday. She wants to send her mother a birthday gift.

The woman goes to a store that has pets. She sees a colorful bird. The bird can talk. It can speak seven languages. The woman buys the bird. She posts it to her mother.

The next day, the woman calls her mother on the phone. "Mum, "says the woman, "do you like the bird?"

"I'm eating it right now. It's good!"


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fifth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book


4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see "Teaching Techniques" at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing "Hurry!"


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

brush (n. ), pillow

Oral Vocabulary

There is no new oral vocabulary in this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the reading as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. You may ask if they have any camping experiences. If any of them do, ask them to share the experiences with the class.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.

Step 3: Divide the class into groups of four. Each group member will take on one of the four roles (Jenny, Brian, Danny and Mr. Smith). Have the groups act out the reading in any way they choose.

Tell the students that their performance should include most of the events in the reading.

Step 4: if time allows, ask one or two groups to perform for the rest of the class. You may want to comment on their performance. Remember to give lots of praise for good effort!


In this activity, students create an advertisement for a trip. Instruct students to write the ad about the trip they described in unit project 1. A advice students to refer to the students book and reader for ideas.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:


3. write something about camping


2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for describing camping experiences


1. understand the meaning of the text


1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

An Animal in the Car! Part One

A woman was driving her car on a Saturday morning. She saw a little animal near the road. She stopped her car and looked at it. "You don't look happy here," she said. She picked it up. She put it in her car and drove away.

Later, a man stopped the woman. The man said, "You can't have an animal in your car. Take it to the zoo."


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the third reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book


4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see "Teaching Techniques" at the back of this teacher's guide


There are two readings for this lesson. Teach the first reading. The second reading is for students to use independently.

The readings present new vocabulary and review vocabulary the students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

fish (v.), stay

Oral Vocabulary

camping, outdoors, sleeping bag, tent

Before you begin the reading, introduce the unit project. See "Teaching Techniques" at the back of this teacher's guide for general information about introducing unit projects. Also see the Unit 6 introductory page in this teacher's guide. Instructions for unit project 1 are in the student book.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to write an e-mail message for Jenny to Li Ming explaining why Jenny, Brian and Danny finally decided to go on a camping trip. Use the reasons provided by the text.

Step 4: If time allows, have some groups share what  they have written with the rest of the class.


Begin unit project. This project covers three lessons. Students write about a real or imaginary trip and present to other students.

In this lesson, begin by having students write about a trip they have taken or would like to take. They should illustrate their story. Students may either draw pictures or bring photographs to the next class.

There will be time in the next lesson to continue working on the stories.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:


3. write something about camping


2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for describing camping

