0  234988  234996  235002  235006  235012  235014  235018  235024  235026  235032  235038  235042  235044  235048  235054  235056  235062  235066  235068  235072  235074  235078  235080  235082  235083  235084  235086  235087  235088  235090  235092  235096  235098  235102  235104  235108  235114  235116  235122  235126  235128  235132  235138  235144  235146  235152  235156  235158  235164  235168  235174  235182  447090 

3.A.anything    B.something   C.nothing   D.things


2.A.glad    B.sorry    C.surprised   D.frightened


1.A.son    B.wife    C.servant   D.doctor


20. A.the train    B.the platform    C.Paris      D.the hotel


答案 :
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. A

8 ☆☆☆☆

Once the King of India fell ill and sent for the __1___ . The doctor came , examined him and said , “You will be well again in a few days if you take bull’s milk .”

The King was very __2__ , for he never heard of a bull that gave milk . “How is it possible ?” he asked . “Order Gulbo the scholar to get it for you . He can do __3___ .” The doctor was __4___ to Gulbo and thought this would be a way of making him suffer . When the King told Gulbo __5__ the doctor said and ordered him to get bull’s milk , Gulbo immediately __6__ what the doctor was trying to do .

When he got home , he sat thinking how to ___7___ the difficulty . His daughter , seeing him __8___ , asked what was the matter . On hearing what the King asked for she said , “Don’t worry , father . I will help you .”

__9___ she took some old clothes , went to the bank of the river near the _10____ , and chose a place below the King’s bedroom windows in the middle of the _11____ , when everyone was in bed , she started to do her washing . She made so much noise that the King was very angry and sent a guard to ___12__ what was the matter . The soldier found the girl and __13___ her to the King . “Why do you wash your clothes here at night ?” asked the King .

The girl pretended to be afraid , and said , “I _14____ wash clothes at night . This afternoon my __15___ had a baby . I was busy all day because of that . Then I found there were no __16___ clothes for the baby , so I had to come and wash them now .”

“What ?” cried the King , “Are you trying to __17___ a fool of me ? Who ever heard of a man having a baby ?”

“Well , if __18___ himself orders someone to get bull’d milk for him , __19___ can’t a man have a baby ?”

The King smiled and said , “You must be Gulbo’s daughter . Go and tell your father that he may keep the __20___ for his lovely baby .”


19. A.forgotten    B.given       C.answered    D.learned


18. A.over      B.back     C.out     D.up


17. A.worried     B.rude     C.bad    D.kind


16. A.Where       B.Why      C.What     D.How


15. A.clever       B.foolish     C.slow     D.polite


14. A.begin with    B.go on with    C.finish     D.stop

