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14.--- ______ great fun going hiking is in this season!

--- Really?

---Yeah. You can’t imagine _____ interesting it is if you don’t experience it yourself.

A. What a ; how   B. What ; how  C. How a; what   D. How ; what a


13. He used to    in a small house, but the life he was used to     greatly since 1995.

    A. live; changing      B. living ; change

C. living ; has changed    D. live ; has changed


12. Simon gave us ________ advice that every one of us was thankful______ him.

A. so many; with  B. such a useful; to  C. so much; for  D. such useful; to


11. It’s ________ you to donate money to ORBIS to help the blind.

     A. selfish for  B. generous of  C. useful of  D. modest for


10. -________ were invited to Simon’s birthday party?

-None. I think he must have forgotten us.

A. Who of you  B. Which  C. How many of you  D. How much


9. Teenagers would rather_____ secrets with friends than _____ about them with parents.

     A. sharing; talk  B. share; talking  C. share; talk  D. sharing; talking


8. Everybody in the little town knew my first teacher, so we had no ____ finding his home.

A. difficulties in   B. difficulty with   C. difficulty   D. difficulty to  


7. --- Isn’t the physics problem difficult?

    --- Yes.     few students worked      .

A. Only; out it   B. Very; it out   C. Too; out it   D. Quite a; it out


6. Lanlan was ______ a bad mood and kept ______ phone calls to me.

A. in; making    B. on; to make    C. in; to make     D. on; making


5. How do you pronounce this word “ doubt” ?

A. / dΛt  /        B. / dΛbt  /    C. / daut  /       D./  d  ut /

