0  235686  235694  235700  235704  235710  235712  235716  235722  235724  235730  235736  235740  235742  235746  235752  235754  235760  235764  235766  235770  235772  235776  235778  235780  235781  235782  235784  235785  235786  235788  235790  235794  235796  235800  235802  235806  235812  235814  235820  235824  235826  235830  235836  235842  235844  235850  235854  235856  235862  235866  235872  235880  447090 

28. – Would you like some orange juice?

    –       . I’m very thirsty.

      A. No, thanks.       B. Yes, please.            C. Yes, I would        D. That’s OK.


27. You       get up at six, or you’ll miss the early bus.

    A. have to           B. can’t            C. don’t            D. can


26. – How was your vacation?

      –        .

       A. Too far           B. Pretty good       C. Not good          D. So hot


25. I like the moon cakes with an egg in it. It smells      .

       A. expensive         B. awful            C. delicious          D. warm


24. I often go shopping with Mom        Sunday mornings.

     A. in               B. on              C. for              D. at


23. Where      you and your sister yesterday morning?

       A. is                   B. was              C. are             D. were


22. He       a letter to his parents last night.

       A. will write         B. writes            C. wrote            D. write



21. It’s time      dinner.

A. for              B. on               C. to               D. at



    16. What time did Kate get up yesterday?

        A. At 6:30.              B. At 7:30.                 C. At 6:00.

    17. What did she do after a quick breakfast?

        A. Cleaned the room.      B. Did some washing.         C. Both A and B.

    18. She had        for lunch.

        A. rice and meat         B. rice, meat and vegetables        C. rice, meat and noodles

    19. In the afternoon, she went to the park with her      .

        A. friends              B. cousins                  C. parents

    20. She watched TV for        after she finished her homework.

        A. one hour             B. half an hour              C. one and a half hour.




11. A. She relaxes in the house.

B. She relaxes in her swimming pool.

C. She relaxes at home.

    12. A. She went to Shanghai.

B. She went to Shanghai and went to the swimming pool.

C. She went to the swimming pool.

    13. A. It was great.

B. It was beautiful.

C. It was humid.

    14. A. She can’t stand it.

B. She loves it.

C. She doesn’t mind it.

    15. A. They wear warm clothes.

B. They wear cool clothes.

C. They don’t bring any clothes.

