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10. The old temple in my hometown___ next month.

A. is going to be rebuilt   B. will rebuilt   C. are going to be rebuilt  D. are going to rebuilt


9. Can you tell me by whom this lecture ______ this afternoon?

  A. is given   B. will be given   C. will give   D. be given


8. Our teacher ______ carefully.

  A. is listened    B. should be listened    C. be listened    D. should be listened to


7. The basketball match ___ at the People’s Venue next Sunday.

  A. is going to be shown    B. will shown    C. will show    D. is shown


6. His new book___ next month.

A. will be published      B. is publishing

C. is being published      D. has been published


5. An English play ______ in our school this weekend.

  A. is put on   B. will be put on   C. will put on   D. has been put on


4. The 2010 World Cup ______ by South Africa.

  A. is hosted    B. is going to host    C. will be hosted    D. would be hosted


3. New buildings and sports venues ______ for the Beijing Olympic Games.

  A. will be built    B. will build    C. is going to build    D. was built


2. The meeting ______ until next Monday.

  A. will be held    B. won’t hold    C. will hold    D. won’t be held


1. The mistakes in the exercises will _____the teacher.  

 A. cross    B. be crossing    C. be crossed by    D. cross by

