0  235704  235712  235718  235722  235728  235730  235734  235740  235742  235748  235754  235758  235760  235764  235770  235772  235778  235782  235784  235788  235790  235794  235796  235798  235799  235800  235802  235803  235804  235806  235808  235812  235814  235818  235820  235824  235830  235832  235838  235842  235844  235848  235854  235860  235862  235868  235872  235874  235880  235884  235890  235898  447090 

13. Although the cause of cancer _____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.

A. are being uncovered   B. have been uncovering

C. are uncovering     D. have uncovered

将来时的被动语态                                  3


12. –I don’t suppose the police know who did it.

  --Well, surprising they do. A man has been arrested and _____ now.

A. has been questioned   B. is being questioned

C. is questioning     D. has questioned


11. I have to go to work by taxi because my car _____ at the garage.

A. will be repaired  B. is repaired  C. is being repaired  D. has been repaired


10. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _____ each year.

A. is washing away    B. is being washed away  

C. are washing away   D. are being washed away


9. --Can we move into our new house now?

  --No, because it _____.

A. is painted   B. is being painted   C. has been painted   D. is painting


8. Much progress _____ in science and technology in China.

A. is making   B. has made   C. is being made   D. is made


7. Some courses _____ in English in many universities..

A. are being taught   B. are teaching   has taught   D. have been taught


6. Many new functions _____ to cellphones nowadays.

A. have added   B. are adding   C. were added   D. are being added


5. A new library _____ in our school.

A. is building   B. is built   C. have built   D. is being built


4. Cellphones _____ by more and more teens.

A. are using   B. is used  C. are being used   D. being used

