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5.(  )________ The sofa  is  in  the  front  of  the table.

A  B  C      D


4.(  )________ She must  wait  the green light.She can’t cross now.

A  B       C      D


3.(  )________ Who’s book is this? Is it Mary’s?

         A     B  C   D    


2.(  )________ I think Tommy can mends your car.

         A     B   C  D 


1.(  )________ Lily likes walking to home every day.

          A   B    C   D  


There is   1  old woman in Australia.She   2  children at all.But she loves   3 . She has black cats and white ones. She has   4  cats and baby cats. So the children   5  to come to her house. They come to play with the cats. More and more cats come to the old woman’s house. Soon     6  are   7   cats. The old woman  8   feed them. Then she doesn’t know what to do. “The children love my cats,”she thinks. So she   9   each child a cat. The chilren are happy.  10  the cats are happy,too,because they each have a home.

(  )1. A.a      B.an     C.the      D./

(  )2. A.isn’t    B.don’t    C.not likes   D.doesn’t like

(  )3. A.cat     B.cats     C.a cats    D.the cats

(  )4. A.mother   B.mothers   C.mother’s   D.mothers’

(  )5. A.likes    B.is like    C.like     D.are like

(  )6. A.they    B.there    C.these     D.the children

(  )7. A.very much  B.too much   C.too many   D.very much

(  )     B. is     C. can’t     D.isn’t

(  )9. A.give    B.gives    C.is giving   D.does gives

(  )10.A.But    B.And     C.Or      D.Too


10.There ________ two pairs of new shoes for you.


9. When ________ your parents ________ their friends?

