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2.    The ability and inability.


1.    Master the words and expressions of this lesson.


3.    Know more about our body.

Teaching Important Point:


2.    Learn something about DNA.


1.    Know how to write a passage on science.


2.    Go on the next reading in the student book.


In this lesson, we learn to combine two different things together. In order to get new living things, we must make full use of our imagination. What can the things that we combine are used for? It is important for us to discuss. During the discussion, we practice our spoken English.

Lesson 10: What is DNA?

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: generally, twin, clone, not only…but also

Oral words and expressions: blueprint, identical, egg, identify

Teaching Aims:


3.    Can we combine apples and bananas?

Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.

Finish the task in groups of three or four students.

Think about something that is combined by two different things. Each of the group writes his answer down and shows it to others. Then choose the most meaningful one to study.

What will your group combine? What if you combine the two things? What can it do for us? What’s its advantage?

Talk about the questions above, then sum their ideas.

Give a report in front of the class. Demonstrate your ideas. Describe the thing that you combine in detail. Describe its advantages and disadvantages.



2.    What about combining a duck and a deer?


1.    What would you combine?


2.    Brian would combine ______ and ______.

Look through the whole text quickly and answer the questions in class in oral.

Step4. Encourage the students find the new words in this lesson. Give more examples and let the students understand more about the words.

I would combine a donut and a pizza.

Then I could have breakfast and lunch together.

Then I would have little, juicy bananas.

Do you know what a mule is?

It has a horse as mother and a donkey as a father.

Step5. Read the text again and encourage them to find more questions about the text. One student stands up and asks a question. The others who want to answer can stand up and answer it as quickly as he can. For example:

