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2.of the body; bodily身体的; 体力的:

a physical examination 体格检查

physical labour体力劳动

physical training体育锻炼


3. a person who is specially loved or lovable特别受爱护的人;可爱的人

photo/photograph[5f[Ut[U]/[5f[Ut[grB:f] n. a picture obtained by using a camera and film sensitive to light照片:

take a photo/photograph/ take photos/photographs 拍照

have/get ones photo taken请人给自己拍照

photocopier (= photocopying machine) n.影印机

photographer n.摄影师

physics [5fIzIks]n. a science concerned with the study of matter and natural forces (such as light, heat, movement, etc.)物理学

physical  [5fIzIk[l]adj.1.of material things物质的


2.a person (esp. a child) or thing specially favoured above others.受宠爱的人或物


2. (+ sb. into/ out of/ to do sth.) to cause to do something by reasoning, arguing, begging etc.说服:

persuade sb. into doing sth./ persuade sb. to do sth. (成功地)说服,劝说好某人做某事

try / want to persuade sb. to do sth.(= advise sb. to do sth) 试图想说服某人做某事, 表示劝说不一定成功

pet [pet]n. 1.an animal kept by a person in the home as a companion爱畜;宠物


2.done or made directly by a particular person, not by a representative亲自的  personally [5p[sn[lI]adv. speaking for oneself only; as far as oneself is concerned 就自己而言

persuade [p[(:)5sweid]vt. 1.(+ of sth./ that-clause) to cause to feel certain; convince劝说;使相信


4.a division of a school day; lesson 一节; 一堂: a period of time 一段时间  [辨析] period, time, age:  period含有“周期、时期”之意, 时间性可长可短;time指特定的时期、时代, 常用复数形式;age指有某种明确特征或以杰出人物为标志的“时代、时期”

permit [p[5mIt]vt.(permitted, permitting) to allow 允许; 容许; 准许;许可:allow sb. top do sth. 允许某人做某事; allow (sbs) doing sth. 允许做某事;

weather permitting 如果天气允许的话(用作状语) [辨析]permit, allow, let, promise, admit:  allow 日常用语,指允许某人做某事, 一反对某人做某事, 有消极的意味,侧重于听任、默许、不加阻止, 不按常规行事;permit含有积极的下面意义,多用于正式场合,指给予做某事的权利,如通过法令或正式条文“允许”做某事;allow可以和副词连用,permit 则不能;在表示客气的请求时,主语是you时应用permit, 以表示尊敬的请求,若主语用I, 则应用allow的被动形式; let 指允许某人做某事, 多用于口语中,祈使句中用let,  let 一般不用于被动式,在被动式里改用allow; promise 表示“答应、许诺”,用于主语答应自己要做某事; admit 表示 “认可”,作“认为下当确实、允许、承认”解,有时指在外界压力下不得不“承认”错误或事实。

n. an official written statement giving one the right to do something通行证,许可证执照

permission [p[5mIF[n]n. agreement 允许,许可,同意:with ones permission 经某人允许  without ones permission未经某人允许

person [5p[:sn]n. a human being 人 [辨析]human, person, people :  human作名词时等于human being, 在将人与动物、神仙、鬼等到比较时常用human;  person可以指man, woman 和child, 其复数形式常是people, 用persons 则强调数量的概念, 比较正式,“一个人”应该说:“a person , 一能说:“a people, 两个人则可以说“two persons或“ two people; people泛指人们,  the people指人民或确指的“人们”,  a people和 peoples指民族, 种族;

personal [5p[:snl]adj. 1. private; individual 个人的; 私人的


3.a complete and repeated stretch of time fixed by the forces of nature周期


2.a particular stretch of time in the development of a person, a civilization, the earth, an illness, etc.时期;时代


3.to give , act or show (a play, a part/role in a play, a piece of music, tricks, etc.)esp. before the public 表演;演(剧);奏

performance  [p[5fC:m[ns]n. 表演;演出:put on/ give a performance演出

performer [p[5fC:m[]n. 表演者;演奏者

perhaps [p[5hAps]adv. maybe; possibly; probably 也许; 可能  [辨析]perhaps, possibly, probably, maybe: 均可表示“可能”, 但有区别:perhaps常置于句首,表示“有大致一半的可能性”;maybe常置于句首,表示不能肯定,含也许如此, 也可能不是;possibly常与can , could, may, might 连用,表示可能性较小, 但仍有机会;probably表示可能性较大,可能性比maybe 和perhaps 大;是有几分根据的推测

period [5pi[ri[d]n.1.a stretch of time with a beginning and an end, but not always of measured length 一段时间


2.to fulfil (a promise, order, etc.)履行;执行

