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5.to rain hard and steadily; to fall hard and steadily倾盆大雨; 倾盆而下


4.to give or send as in a flow倾泻


3.to cause (liquid or something that flows like liquid) to flow使流


2.to rush together in large numbers蜂拥


2.to send (a letter, parcel, etc.)

by post邮寄

postcard [5p[UstkB:d] n. a card of a fixed size on which a message may be written and sent by post明信片

postman [5p[Ustm[n] n.(= mailman美) a man employed to collect and deliver letters, parcels, etc.邮差; 邮递员

pot [pCt] n. any of several kinds of round vessel of baked clay, metal, glass, etc., with or without a handle, cover, etc., made to contain liquids or solids, esp. for cooking罐; 锅; 壶

potato [p[5teit[U] n. a type of roundish root vegetable with a thin brown or yellowish skin, that is cooked and served in many different ways马铃薯; 土豆; 洋芋

pound [paund] n. 1.a standard measure of weight equal to 454 grams(重量单位)磅   2.the standard of money in several countries(货币单位)磅

pour [pC:] v. 1.to flow steadily and rapidly流


4.a special place of duty, esp. on guard or on watch岗位; 哨位

v. 1.to take (a letter, parcel, etc.)to a post office or put into a collection box for sending邮寄; 投寄


3.a job工作


2.an official place, box, etc., where stamped letters are left for sending邮局


2.perhaps也许  possibility


n. post [p[Ust] (=mail 美) 1.the official system for carrying letters, parcels, etc., from the sender to the receiver邮政:

post office( a building, office, shop, etc., which deals with the post and certain other government business for particular area)邮政局


3.acceptable; suitable可接受的; 适当的: as + adj./adv.  + as possible/one can/could尽可能地;

It is possible for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事是很可能的

[注]possible作表语时, 主语只能是事或物, 不能是人.

possibly [5pCs[blI] adv. 1.in accordance with what is possible可能地

