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35.   the speech, there will be a few minutes for questions.

  A. Following  B. To follow  C. Followed   D. Follow


34.At last my dream of _____ good political leader has come true.

  A. turning   B. turning a  C. becoming  D.making


33. The three letters PRC ________ the People’s Republic of China.

  A. represented     B. meaning    C. stands for    D. stand for


32. I’m at least     age     Robert if I am not older than he.

  1. the same;as         B. the same; with 

C. as same;as          D. as same;with


31. Henry would rather his mother ____ in the school where he is studying.

  A. not work    B. not worked    C. didn’t work   D. not working


30.       to our surprise, he went over all his notes in such a short time,   for the next day’s examination.

 A. Very;preparing  B. Much;prepared  C. Greatly;to be prepared  D. Rather; being preparch

