0  286232  286240  286246  286250  286256  286258  286262  286268  286270  286276  286282  286286  286288  286292  286298  286300  286306  286310  286312  286316  286318  286322  286324  286326  286327  286328  286330  286331  286332  286334  286336  286340  286342  286346  286348  286352  286358  286360  286366  286370  286372  286376  286382  286388  286390  286396  286400  286402  286408  286412  286418  286426  447090 

29.   When the teacher came in, the boy was sleeping on his desk, with his head ______ in his arms.

A. burying           B. buried            C. to bury            D. being buried


28.  So difficult _______ that no one could ______ a good solution to it. 

A. was the problem; come up with               B. the problem was; come up with

C. the problem was; put up with             D. was the problem; put up with


27.  _____ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself ____ at the party.  A. Dressed; noticed                       B. Dressing; noticing  C. Dressing; noticed                      D. Dressed; noticing


26.  I don’t think physics ________.  A. easy to be learned                      B. easily to learn    C. easy to learn                            D. easily to be learned


25. I was about to leave ________ I saw him ________ towards me,bag in hand.   A. while;running                            B. when;running      C. as;ran                              D. when;to run


24.  She’s going to have problems finding a job ______she gets good marks when at school.

A. for              B. since            C. so that               D. even if


23. -Excuse me, but may I speak to Mr. Wilson?

-You ______ the wrong number, there is ______ is called Mr. Wilson in our office.

A. dialed; no such man as                     B. are dialing, no such a man as 

C. dialed; no such a man as                    D. are dialing, no such man as


22. -When did you lose your passport, sir?

-It was yesterday evening ______ I was walking down the street.

A. when             B. that              C. which            D. on which


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分)


21.  We have every reason to believe that ______ 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou will be

______ success.

A. /; a              B. the; /             C. the; a             D. a; a

