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20. Don't you remember that we _________ to the cinema tonight?

  A. would go      B. go        C. are going     D. will be gone


19. As a girl, she _________ get up at six every day.

  A. would         B. will       C. might        D. should


18. I did not call to make my airline reservation (预订) but I _________.

  A. should have    B, may have        C. must have     D. shall have


17. If you were in an English-speaking country, you, too, _________ English every day.

  A. will be used to speak             B. will be used to speaking

  C. must be used to speak        D. would be used to speaking


16. She is studying medical science now but she _________ a lawyer.

  A. used to be     B. would be     C. were    D. had been


15. You are their teacher. You _________ care of them.

  A. should to take    B. might to take       C. ought to take     D. need to take


14. How ________ so?

  A. dare you to say   B. dare you say     C. do you dare say    D. dare to say


13. He had known the matter before you told him, so you _________ have told it to him.

  A. mustn't   B. can't      C. needn't           D. shouldn't


12. ---- That must be a mistake.         

  ---- No .it _________ be.

  A. can't      B. isn't able to     C. can     D. was able to


11. You must have seen him off yesterday, _________?

  A. haven't you    B. didn't you     C. mustn't you    D. needn't you

