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If your idea of a good time is to sleep in a hut, carry your own rubbish, and eat insects and wild animals, then ecotourism may be just for you. But is it also for people who want to fly over a rainforest sky before checking into a comfortable and expensive hotel in the middle of a national park? Whatever ecotourism is, it is hot--perhaps too hot for its own good.
The World Tourism Organization claims that the industry looked after 592 million travelers last year who spent $423 billion, and of all the types of tourism, ecotourism seems to be the fastest growing. By the broadest measure -- a trip with some sort of nature or wilderness element -- ecotourism already accounts for perhaps a third of these travelers. On a stricter definition favored by the Ecotourism Society, it is “responsible travel that preserves natural environments and keeps up the well-being of local people,” which accounts for no more than 5% of tourism.
Ideally, ecotourism helps both people and nature. Before the disastrous civil war, Rwanda’s Mountain Gorilla Project was one such model. Visits to the gorillas were limited, local guides ensured good behavior or on the part of the humans, and the high admission charge - $170 a day -- paid for salaries and presentation of the gorillas’ living areas. As this made the gorillas worth more alive than dead, poaching (偷猎) decreased. As another example, preservation Cooperation, Africa’s largest ecotour operator, uses only local labor, buys products 5om local farmers, and supports building projects: such as clinics and schools. This contribution to social advance is also good business sense. Projects from which local people benefit directly are less likely to be affected by poaching and theft.
Ecotourism’s biggest problem is labeling. Going on an eco-tour is no guarantee of good ecology. So far, only Australia has an official system to grade tour operators and tourist attractions on the basis of their “greenness”. Another issue is how eco-tourists damage the environment. Dolphin-feeding, for instance, is innocent and enjoyable, but after too many free meals, the dolphins forget how to catch their own dinners.
Keeping prices high is one way to limit enthusiasm. But measuring the effect of ecotourism on human environments is trickier. It is common, for villagers to see ecotourism as a source of new income. Hence, the very tourists who venture in search of traditional cultures end up breaking them up. As ecotourism becomes more popular, it will finally threaten the very things that are good for business.
小题1:According to the passage, ecotourism may _________.
A.harm its own purpose by becoming too popular
B.save the environment by becoming more popular
C.harm its own purpose by becoming less popular
D.save the environment by becoming less popular
小题2:Within the tourism industry as a whole, ecotourism _____________.
A.has no single, clear definition that would satisfy everybody
B.has expanded less rapidly than other types of tourism
C.claims that no comfortable hotels should be used by tourists
D.most often has a negative effect on local culture
小题3:Rwanda’s Mountain Gorilla Project is a good example because ___________.
A.tourists were free to visit the gorillas whenever they wanted to
B.local people’s attitudes toward animals were not affected
C.the gorillas were protected from both tourists and local people
D.the gorillas’ living area was modernized because of the high admission
小题4: _________ most directly benefits the local community.
A.Rwanda’s Mountain Gorilla ProjectB.Preservation Corporation
C.Australia’s grading systemD.Dolphin-feeding


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Whatever ecotourism is, it is hot--perhaps too hot for its own good.和最后一段的句子:As ecotourism becomes more popular, it will finally threaten the very things that are good for business.可知由于生态旅游的快速发展,它破坏了自己的目的,选A。
小题3:细节题:从第三段的句子:Visits to the gorillas were limited, local guides ensured good behavior or on the part of the humans, and the high admission charge - $170 a day -- paid for salaries and presentation of the gorillas’ living areas. As this made the gorillas worth more alive than dead, poaching (偷猎) decreased. 可知Rwanda’s Mountain Gorilla Project 这个项目使游客和当地人都来保护大猩猩,选C
小题4:细节题:从第三段的句子:As another example, preservation Cooperation, Africa’s largest ecotour operator, uses only local labor, buys products 5om local farmers, and supports building projects: such as clinics and schools. This contribution to social advance is also good business sense.可知 preservation Cooperation,主要是使当地的社区受益。选B

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Plants are flowering faster than scientists predict in reaction to climate change, which could have long damaging effects on food chains and ecosystems.
“Global warming is having a great effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world, changing some living patterns.” scientists say.
Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air from burning coal and oil can have an effect on how plants produce oxygen, while higher temperatures and changeable rainfall patterns can change their patterns of growth.
“Predicting species’ reaction to climate change is a major challenge in ecology,” said the researchers of several U.S. Universities. They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.
The study, published on the Nature website, uses the findings from plant life cycle studies and experiments across four continents and 1,634 species. It found that some experiments had underestimated the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.
“Across all species, the experiments underestimated the speed of the advance—for both leafing and flowering—that results from temperature increases,” the study said.
“The design of future experiments may need to be improved to better predict how plants will react to climate change,” it said.
Plants are necessary for life on the Earth. They are the base of the food chain, using photosynthesis (光合作用) to produce sugar from carbon dioxide and water. They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.
Scientists believe the world’s average temperature has risen by about 0.8 ℃ since 1900, and nearly 0.2 ℃ every ten years since 1979.
So far, efforts to cut emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2 ℃ this century—a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.
小题1:What is the key information the author wants to give in Paragraph 1?
A.The increasing speed of flowering is beyond scientists’ expectation.
B.Climate change leads to the change of food production patterns.
C.Plants’ reaction to weather could have damaging effects on ecosystem.
D.Food chains have been seriously damaged because of weather.
小题2:We can learn from the study published on the Nature website that _____.    
A.scientists should improve the design of the experiments
B.plants’ flowering is 8.5 times faster than leafing
C.there are 1,634 plant species on the four continents
D.the experiments failed to predict how plants react to climate change
小题3:Scientists pay special attention to the study of plants because _____.     
A.they can prove the climate change clearly
B.they are very important in the food chains
C.they play a leading role in reducing global warming
D.they are growing and flowering much faster than before
小题4:What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the world’s temperature?    
A.It has risen nearly 0.2 ℃ since 1979.
B.It is 0.8 ℃ higher in 1979 than that of 1990.
C.It needs to be controlled within 2 ℃ in this century.
D.Its change will lead to weather extremes.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You do not need every word to understand the meaning of what you read. In fact, too much emphasis (强调) on separate words both slows your speed and reduces your comprehension.
First, any habit which slows down your silent reading to the speed at which you speak or read aloud, is inefficient. If you point to each word as you read, or move your head, or form the words with your lips, you read poorly. Less obvious habits also hold back reading efficiency (效率). One is "saying" each word silently by moving your tongue or throat; another is "hearing" each word as you read.
These are habits which should have been outgrown long ago. The beginning reader is learning how letters can make words, how written words are pronounced, and how sentences are put together. Your reading purpose is quite different, which is to understand meaning.
It has been supposed that up to 75% of the words in English sentences are not really necessary for expressing the meaning. The secret of silent reading is to find out those key words and phrases which carry the thought, and to pay less attention to words which exist only for grammatical completeness.
An efficient reader can grasp the meaning from a page at least twice as fast as he can read the page aloud. He takes in a whole phrase or thought unit at a time. If he “says" or "hears" words to himself, they are selected ones, said for emphasis.
小题1:This passage is mainly about ______.
A.improving eye movement
B.reading more widely
C.changing poor reading habits
D.reading as fast as you can
小题2:Saying each word to yourself as you read _____.
A.improves comprehension
B.increases reading speed
C.gives too much emphasis
D.reduces reading efficiency
小题3:Your reading purpose should be _____.
A.to understand all the words
B.to make fewer eye movements
C.to understand meaning
D.to understand the grammatical structures
小题4:While reading, efficient readers usually _____.
A.move their eyes quickly
B.take in whole phrases or thought units
C.point at key words
D.read only important points for speed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Television is a relatively stable advertising medium. In many ways, the television ads today are almost the same to those two decades ago. Most television ads still feature actors, still run 30 or 60 seconds, and still show a product. However, the different medium of the Internet causes unique challenges to advertisers, forcing them to adapt their practices and techniques.
In the early days of Internet marketing, online advertisers used banner (框式广告) and pop-up ads (弹出式广告) to attract customers. These techniques reached large audiences, led to many sales leads, and came at a low cost. However, a small number of Internet users began to consider these advertising techniques annoying. Yet because marketing strategies relying heavily on banners and pop-ups produced results, companies invested growing amounts of money into purchasing these ad types. As consumers became more complicated, frustration with these online advertising techniques grew. Independent programmers began to develop tools that blocked banner and pop-up ads.
A major development in online marketing came with the introduction of pay-per-click ads. Unlike banner or pop-up ads, which originally required companies to pay every time a website visitor saw an ad, pay-per-click ads allowed companies to pay only when an interested potential customer clicked on an ad. More importantly, however, these ads are not affected by the pop-up and banner blockers. As a result of these advantages and the incredible growth in the use of search engines, which provide excellent places for pay-per-click advertising, a great number of companies began turning to pay-per-click marketing. However, as with the banner and pop-up ads, pay-per-click ads came with their shortcomings. When companies began pouring billions of dollars into this emerging medium, online advertising specialists started to notice the presence of what would later be called click fraud (欺诈): representatives of a company with no interest in the product advertised by a competitor click on the competitor’s ads simply to increase the marketing cost of the competitor. Click fraud grew so rapidly that marketers sought to diversify (摆脱) their online positions away from pay-per-click marketing through new mediums.
Although pay-per-click advertising remains a common and effective advertising tool, marketers adapted yet again to the changing elements of the Internet by adopting new techniques such as pay-per-performance advertising. As the pace of the Internet’s evolution increases, it seems all the more likely that advertising successfully on the Internet will require a strategy that avoids constancy (持续性) and welcomes change.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The pace of the Internet’s evolution is increasing and will only increase in the future.
B.Internet advertising fails to reach Internet users, causing ads to be blocked.
C.The Internet has experienced dramatic changes in short periods of time.
D.Rapid development of the Internet calls for new advertising strategies and mediums.
小题2:As an advertising medium, the television and the Internet mainly differ in ________.
A.the type of individual each medium reaches
B.whether the medium is interactive
C.the pace at which the medium develops
D.the cost of advertising with each medium
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is a typical click fraud?
A.Using software to block competitors’ advertisements.
B.Clicking on the pay-per-click ads of competitors.
C.Clicking on the banner advertisements of opponent companies.
D.Using search engine to attack the pages of competitors.
小题4:What does the author imply about the future of pay-per-performance advertising?
A.It will eventually become less popular just like other forms of Internet advertising.
B.It will not face shortcomings due to its differing approach to online marketing.
C.Internet users will develop free software to block its effectiveness.
D.Although it improves on pay-per-click advertising, it still suffers from click fraud.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Healthy Habits Survey (调查) shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.
1. How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?
Finding: A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.
Step: Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.
2. How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?
Finding: Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a day-half of the number doctors recommend.
Step: We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs (病菌) to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.
3. How often do you think about fighting germs?
Finding: Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.
Step: Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge (海绵) that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.
小题1:What is found out about American seniors?
A.Most of them have good habits.
B.Nearly 30%of them bathe three days a week.
C.All of them are fighting germs better than expected.
D.About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day
小题2:Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands          .
A.twice a dayB.three times a day
C.four times a dayD.eight times a day
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.We should keep from touching our faces.
B.There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth.
C.A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.
D.We should wash our hands before touching a door handle.
小题4:The text probably comes from             .
A.a guide bookB.a popular magazine
C.a book reviewD.an official document


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Robots are smart. With their computer brains, they help people work in dangerous places or do difficult jobs. Some robots do regular jobs. Bobby, the robot mail carrier, brings mail to a large office building in Washington, D.C. He is one of 250 robot mail carriers in the United States. Mr. Leachim, who weights two hundred pounds and is six feet tall, has some advantages as a teacher. One is that he does not forget details. He knows each child’s name, their parents’ names, and what each child knows and needs to know. In addition, he knows each child’s pets and hobbies. Mr. Leachim does not make mistakes. Each child goes and tells him his or her name, then dials an identification (识别) number. His computer brain puts the child’s voice and number together. He identifies the child with no mistakes.
Another advantage is that Mr. Leachim is flexible. If the children need more time to do their lessons they can move switches. In this way they can repeat Mr. Leachim’s lesson over and over again. When the children do a good job, he tells them something interesting about their hobbies. At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr. Leachim off.
小题1:The first paragraph of the passage tells us
A.human beings are not as smart as robots
B.robots will take the place of man to rule the earth
C.we can only use robots to do some regular jobs
D.robots can help people in many different ways
小题2:What is the most important thing Mr. Leachim can do in his lessons?
A.To meet the needs of each student.
B.To talk to the students in different languages.
C.To keep everyone’s interest in his lessons.
D.To introduce more hobbies to the children.
小题3:The underlined word “flexible” probably means
A.not strictB.not hard
小题4:Which of the following statements may be TRUE according to the passage?
A. There are 250 robot teachers in the United States.
B. Mr. Leachim is run and controlled by electricity.
C. Bobby works in a large office building in Washington D.C.
D. The lessons taught by Mr. Leachim are given on a TV set.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Some­times, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership(伙伴关系) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the back of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites(寄生虫)on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so be­cause they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.
Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The rela­tionship develops until the two partners cannot do with­out each other. This is so in the corals(珊瑚)of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants which act as “dustman”, taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are even prevented from light so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.
小题1:Some birds like to sit on a sheep because _________.
A.they can eat its parasites
B.they consider the sheep as their shelter
C.they enjoy traveling with the sheep
D.they find the position most comfortable
小题2:The underlined word “they” in the first paragraph refers to _______.
A.birds and parasitesB.sheep, birds and parasites
C.parasites and sheepD.birds and sheep
小题3:It can be learnt from the text that the coral depends on the plants for ________.
小题4:What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?
A.Some plants depend on each other for food.
B.Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily.
C.Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence.
D.Some animals live better together.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In nature, you may see many insects and animals of different colors. Have you ever wondered why?
Locusts (蝗虫)are super delicious food for birds, but it is not always an easy job for birds to catch them. It is neither because locusts are good jumpers or runners nor because they are smarter than their enemies(敌人). The reason is that the colors of locusts change with the colors of crops (庄稼). When crops are young, locusts look green. But when autumn comes, locusts change to the yellow and brown color as crops do.
Brown bears, tigers and other animals move quietly through forests. They can’t be seen easily by their enemies. This is because they have colors similar to the trees. For the same reason, polar bears that live on a land of snow and ice are white. Butterflies (蝴蝶)and bees living among the flowers are colorful like flowers. Soil insects are mostly dark-colored and they live under the soil in a dark and wet environment. However, insects with colors different from plants can easily be found and eaten by others. So in order to survive, they have to hide themselves in the daytime and appear only at night.
Have you ever noticed some even stranger acts(行为)? The ink fish in the sea can send out some very black ink when it faces danger. As the ink spreads over, its enemies will find themselves in a dark world. At the same time the ink fish immediately swims away. That is how it keeps itself safe though it is not strong at all.
小题1:According to the passage, most soil insects ______
A.do not have bright colors
B.change their colors with the soil
C.do not live in a dark and wet environment.
D.eat colorful insects like butterflies and bees.
小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined word “survive” in the passage?
小题3:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Some insects and animals have different skills.
B.Some insects and animals are cleverer than we think.
C.Some insects and animals use colors to protect themselves.
D.Some insects and animals can get used to the environment easily.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A research found that people shown silent videos of piano competitions could pick out the winners more often than those who could also hear the music. It underlines the importance of our sense of vision, say scientists. Their study concludes that the best predictor of a winner’s musical performance was the visible passion they displayed, followed closely by their uniqueness and creativity.
Chia-Jung Tsay, from University College London, UK, is the study’s author and herself a concert pianist. She was interested in how music was judged and found that even professional musicians were unaware of how much they were using visual information over sound. “For the last two decades, I’ve taken part in various competitions. Through this experience, I found that depending on what type of evaluations were used, the results might vary widely. This led me to wonder about how much visual information really affects these important decisions,” she explained.
More than 1,000 participants in the study were given samples of either audio, silent video or video with sound, and asked to rate the top three finalists from 10 international classical music competitions. The actual competition winners were only correctly identified by those who were randomly assigned(分配) the silent videos.
Dr Tasy said the findings were quite surprising, especially because both trained musicians and those without training had stated that sound was most important for their evaluation. “Regardless of levels of expertise, we still seem to be led primarily by visual information, even in this field of music,” she said. “Classical music training is often focused on improving the quality of the sound, but this research is about getting to the bottom of what is really being evaluated at the highest levels of competitive performance. She added, “We must be more mindful of our inclination(倾向) to depend on visual information at the expense of the content that we actually value as more relevant to our decisions.”
小题1:According to the study, who would most probably win a piano competition? 
A.One who plays with great passion.
B.One who plays unique music.
C.One who plays creatively.
D.One who has a sense of vision.
小题2:The participates in the study were asked to__________.
A.watch classical music competitions
B.assign the silent videos
C.pick out the best three competitors
D.decide who the winner is
小题3:What probably led Dr Tsay to carry out the study?
A.Her love for music.
B.Her desire to explore.
C.Her experience as a competitor.
D.Her curiosity in musical education.
小题4:Where does this text probably come from?
A.A text book.B.A sports magazine.
C.A story book.D.A science website.

