0  863  871  877  881  887  889  893  899  901  907  913  917  919  923  929  931  937  941  943  947  949  953  955  957  958  959  961  962  963  965  967  971  973  977  979  983  989  991  997  1001  1003  1007  1013  1019  1021  1027  1031  1033  1039  1043  1049  1057  3002 



第一卷  单项选择题(每小题2分,共60分)


A.由农村到农村的人口迁移             B.由农村到城市的人口迁移

C.由城市到城市的人口迁移             D.由城市到农村的人口迁移












A.日本            B.中国             C.印度              D.英国 



A.处于早期       B.处于缓慢发展时期 C. 进入高速发展时期  D.趋于停止


A.自然条件制约   B.国家政策制约     C.人口增长情况制约   D.经济因素制约


A.①>②>③           B.①<②<③          C.②>③>①          D.③<①<②


 A.黔、鲁、京、浙、苏              B.豫、新、京、浙、苏

   C.渝、琼、京、津、沪              D.沪、京、津、浙、苏


6ec8aac122bd4f6e9. 如要在城市中建中心商务区,应建在

A.A地      B.B地      C.C地      D.D地

10. 以下的叙述正确的是







  A.a      B.b      

 C.c      D.d



  A.住宅区           B.工业区          C.商业区         D.文化区


A.发达国家城市人口比重大、增长快      B.发达国家城市人口比重大、增长慢

C.发展中国家城市人口比重小、增长慢    D.发展中国家城市人口比重大、增长快







A.城市住房紧张  B.城市热岛效应  C.城市水体污染  D.城市生物多样性的减少


A.工业用地       B.住宅用地     C.商业用地     D.交通用地


A.工业区         B.住宅区       C.商业区       D.行政区


A.连续性         B.周期性       C.季节性        D.地域性





B.①果园 ②用材林地 ③耕地   

C.①耕地 ②用材林地 ③果园        

D.①用材林地 ②果园 ③耕地

A.气候       B.土壤      C.水源        D.地形


A.交通运输条件的改善           B.人们对苹果需求量的增加

C.该地苹果产量变化             D.国家有计划的调拨

    A.热带和亚热带季风区    B.南美洲热带雨林区
    C.美国东南部和巴西东北沿海 D.温带大陆性气候区

24.决定下列农业区位选择的主导因素分别是:①华南的双季稻种植 ②宁夏平原的水稻种植③新疆哈密盆地的瓜果生产 ④上海郊区的乳畜业
    A.①热量②水源③光照④市场        B.①水源②地形③热量④市场
    C.①地形②国家政策③土壤④科技    D.①土壤②热量③地形④国家政策
    A.牧羊业占主要地位            B.气候干旱,植被稀疏
    C.大牧场土地租金昂贵           D.具有距海港近的区位优势

A.地形            B.气候            C.交通           D.市场



A.稻米生产过剩,价格太低            B.水稻产量低于玉米和小麦

C.北方居民习惯吃面食                D.为了节约水资源

28.上述材料所体现出的影响农业的区位因素是(  )

A.技术          B.市场             C.交通运输         D.政府政策










29.从扩大就业再就业的要求出发,注重发展的工业部门应属于(    )

A.模式一    B.模式二   C.模式三       D.模式四

30.下列工厂的区位选择中,属模式一的是(    )

A.美国的“硅谷”        B.世界一些汽车生产集团在中国建汽车生产基地

C.上海的宝山钢铁企业    D.上海的纺织企业在新疆建纺织厂


第二学期中段考  高一地理试题

第二卷 综合题(共40分)


















(2)图中的地租次高峰是____          四处,判断理由是___________________________________________________________________________________       __。

(3)ADFG四处地租由高到低的排列顺序是_________     _。

(4)图中G代表_________用地,形成原因是_____________________________        _。




(1)图甲和图乙中表示的农业地域类型分别是__________              _ 和________                 ____ 。
(2)两种农业地域类型的共同特点是___________                                                        。
(3)两种农业地域类型的农场一般多为____________ 经营的,种植的植物中均有___________      _ 。
(4)甲图所示的国家有庞大的___________        _系统 ,免费向所有农场主提供最新农业科技成果。
(5)乙图所示的国家,政府不遗余力地修建____________工程 ,以促进农牧业的发展。









(1) 请分析改革开放前,四季青作为北京市蔬菜生产基地的原因。



(2) 试从社会经济条件分析,是什么因素的变化促使海南岛成为北京蔬菜生产基地?



(3) 海南岛与山东寿光相比,蔬菜生产具有什么自然条件上的优势?



























(2)图中A 、B、C、D、E几点中,在    点适合建自来水厂;汽车贸易店和家具城放在靠近     点的地方较好;      点适合建钢铁厂,主要原因是                                                              


(3)依据图所示,高级住宅区可能在城市的       部,而低级住宅区可能在           部(东,南,西,北)。












第二学期中段考  高一地理试题答案





































































(1)A   A位于城市中心,有多条道路穿过,通达度高,形成地租最高峰

(2)B、C、D、E   地处从市中心延伸出来的干线公路和城乡外围公路交汇处,通达度相对较高,租金有所上升,形成地租次高峰 


(4)居住  G尽管距离市中心较近,但远离主要公路,通达度较低,不是商业区和工业区的最佳区位


(l)商品谷物农业   混合农业


(3)家庭     小麦









(2)B   E   D  (各1分)

处于盛行风向的垂直郊外,对市区污染少;水陆交通便利  (2分)

(3)东  西(各1分)




满分:100分        时间: 100分钟

I卷 (共计60分)




总分:100分  考试时间:100分钟









1.6ec8aac122bd4f6e的值为(      )

A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e           B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e          C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e         D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e

2.已知平面向量6ec8aac122bd4f6e,则向量6ec8aac122bd4f6e(     )

A.(2,1)        B.(2,-1)          C.(1,2)         D.(1,-2)

3.若扇形的圆心角的弧度数为2,半径为2,则扇形的面积为(     )

A.1            B.2             C.3              D.4

4.函数6ec8aac122bd4f6e是(    )

A.周期为6ec8aac122bd4f6e的奇函数                 B.周期为6ec8aac122bd4f6e的偶函数

C.周期为6ec8aac122bd4f6e的奇函数                 D.周期为6ec8aac122bd4f6e的偶函数

5.直线 6ec8aac122bd4f6e的倾斜角为(     )

A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e         B. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e          C. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e           D. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e



圆,那么几何体的侧面积为(      )

A. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e         B. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

C. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e         D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e


7. 把函数6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e)的图象上所有点向左平行移动6ec8aac122bd4f6e个单位长度,再把所得图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),得到的图象所表示的函数是(     )

A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e           B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e

C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e           D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e

8.在平行四边形6ec8aac122bd4f6e中,6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e交于点6ec8aac122bd4f6e是线段6ec8aac122bd4f6e的中点,6ec8aac122bd4f6e的延长线与6ec8aac122bd4f6e交于点6ec8aac122bd4f6e.若6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6eb,则6ec8aac122bd4f6e(    )

A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e     B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e       C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e      D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e

9  关于直线m  n与平面6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e,有下列四个命题:



其中真命题的序号是(     )

6ec8aac122bd4f6eA.①②         B.③④           C.①④         D.②③

10. 已知函数6ec8aac122bd4f6e的一部分图象如下图所示,如果6ec8aac122bd4f6e,则(    ) 

A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e    B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e     C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e     D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e  





11. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e的值为________________.





15(本小题满分12分)已知6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e, 求6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e的值.








16(本小题满分14分) 已知6ec8aac122bd4f6e、b、c是同一平面内的三个向量,其中6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e.

















6ec8aac122bd4f6e18(本小题满分12分) 在四棱锥P-ABCD中,△PBC为正三角形,AB⊥平面PBC,AB∥CD,AB=6ec8aac122bd4f6eDC,6ec8aac122bd4f6e.


























(2)过圆6ec8aac122bd4f6e上一动点6ec8aac122bd4f6e作平行于高考资源网( www.ks5u.com),中国最大的高考网站,您身边的高考专家。轴的直线6ec8aac122bd4f6e,设6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e轴的交点为6ec8aac122bd4f6e,若向量6ec8aac122bd4f6e,求动点6ec8aac122bd4f6e的轨迹方程.


















21.附加题(本小题满分10分)(本题由试验班和重点班学生完成,所得分数作为参考,不计入总分) 已知定点6ec8aac122bd4f6e、、6ec8aac122bd4f6e,动点满足:6ec8aac122bd4f6e.


























1.There is still much to discuss. We shall, ____________, return to this item at our next meeting.

   A.therefore               B.however                 C.otherwise               D.briefly

2.The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ___________ of forced entry.

A.scene                       B.signal                   C.sign                    D.sight

3.― Would you have your family get together this New Year’s Day?

   ― ___________. We are busy working at that time.

   A.No way                   B.Not at all               C.No problem           D.No chance

4.― The National College Entrance Examination is drawing near. All we should do is make the best use of time.

   ― I can’t agree more. Every minute ________.

   A.needs               B.counts                 C.acquires                D.urges

5.― I phoned you yesterday morning. A girl answered, but I didn’t recognize the voice.

   ― Oh, it __________ my younger sister. She was in my room at that moment.

A.must have been                                          B.should have been  

C.could have been                                          D.may have been

6.He has recently ___________ tennis to relax himself.

A.taken off                B.taken up                 C.put up                    D.put out

7.To our excitement, two _________ of students __________ a success after three years’ hard


   A.scores; scored        B.score; lost              C.scores; made           D.score; scored

8.Our class _________ all fond of singing English songs and we can sing ________ than others.

      A.is; many more                                            B.are; many more     

       C.is; much more                                         D.are; much more

9.The long-lasting meeting __________ in disorder, __________ no conclusion.

       A.was ended; reached                                     B.ended; reaching

       C.was ended; reaching                                    D.ended; to reach

10.If you feel tired and sick of fat foods, that is ___________ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination.

       A.why                 B.what                 C.when                 D.whether

11.The overseas Chinese scientist made another wonderful discovery, ___________ of great value to study AIDS.

       A.which I think it is                                            B.which I think is     

       C.I think it is                                              D.I think is

12.Americans are nervous ____________ the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, but also worry

__________ the ability of the United States and the United Nations to deal with the situation.

       A.about; about      B.to; about              C.for; about             D.for; for

13.When __________ comes to golf, I know nothing and I have no interest in this match.

       A.this             B.that                       C.it                      D.one

14.― You can’t enter the building without __________ permission.

   ― I’ve lost __________ permission card.

       A.the; a             B.a; the                 C.\; the                    D.\; \

15.― I hear that Bai Shan can’t afford his schooling this fall.

― ___________, let’s do something for him.

       A.If so        B.Where possible      C.When necessary          D.What a shame

16. --- I have just had my watch repaired.

   --- How much did they         for that?

    A. cost           B. charge        C. spend           D. take

17. --- It’s been a wonderful Halloween Party. Thank you very much.

   --- ___________.       

A. My pleasure        B. I’m glad to hear that      C. No, thanks        D. It’s OK

18. --- How about the book you are reading?

  --- Good indeed. It ___________ many problems we have come across in our study.

  A. says           B. talks         C. covers          D. refers

19. The room is in a terrible mess; it __________ cleaned.

  A. can’t have been       B. couldn’t be        C. may have been        D. would be

20. He ___________ the test, but he wasn't careful enough.

  A. was able to pass                 B. must have passed

  C. could have passed               D. might be able to pass

21. I have kept that picture ___________ I can see it every day as it always reminds me of my university days in London.

   A. in which       B. where         C. whether         D. when

22. He expected there ____________ more room for him to put in a desk.

   A. will be        B. is            C. to be           D. being

23. The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ___________ because of the bad weather.

   A. set up         B. broken down        C. worn out        D. called off

24. Ants are the most common life form on earth, ___________ tiny, their combined weight is greater than that of the combined weight of all humans.

   A. though         B. although       C. even though    D. as if

25. Xiamen is ___________ most beautiful coast city and I believe I will come for__________ second time.

    A. the, an        B. a, a          C. the, the        D. a, the

26. Our team was ahead during the first half, but we _________ in the last ten minutes.

   A. had lost       B. would lose    C. were losing    D. lost

27. With a lot of difficult problems        , the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.

    A. to settle      B. settling      C. settled      D. being settled

28. People think that the beauty of the mountains is great than ___________ of the desert.

   A. one            B. the one       C. those         D. that

29. Driving a car is not as difficult as you imagine, if you ____________ the rules.

   A. depend on      B. believe in    C. turn to       D. stick to

30. Would you please make a copy for everybody in the office and __________ extra ones for the visitors?

   A. other          B. many          C. few            D. some

31. The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _________ we meet them again.

     A. after             B. before             C. since                  D. when

32. Little ___________ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.

     A. he realized       B. he didn't realize         C. didn't he realize             D. did he realize

33. The teacher ___________ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn't have wasted time on him, I suppose.

   A. should          B. can            C. would              D. must

34. -- Was Martin sorry for what he' d done?

   -- ___________. It was just like him!

    A. Never mind           B. All right              C. Not really         D. Not surprisingly

35. In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ___________.

      A. that used to be   B. it is used to               C. it was used to         D. it used to be

36. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _______ to each other for nearly two years.

      A. didn't speak        B. hadn't spoken       C. haven' t spoken    D. haven' t been speaking

37. -- Didn't you have a good time at the party?

   -- Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to __________ so quickly.

     A. go by              B. go away              C. go out        D. go over

38. The school' s music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two    ___    on the weekend.

     A. more              B. other               C. else                    D. another

39. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ________, he gladly accepted it.

     A. finished            B. finishing               C. having finished                   D. was finished

40. -- Robert is indeed a wise man.

   -- Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _________ his advice!

     A." to take            B. taking               C. not to take               D. not taking

41. -- Bill, if it doesn't rain, we can go straight on and spend more time in Vienna.

   --     ___   I just want to hear Mozart.

     A. Well done !         B. No problem.        C. That' s great!              D. That' s it.

42. The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common _________ in many parts of the city.

     A. look             B. sign               C. sight                  D. appearance

43. You can only be sure of you have at present; you cannot be sure of something __________ you might get in the future.

     A. that; what          B. what; /              C. which; that                D. /; that

44. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it.

     A. none of them       B. both of them         C. none of whom               D. neither of whom

45. -- Did Peter fix the computer himself?

   -- He ________, because he doesn't know much about computers.

     A. has it fixed         B. had fixed it          C. had it fixed               D. fixed it

46. ―Mike, the phone is ringing. Do you want me to answer it?

   ―No, sit still. ___________ .

   A. I’m about to get it        B. I’m getting it             C. I’d like to get it             D. I'm to get it

47. Don't trust such people __________ praise you to your face but speak ill of you behind your back.

      A. who                       B. that                   C. which                   D. as

48. She was in hospital for about half a year. He felt as if he was ___________ from the outside world.

      A. cut out                 B. cut off               C. cut up                   D. cut through

49. The visiting president couldn't help _________ by the beautiful scenery of Guilin in Guangxi.

      A. striking                  B. to be struck        C. being struck            D. to strike

50. However, in ________ recent years, _________ Niagara Falls have come to be appreciated more for their natural beauty as _________ wonder of Nature.

      A. /; the; a               B. the; /; the           C. /; the; /               D. the; /; a

51. Many people were________ from our hotel during May Day holidays because all the rooms in our hotel had been engaged.

      A. turned over            B. turned out           C. turned away         D. turned in

52. __________ , he is not yet ready to turn professional.

     A. Gifted though is he                             B. Gifted as is he 

  C. Gifted as he is                                 D. Though is he gifted

53. My goodness, how lucky we are! If there had been p1aces for us on the aero plane, we _____dead now.

      A. will be                B. would be               C. would have been         D. had been

54.―Wait until we get a satisfactory reply, will you?

   ―I couldn't agree_______ . The idea sounds great to me.

   A. much                   B. worse                 C. more                      D. at all

55.It's important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the _________ in language studies.

      A. situation               B. expression          C. condition              D. translation

56. The World Health Organization warned that Asian countries __________ attentive to bird flu since Asia ___________ got rid of the disease completely.

      A. should keep; has                            B. must remain; has not

C. ought to stay; has been                      D. shall be; has not been

57. There are many interesting books_________ , but I'm at a loss which to borrow.

      A. to choose               B. for choosing       C. to be chosen           D. to choose from

58. How _____ Zhang Ning  performed in the badminton singles final! She won another Olympic gold medal for China.

      A. A. slimly             B. eventually          C. splendidly             D. anxiously

59. _____ lie in the sun for too long, _______ you will get sunburnt.

      A. Not; and                B. Don’t; otherwise  C. Shouldn’t; for       D. Let’s not; and

60. ― Oh, it's you. I__________ you. Why are you looking so thin and pale?

― I've been ill for weeks and still under treatment.

      A. can't recognize                                  B. could hardly recognize  

      C. haven't recognized                               D. wasn't  recognizing

61. Some doctors were sent to the front where medical workers were __________.

   A. in great need   B in desperate need of   C needed great   D needed in

62. ――The police have caught the murderer.

   ――Yes, and he admitted ___________his boss on a rainy night seven years ago.

   A. to kill    B to have killed   C having killing   D have been killed

63. ――Did you reach the top of the mountain?

   ―― Yes. Even I myself didn’t believe I could make__________.

    A. that          B. it          C. myself         D. them
64. The Chinese are good at table tennis ___________the English are interested in football.

    A. if         B. as          C. while          D. since
65. Was it in front of the market____________ the road accident happened yesterday?

A. where        B. that        C. which        D. why

66. ――I’m sorry that I didn’t work out this problem.

   ――It’s ___________our ability. I didn’t work it out, too. 

   A. over         B. beyond         C. more than         D. above

67. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. People ___________to ask how I am

going to _____________ spend the money.

A. had phoned          B. will phone         C. were phoning         D. are phoning

68. He didn’t like coffee __________tea, but water.

   A. and       B or        C. but         D. with

69. It is better to ask someone for advice rather than ___________something.

A. risk doing       B. risk to do        C. to risk doing        D. to risk to do

70. ――Your neighbors may __________you with playing your radio too loudly at night.

 ――I know. They never say anything that ___________ me especially.

A. accuse, appeals to     B.  charge, appeal to      C. charge, appeals to      D. blame, appeals to
71. I spoke that slowly but I didn’t __________my meaning __________.

A. come…across         B. get…across          C. get…about         D. get…ahead

72. If _________, the bird flu would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patients.

A. not treat         B not treated         C untreated          D. Both B and C

73. Johnny is a great dancer; he __________above the rest for his perfect performance.

A. stands by         B stands for         C stands out        D. makes for

74. This race was her last chance to win a place on the national team so everything was __________.

 A. dangerous         B. in stake         C. at stake         D. in charge

75. He studied very hard all the time because he didn’t want to __________in his studies.

 A. fall behind         B. be left behind          C. left behind        D. Both A and B

76. ________ opening ceremony of the 28th Beijing Olympic Games really gave the world _________ big surprise. 高.考.资.源.网

A. 不填; a            B. The; the           C.  The; a              D. 不填; the

77. ---This passage is difficult for me. Could you please explain it to me?

---I’m afraid I have to say sorry, but the book is ________ my understanding.

A. beyond             B. over                  C. above                D. off

78. For most Americans, their 18th birthday ________ the end of one part of their life and the beginning of another.

A. predicts                     B. tells           C. marks               D. signs

79. Mr. Wang, who is said to have immigrated to the USA, ________ at No.2 Middle School in our city for twenty years.

A. has been teaching           B. was teaching             C. taught               D. has taught

80. I’m sorry I can’t spare any ink for you, for, you see, I have __________ myself.

 A. nothing                      B. no one                            C. no                    D. none

81. ---How often do you visit your granny in the village?

---I feel ashamed. Just __________.

A. often                  B. by accident               C. once in a while         D. all of a sudden

82. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _________, refusing them when they turn to him.

A. if never                            B. if ever                      C. if not                       D. if any

83. The situation is _________ --- we have no food, very little water and no medical supplies.

A. desperate                   B. adventurous                     C. deserted                   D. optimistic

84. ---But for your timely warning, we __________ into great trouble.

---Well, you know we’re friends.

A. would get           B. must have got           C. would have got                D. can’t have got

85. With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are making use of every minute to ________ their foreign language because language volunteers must pass a written test and an interview.

A. polish up                         B. take up                     C. put up                      D. make up

86. The word “media” basically refers to _________ we commonly call newspapers, magazines,

radios and televisions.

A. which               B. that                   C. what                 D. where

87. The company made it a rule that any application form ___________ properly will not be accepted.

A. not to be filled     B. not filled     C. not being filled      D. not having been filled

88. It was not until the entrance exams were in sight that__________ that I had so many books to

cover and so many exercises to finish.

A. I realized                 B. did I realize                     C. had I realized            D. I had realized

89. __________ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.

A. When                 B. While                 C. As               D. Since

90. ---Surely you can turn to David for help.

---_______ He is the last one you can rely on.

A. Get out of it!                                 B. Is that right?

C. I couldn’t agree more.                    D. It’s up to you.

91.According to ________ announcement by Guangzhou Price Bureau, _________ new measures which have been taken recently are expected to cut the operation costs of each taxi driver by 1280 yuan

A.the; 不填            B.an; the        C.不填 ; the       D.an; 不填

92. ----Did you remember to pay the telephone bill?

-----The telephone bill? ____________.

A.That isn’t due yet.                           B.Are you sure?

C.My telephone is out of order.                   D.Please remember the amount.

93. Jim was not _________ to the club, because at that time he was not a member of it.

A.allowed               B.permitted           C.admitted             D.promoted

94.After the Shenzhou VI capsule (太空舱 ) touched down, two astronauts succeeded in traveling around the earth, thus again __________ China is a global space power.

A.proving              B.to prove              C.to have proved       D.being proved

95. Generous public funding of basic science would _________ a good many benefits for the country’s health, wealth and security.

A.result from          B.lead to         C.lie in           D.settle down

96. Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered and a child rarely dislikes food __________ it is badly cooked.

A.if                        B.until                  C.that                    D.unless

97. ----The Singaporean singer Stefanie Sun took the Most Popular Female Award in Hong Kong.

----But when she studied in middle school, no fans could have imagined how well she _______ in the world of entertainment. (孙燕姿)

A.would do              B.was doing             C.had done              D.did

98.This river has changed its course many times. It _________ always located where it ________ at present.

A.isn’t; is               B.isn’t; will be        C.wasn’t; is         D.wasn’t; has been

99. The film brought the hours back to me __________ I was taken good care of in that far- away village.

A.until                    B.that                     C.when                   D.where

100. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ___________ a goal.

A.had scored           B.scored                  C.would score     D.would have scored

101.__________ with such great difficulty, Jack felt at a loss__________.

A.facing; what to say                              B.Faced; what to say

C.Having faced; how to tell                         D.Being faced ; how to speak

102. With online course Crazy English has over 20 million students all over China __________ the class through Internet.

A.attend                  B.attended               C.attending             D.to be attending

103. The girl was so __________ by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the boats and rafts going and coming.

A.absorbed              B.fascinated            C.moved                 D.touched

104. _________ your proposal , I am pleased to inform you that most committee members consider it acceptable.

A.Considering        B.Concerning         C.Seeing             D.Supposing

105.----- Was _________ Bill , ________ played basketball very well, __________ helped the blind man cross the road?

------- Yes, of course. He is always ready to help others.

A.it; that; who         B.this; who; that      C.which; that; that   D.it; who; that

106.All these changes will lead to    __     strong and powerful China,  __      country that can surprise and enrich our planet.

A.a ;a                        B.the ; a                     C.the ; the                 D.a; the

107.―Have you ever heard that Beijing toilet attendants will be required to learn English for the 2008 Olympic Games?

―Yeah, I      ___   about it in The Beijing Morning Post.

A.had read                B.read                       C.would read             D.will read

108.When at university, Ross did many travels, some of         places of interest, relics, sights and styled buildings.

A.which                    B.them                      C.it                           D.that

109.They believed, and     ___    did we, that these modern paintings collected in the Shanghai Art Gallery were as valuable as those in the Museum.

A.that                       B.which                    C.neither                   D.so

110.I wonder what will        my daughter if she failed        most people have succeeded.

A.turn to ; in which                                       B.become of ; where

C.turn out ; that                                            D.become in ; when

111.When he came back, he found the bag he had      ____   over the seat was gone.

A.left to hang                                               B.left hanging

C.left hung                                                   D.to leave hanging

112.It has been said that in no country   ____      Britain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A.better than             B.other than              C.rather than             D.more than

113.The job is open to all,   _____     their previous experience.

A.apart from                                                B.as a consequence of

C.regardless of                                              D.in spite of

114.Although it is not our normal     ____    to give credit in our shop, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.

A.habit                     B.practice                  C.action                     D.intention

115.Feeling very   ____     , he felt     _____    he should take some actions.

A.angry, strong                                             B.angry, strongly

C.angrily, strong                                                  D.angrily, strongly

116.―You keep on coughing. What’s the matter?

―Oh, I’ve got a cold. Nothing serious,    ____   .

A.yet                        B.indeed                    C.though                    D.anyway

117.―How many students, do you think, will be present at the meeting?

―I expect     ____    20 students at the meeting.

A.there being            B.there to be              C.there be                 D.there been

118.Professor Hunter was soon told     ____    he discovered was not important to them.

A.why that                B.why what               C.that why                D.what why

119.Many teens have too much homework to do, which      ____   them up at night.

A.makes                    B.keeps                     C.breaks                    D.turns

120.―      __  he come to see you as he promised?

―Of course, please and I’d rather he       ____  me the truth.

A.Will ; informed      B.Shall; told              C.Should; will tell      D.Can; tells

121. ---Have you heard the latest news? 

---No, What __________?

    A. is it          B. is there            C. are they        D. are those

122. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs.

    A. then          B. there              C. while         D. where

123. The manager suggested an earlier date ____________ the meeting.

   A. on           B. for              C. about            D. with

124. ---It’s a long time since I saw my sister. 

---___________ her this weekend?

   A. Why not visit                   B. why not to visit

   C. Why not visiting                 D. Why don’t visit

125. ---The last one ____________ pays the meal.    ---Agreed!

    A. arrived       B. arrives         C. to arrive          D. arriving

126. I won’t call you, ___________ something unexpected happens.

    A. unless       B. whether         C. because         D. while

127. ---How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

   ---It __________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

   A. will         B. would        C. should       D. must

128. We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.

   A. not if dealt carefully with         B. if not carefully dealt with

   C. if dealt not carefully with         D. not if carefully dealt with

129. I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?

   A. burning     B. burnt        C. being burnt      D. to be burnt

130. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this!

   A. prefer       B. expect       C. suggest        D. suppose

131. Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding.

   A. like         B. as          C. or            D. but

132. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I __________ there several years ago.

   A. are going     B. had been    C. went          D. have been

133. ---Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! 


   A. Never mind                         B. Don’t mention it  

   C. Sure, I don’t smoke                   D. Pardon me

134. “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even ___________ from her book.

   A. looking down     B. looking up     C. looking away      D. looking on

135. The flowers were so lovely that they __________ in no time.

   A. sold         B. had been sold       C. were sold        D. would sell

136. About 698,000 laptops were sold in China in     _  second quarter,          12.1 % increase from a year ago.

   A. a; a          B. the; a          C. the;the         D. a; the

137. I can’t go to the New Year’s concert, _________, 100 dollars is just too much for me to spend in one evening.

A . in other words        B. that is       C. in particular       D. I mean

138. ----- What’s the model plane look like?

    ----- Well, the wings of the plane are _________ of its body.

A. more than the length twice         B. twice more than the length

C. more than twice the length         D. more twice than the length

139. ---- You shouldn’t have gone there alone last night.

---- But I __________, because Xiao Wang went there, too.

A. didn’t       B. had to      C. did      D. should

140. Before leaving home, make sure to turn off the electricity, lock the door, ________ the windows open.

A. and not to leave    B. instead of leaving     C. rather than leave    D. and not leave

141. Space exploration has been made __________ with the development of modern science and technology.

A. it possible        B. it was possible          C. that possible           D. possible

142. The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time _________ the situation improves.

A. since                 B. when                C. unless               D. before

143. It    ___ how long the shock that explosions hit London transport system will stay in people's hearts.

A. abandons                B. considers             C. matters.             D. minds

144. ---Thanks for your trouble.  

---Not at all. I’m ___________ pleased to help you.

A. too much              B. too only                C. so much         D. only too

145. --- Mr White is strongly against the plan.

--- __________ ? It was he who suggested it.

A. Why not      B. How’s that     C. What for       D. Is that right

146. So     __  _ that all the living things died out gradually .

A.serious polluted the lake is                   B.serious polluted is the lake

C.seriously polluted the lake is         D.seriously polluted is the lake

147. Teenagers are warned to be careful when making friends online, because when you can’t see a person, they could be __________.

A. everybody      B. somebody        C. anybody         D. nobody

148. Then I have learned there are a lot of troubles in our lives, but the problem is __________ they control you or you control them.

A. why                         B. whether                C. that                 D. what 

149. He __________ full marks, but he was so careless as to make a spelling mistake.

A. must have gained     B. can have gained     C. could have gained       D. must gain

150. It is few people, _________ have come to ask for the position, __________ fit for the job.

A. who ; who do I think is      B. that ; I think is

C. that ; who I think are       D. who ; that I think are

151.The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large ___________.

       A.fortune               B.luck                  C.money                D.amount

152.Don’t push me! __________ you know the truth right away?

      A.Must                  B.Could                C.Might               D.Would

153.Scientist are not sure about the ___________ of water on the Mars.

      A.occupation         B.existence            C.demand               D.treasure

154.He dressed up and went to the party as if ___________.

     A.was invi



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