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第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.Who is the man looking for?

A.Mary.                            B.Dick.                             C.Bob.

2.How much money does the man have?

A.$7.00                            B.$8.00.                           C.$5.00

3.Where will the man go for holiday?

A.Egypt.                           B.France.                          C.Germany.

4.Will the woman turn off the clock?

A.Certainly.                      B.Maybe.                          C.No.

5.What is the woman doing?

A.Offering help.

B.Making an appointment.

C.Making a request.

第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.How many rooms does the man need?

A.2.                                 B.3.                                  C.4.

7.When will the man arrive?

A.On Dec.19.    B.On Dec.12.    C.On Dec.16.


8.In what way are the speakers unsatisfied with the house?

A.Number of rooms.


C.Size of the bedrooms.

9.What will the speakers do at last?

A.See another apartment.

B.Return to the last apartment.

C.Rent this house.


10.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a hotel.                      B.In a shop.                      C.In a bank.

11.How does the woman feel at last?

A.Angry.                          B.Satisfied.                       C.Sorry.


12.How are the two speakers traveling?

A.By air.                          B.By train.                        C.By car.

13.What is the destination of the two speakers?

A.Los Angeles.                  B.San Francisco.                C.San Jose.

14.Why are the speakers going to the gas station?

A.To fill in some gas.         B.To buy a map.                C.To ask directions.


15.What is the speech about?

A.A special group.

B.A new class.

C.A concert.

16.What will the club members do on Thursdays?

A.To listen to CDs.

B.To talk about musicians.

C.To give performances.

17.What is required to do to become a member of the club?

A.To pay some money.

B.To bring some CDs.

C.To fill in a form.


18.Where did the man live three months ago?

A.In a student house.

B.With a family.

C.In a hotel

19.What is the man’s problem in studying?

A.The student house is too noisy.

B.The computer room is busy.

C.The course is too difficult.

20.Who is probably the woman?

A.A teacher.                      B.A friend.                       C.A mother.

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)



21.―I heard that as many as 24 people were killed in the big fire.

―Yes,         news came as          shock to us.

A.a; a                     B.the; /                   C./; a                     D.the; a

22.―I         some photos to be developed. Are they ready yet?

―Yes. Here you are.

A.left                     B.will leave            C.have left              D.had left

23.Try        the green button to see if the machine will start.

A.press                   B.to press               C.pressing              D.to have pressed

24.The children soon lost their way,     they had never been in the forest alone before.

A.but                     B.and                     C.so                       D.for

25.At minus 130°C, a living cell can      for a thousand years.

A.preserve              B.be preserved        C.be preserving       D.have been preserved

26.         with the threat of water shortages, Beijing and Shanghai are taking effective measures to save water and protect water resources.

A.Face                   B.Faced                  C.Facing                D.To face

27.        annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.

A.How                   B.Why                   C.What                  D.Which

28.You      the parcel home. The shop would have delivered it if you had asked.

A.needn’t have carried                            B.couldn’t have carried

C.mustn’t have carried                            D.shouldn’t have carried

29.A lot of girls want to be singers, but     can realize their dreams.

A.some                  B.any                     C.few                     D.many


­―Yes, Sir. In the meeting room.

A.is expecting         B.has expected        C.expected              D.was expecting

31.―Will you be paying      cheque?

―No. Cash.

A.for                     B.on                      C.by                      D.in

32.        you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering.

A.If only                B.Even if               C.Instead of            D.Despite of

33.He liked to go to dances and parties.      he could have a good time just sitting and watching.

A.where                 B.when                  C.which                 D.why

34.Can it be in the drawer      you put your keys?

A.where                 B.that                     C.what                   D.when

35.           a full discussion of the problem, the committee spent a whole hour exchanging their ideas at the meeting.

A.Have                                                  B.Having

C.Had                                                    D.To have

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Sometimes you can’t believe what is happening before your eyes. With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our four-year-old daughter, Becky, felt   36  at home. Cattle and horses were too big for her to   37  with. Oh, my poor daughter.

One day I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when Becky rushed in with   38   . “Mama!” she cried, “Come to see my new dog! I gave him water two times already. He’s so thirsty.”

I   39  , another of Becky’s imaginary  40  .

“Please come, Mama.” She pulled  41  my jeans, her brown eyes pleading(肯求). “He’s crying―and he can’t walk!” “Can’t walk?” I could   42   it must be a certain animal this time. “All right, honey,” I said. By the time I tried to   43   her, Becky had already disappeared into the   44  . “Where are you?” I called. “Over here by the oak stump(橡木桩). Hurry , Mama!” I   45  the branches and raised my hand   46  the glare of the sun. To my   47  , she was touching an unmistakable head of a wolf!

“Becky,” My mouth felt dry. “Don’t move.” I   48   closer. Yes, it was a big wolf which was badly hurt. Suddenly the wolf   49  . “It’s all right, boy.” Becky   50   it. “Don’t be afraid. That’s my Mama, and she loves you, too.” Then the unbelievable thing happened. As her tiny hands 51   the great shaking head, I found the wolf   52   down and waved his tail gently. “Honey,” my   53   tightened. “Put his   54   down and come to Mama. We’ll go and find help.”

Becky got up and kissed the wolf on the nose before she walked slowly into my arms. With Becky  55  in my arms, I ran home quickly. I can’t understand why my little girl could get along well with the wolf, but I always think if only all of us could get on well with other animals, like my slaughter and the wolf.

36.A.lonely          B.afraid                  C.free                    D.happy

37.A.go               B.deal                    C.play                    D.compete

38.A.sadness        B.excitement           C.caution                D.fear

39.A.regretted      B.complained          C.laughed               D.sighed

40.A.plans           B.dogs                   C.tricks                  D.discoveries

41.A.on               B.over                    C.up                      D.at

42.A.recognize     B.suspect                C.say                     D.declare

43.A.follow         B.catch                   C.trust                    D.convince

44.A.gate             B.house                  C.crowd                 D.woods

45.A.parted          B.split                    C.struck                 D.surrounded

46.A. to              B.for                      C.from                   D.against

47.A.joy              B.astonishment        C.curiosity              D.disappointment

48.A.reached        B.sought                 C.stepped               D.watched

49.A.shook          B.attacked              C.jumped               D.stood

50.A.stopped        B.comforted           C.blamed                D.ordered

51.A.beat             B.felt                     C.waved                 D.held

52.A.went            B.slowed                C.calmed                D.got

53.A.teeth            B.mind                   C.feet                     D.throat

54.A.body            B.tail                     C.head                   D.hand

55.A.safe             B.happy                 C.nervous               D.proud




Nothing is more upset than not being able to sleep, tossing and turning. Your mind is racing, going over everything that happened that day. Night noises keep you awake, what can you do? Here are some things you can do to help you to fall asleep.

Sleep only when sleepy

This reduces the time you are awake in bed.

If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy.

Don't expose yourself to bright light while you are up. The light tells your brain that it is time to wake up.

Don't take naps

This will ensure that you are tired at bedtime. If you just can't make it through the day without a nap, sleep less than one hour, and take a nap before 3 p.m.

Get up and go to bed the same time every day

Even on weekends! When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm, you will feel better.

Regular exercise can help you sleep well, but the time to do exercise is important. Exercising in the morning or early afternoon will not interfere(干扰)with sleep.

Have a snack before bedtime

If your stomach is too empty, that can interfere with sleep. However, if you eat a heavy meal before bedtime, that can interfere as well. Have a warm glass of milk.

Take a hot bath 90 minutes before bedtime

A hot bath will raise your body temperature, but it is the drop in body temperature that may make you feel sleepy.

56.If you want to have a good sleep at night, you can         .

A.take a bath before bedtime

B.sit quietly with the light on

C.read an uninteresting magazine

D.think over what happened in the day

57.According to the passage, one had better not take naps         .

A.before 3 p.m

B.for over one hour

C.when they are tired

D.when they have many things to do

58.What can we infer from the passage?

A.A lot of people have problems in sleeping.

B.Taking exercise before bedtime can help you sleep well.

C.The rise in your body temperature makes you feel sleepy.

D.Have a little food when you feel very hungry before bedtime.

59.What is the best title for the passage?

A.How to sleep well

B.Why can’t we fall asleep

C.Developing a regular sleep cycle

D.Sleep habits and health


We all know that when leaves fall to the ground they die and become food for worms. When worms pass the leaves, their waste can help to make the soil rich, from which the plants use to get their nutrition. The plants grow and provide food for animals. When the animals eat the plants, their waste goes back into the soil. It’s a perfect cycle.

But at the Elephant Conservation Centre in Lampang, Northern Thailand, they are using elephant waste for something more―to make 100% natural, beautiful colorful paper products! 100 years ago over 100,000 elephants in Thailand worked on farms, building sites and even in the army. However, only 6,000 remain there today because of advances in technology that have made elephants’ old word less necessary. Elephants are doing new jobs now, including entertaining tourists by painting and playing football, and now by helping in the paper making industry. And their keepers, called Mahouts, can earn a living for their families and help their elephants by using elephant waste, also called “dung” to make beautiful, natural, paper products without any bad smell.

Every day an adult elephant eats about 200kg of plants like bamboo, grass and watermelon seeds. His body system breaks the plants into 50kg of fibers, which can produce 115 sheets of fibrous paper.

The first step to make this special natural paper is to collect the fiber rich “dung” from the elephant. The next step is to wash it and boil it for five hours to kill bacteria. (The water the use in this process is reused to water plans at the Centre, which, in turn, feed the elephants). After it’s boiled, they cut fibers up. During the cutting process, they add in the desired color of the paper. For the fourth step, they take the mixture and make balls of 300g. Each ball is then speeds lightly over bamboo frames to dry into one large sheet of paper. After a few hours in the sun, the sheets are dry enough to remove. The result is a wonderful, 100% natural, recycled paper. People around the world are getting interested in buying this special elephant paper for their holiday cards, writing paper and much more, because it’s beautiful, natural and helps so many.

60.Why are there few elephants in Thailand today than before?

A.Because they don’t have enough food.

B.Because they were killed in the war.

C.Because they technology develops very fast.

D.Because they Mahouts don’t want to keep them.

61.What is the famous product mentioned in the passage?

A.Paper.                 B.Dung                  .C.Fibers.               D.Bamboo frames.

62.What are the exact words to describe the whole process of the product?

A.Common, interesting, and inexpensive.

B.Unusual, amazing, and perfect.

C.Impossible, special, but necessary.

D.Natural, wonderful and common.


Somehow Rey had managed to struggle free from the rope around his neck, after being left to die a slow death as punishment for being a bad Spanish greyhound(猎狗).


But Rey's intended fate(命运) was, even within the levels of cruelty usually shown to Spanish hunting dogs, especially cruel. The rope around his neck had been set at a height so that his front paws could not touch the ground, meaning that he was intended to stand on his back legs until he was too tired to support himself. When his legs finally became too tired, the rope should have done its work.

"They call it the typewriting death, because the dog's back legs struggled against the ground and make the clicking sound of a typewriter," said Albert Sorde, of the SOS Galgos greyhound rescue group. "It is a punishment for greyhounds that are thought to have made their owners lose face."

"Rey's throat was severely damaged but we managed to find a vet to operate and, though it was expensive, he survived," he said.

Greyhounds in Spain are used for hunting hares(野兔). "The dogs are meant to imitate the swerves(转向)of the hares," said Sorde. "Those who don't, and make their owners look bad, are called ' dirty greyhounds' and are most likely to be killed by the typewriter method."

63.Rey was intended to be killed by             .

A.Kicking              B.burying              C.hanging               D.drowning

64.The underlined word "vet" in (Paragraph 5) probably means  “_________”.

A.animal doctor                                      B.ambulance

C.animal medicine                                 D.equipment

65.What can you infer from the passage?

A.Dogs are not kept as pets in Spain.

B.Rey was punished because he had not been loyal to his owner.

C.The typewriting death is named because a typewriter is used in the punishment.

高考资源网( www.ks5u.com),中国最大的高考网站,您身边的高考专家。3.读图1,该岛屿形成的主导作用是(    )

    A.火山活动       B.断裂作用

    C.流水作用       D.生物作用







高考资源网( www.ks5u.com),中国最大的高考网站,您身边的高考专家。市;图3是图2中①、②两水文站的河流径流量年变化示意图。读图2和图3,回答4~6题。










4.造成从⑥处到⑤处植被变化的原因可能是                                 (    )

    A.纬度差异       B.海陆差异       C.海拔差异       D.人类活动差异

5.有关该区域陆地水的叙述正确的是                                       (    )





6.关于该区域其它地理事项的叙述正确的是                                 (    )




















7.世界影响范围最广的农业灾害是                                         (    )

    A.水土流失       B.洪涝           C.干旱           D.沙漠化

8.欧洲和北美洲出现同样的农业灾害,可显示出下列何种地理特征             (    )

    A.都属于同一种气候类型             B.工业化程度高

    C.森林覆盖率低                     D.纬度跨度大,农业灾害类型多

9.欧洲农业灾害明显较少且少有干旱现象的主要原因是                       (    )

    A.温带海洋性气候,气候温湿且稳定   B.地广人稀,务农者少

高考资源网( www.ks5u.com),中国最大的高考网站,您身边的高考专家。    C.北部高山阻挡冷气团入侵           D.用先进科技改造环境



10.该国第一产业所占的比重是                                            (    )

    A.20%            B.30%           

C.50%            D.60%

11.该图反映的国家可能是                                                (    )

    A.中国           B.新加坡        

C.美国           D.韩国



最苦,而赢利少,不如商贾、技巧之人。苟能令商贾技巧之人无繁,则欲国之无富,不可得也”。商鞅为此而采取的措施是                              (    )

    A.重农抑商,奖励耕织               B.废除分封制,行郡县制

    C.恢复周礼,实行仁政               D.行法治,实行严刑峻法

13.清代处于“近代前”的经济增长期。高产作物的引进,中国人吃植物类食物的习惯等,都有助于极大限度地养活人口。社会安定与经济持续增长的所谓“康乾盛世”比历代时间都长。……康熙五十一年(1712年)又下诏“盛世滋生人丁,永不加赋”。雍正继而实行“摊丁入亩”和赋税改革。据此对清代人口增长原因的叙述不正确的是  (    )

    A.高产作物的引进养活了大量人口     B.统治者调整生产关系

    C.清前期社会稳定是人口增长的基础   D.清代君主专制达到顶峰


14.陈寅恪《李唐氏族推测之后记》中说“李唐一族之所以崛兴,盖取塞外野蛮精悍之血,注入中原文化颓废之躯,旧染既除,新机重启,扩大恢张,遂能别创空前之世局。”对此理解正确的是                (    )





15.19世纪末20世纪初,中国(知识界)对外国作品的兴趣从纯科技转向制度和政治方面……对自然科学和应用科学的热情向社会科学和人文科学转移。新的着重点对中国的政治和社会发展起着重大影响。下列各项不能说明这一观点的是                   (    )






16.明初服饰制度有严密的规定,但到明中后期“人皆志于尊崇富侈,不复知有明禁,群相蹈之。”造成这种现象的原因是                                                    (    )

    A.商品经济发展的影响               B.西学东渐风气的影响

    C.反封建民族思想的影响             D.明朝百姓服饰统一规范

17.“1840年以后进入近代,西洋文化侵袭着中国本土文化,许多沿海大城市,尤其是上海这样的大都会,因华洋杂居,得西方风气之先,服饰也开始发生潜在的变革。”这种变化体现在                      (    )

    A.西服的出现                       B.中山装的出现

    C.旗袍的改进                       D.列宁装的流行


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    A.正面战场是主战场                 B.敌后战场是主战场

    C.从战略防御转向战略相持           D.正面战场与敌后战场协同作战

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    ①农村经济得到了全面的振兴          ②农村居民生活水平显著提高

    ③改变了经营方式以及分配方式        ④废除人民公社实行多种所有制

    A.①②③         B.①③④         C.①②④         D.②③④


20.20世纪20至30年代我党经历了从幼稚逐渐走向成熟的历程。下列关于党的发展历程按先后排序正确的是                                            (    )

    ①分析国情,提出民主革命纲领        ②适时完成国内战争向民族解放战争的转化

    ③独立自主,妥善解决党内分歧        ④重心转移,点燃工农武装割据的星星之火

    A.①②③④       B.①②④③       C.④①②③       D.①④③②

21.据《解放日报》:党的政策仅是扶助农民减轻封建剥削,而不是消灭封建剥削,故于减租减息之后又须实行交租交息政策,于保障农民的人权、地权、财权之后,又须保障地主的人权、地权、财权,借以联合地主阶级一致抗日。中共提出这一政策的时期是(    )

    A.土地革命时期                     B.解放战争时期

    C.新中国成立后                     D.抗日战争时期


22.某学校组织了一次主题为“快速发展的亚洲城市”的图片展,展览内容按20世纪的不同年代分为若干板块,下列各项反映了70年代亚洲经济发展的特点是   (    )

    A.美丽的港口城市――新加坡         B.一夜崛起之城――深圳

    C.辉煌的东方明珠――上海           D.繁华的大都市――东京

23.如果撰写一篇关于20世纪90年代国际经济形势论文,下列选题正确的是    (    )





24.应对金融危机,中国政府把“改善民生扩大消费”做为经济发展的新思路。温家宝总理强调,我们必须坚定不移地推进社会公平与正义,关心群众的利益,让每个人都享受改革和建设的成果。从经济学角度看,这与我国             相一致。            (    )

    ①市场经济的性质                    ②经济发展的目的

    ③市场秩序的建立                    ④国家机构的原则

    A.①②           B.②③           C.①②④         D.①②③④

25.美国总统奥巴马提出了对高管的“限薪令”;一些欧盟国家也要求接受政府救助的金融机构限制高管薪酬;各国媒体纷纷认可“经济学家、金融学家身上应该流淌着道德的血液”。不同性质的国家都重视道德问题,是因为                      (    )

    A.不同的国家道德要求是相同的       B.不同的国家有不同的道德要求

    C.不同的国家有不同的经济职能       D.道德缺失会威胁到社会的稳定

26.我国某外向型玩具企业,自主开发的会跑、会笑、会说英文的玩偶娃娃,深受市场欢迎。由于新产品增加了技术含量,使用了环保新材料,该娃娃与两年前本厂生产的同类产品相比较,劳动时间增加了一倍。两年来我国人民币兑美元的外汇汇率由7.73降至6.83。假设其他条件不变,该娃娃出口的美元价格与两年前生产的娃娃相比较(保留整数位)(    )

    A.提高100%       B.降低50%        C.提高126%       D.降低9%


27.近些年来,PVC保鲜膜致癌事件,“福寿螺风波”、“多宝鱼事件”、某些奶粉“三聚氰胺”超标等危害消费者健康的食品安全案件时有发生。这些事件的出现,说明(    )





28.今年2月28日,十一届人大常委会第七次会议表决通过了食品安全法,该项法律将于今年6月1日正式生效。这体现了我国国家机构坚持             原则。                 (    )

    ①对人民负责                        ②公民权利和义务的相统一

    ③依法治国                          ④民主集中制

    A.①②           B.②③           C.①③           D.②④


29.84个国家和地区超过2848个城市和村镇参与了这一活动。“地球一小时”象征着希望,也代表着行动。越来越多的民众意识到,一个小小举动可以对最终结果有巨大的影响。这一过程体现的哲学道理是          (    )

    A.任何事物之间都存在因果联系       B.价值观对人的活动具有导向作用

    C.矛盾双方相互依存相互制约         D.实践的发展是由于认识的发展

30.专家认为,节能灯只用20%的电能就可以发出和白炽灯一样的光。如果把现用的白炽灯全部更换成节能灯,那么一年可节电600多亿度,接近三峡电站全年的发电量。专家在提醒我们                        (    )

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    A.①②           B.②③          

C.①③           D.③④


31.下列成语典故,与漫画寓意相近的是                                    (    )

    A.一叶障目,不见泰山  B.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全

    C.人非圣贤,孰能无过  D.万事俱备,只欠东风


题,就必须            (    )

    ①完成劳动任务,执行安全规程        ②提高职业技能,适应市场需要

    ③遵守职业道德,诚实守信敬业        ④提高自身素质,转变择业观念

    A.①②           B.①③           C.②④           D.③④

33.“实践长才干,勤学出智慧”反映的是                                  (    )

    ①内容与形式的关系                  ②主观与客观的关系

    ③原因与结果的关系                  ④量变与质变的关系

    A.①②           B.③④           C.①③           D.②④

34.“入国问禁,入乡随俗”体现的道理是                                  (    )

    A.尊重社会发展客观规律             B.积极发挥主观能动性

    C.尊重民族文化的差异性             D.坚持民族平等和团结

35.2008年12月6日,法国总统萨科齐不顾中国人民的强烈反对和中国政府的一再严正交涉,执意以法国总统和欧盟轮值主席的双重身份会见达赖,阻碍了中法关系的发展。今年4月1日,中法两国外交部共同发布《中法新闻公报》。法国明确表示拒绝支持任何形式的“西藏独立”。导致这一变化的根本原因是            的需要。

    A.扩大国际合作                     B.发展民族关系

    C.维护世界和平                     D.实现国家利益






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   (1)甲、乙两地的自然带分别是                                  。(2分)






























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一、Language points

1.       keep a record of

keep records of

break/beat the record for/in+比赛项目

hold/keep the record of

set (up) the world record for/in+比赛项目

set up a new world record

make a record/make records

play/put on a record

2.              sb/sth=be satisfied with sb/sth

    satisfy  one’s desires/hunger/thirst

           the conditions

to one’s satisfaction

adj.: satisfying, satisfied, satisfactory

3.       treat  a disease


treat sb/oneself (to sth)

This is my treat.

Dutch treat

4.       explain/whisper sth to sb

=explain/whisper to sb sth

in a whisper=in whispers

5.       character: 性格,人物,汉字

characteristic: 特征,特点

6.       trouble sb to do

be troubled with

ask/look for trouble

get into trouble

be in trouble

get out of trouble

have trouble (in) doing sth

have trouble with sth

make trouble:闹事

take (the) trouble to do:尽力/设法做…

put sb to the trouble of doing:麻烦某人做…

7.  turn on            turn off

turn in            give/hand out

turn up           turn down

turn around/round       

turn away

turn over

turn back

turn out (to be)

turn to sb/sth

7.       only if…: 只有,只要…

                           had done──过去

    if only: 要是…该多好+  did/were──现在

                           would/should do    将来


2.       at one time=once

at times=sometimes

at all times=always

at a time=each time

for a time=for some time

at no time

at the same time

3.       supply sth to sb=supply sb with sth

provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth

offer sb sth=offer sth to sb

4.       have a habit of doing

form/develop the habit of

be in the habit of

5.       face the music: 临危不惧

play music=perform music

6.       more than: 不仅仅,超过

more than one+n.(单)+V(单):不止一个

  More than one student likes this film.

more than+n/adj: 远非,不仅仅是…

  Bamboo is used for more than building.

no more than: 只有,仅仅

not more than=at (the) most: 最多…,不超过…


  The man is more brave than wise.

14.  the next time时间名词短语用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,此外,the first time, every time, each time, the moment, the minute, the second。




一、Language points

1.           sth:与…一致/符合


       with  one’s idea/opinion  同意某人的意见

             what sb said       (观点,所说的话)

       to on’s plan/arrangement/suggestion

agree    同意某人的计划、安排、意见

       about/on/upon sth同意做某事

       to do sth


2.           of/about sth  提醒

  remind sb   to do sth

             that-clause  使人回忆起…

3.  add…to…:把…加上(在)…

    add to=increase:增添,增进

    add up (to):加(起来是),总计达…

4.  success  n.(U)成功,(C)成功者/事

    succeed  v.   successful  a.  successfully  ad.

    be successful in (doing) sth

    succeed in doing sth        成功做某事

    have success in doing sth

    Sb/sth is a success.

5.       be/stay/keep+in touch with 表状态

be out of touch with

get in touch with  表动作

lose touch with

6.  in case of+短语

in case+从句

  in no case决不

  in any case无论如何

  in that case如果那样

5.       expensive/cheap


priceless=very expensive:无价的

6.       respond (vi)+  to…:对…回应


    resonse (n.)

7.       be harmful to sb/sth

do sb/sth harm

do harm to sb/sth

do sb/sth good

do good to sb/sth

8.       die out:(家族、物种等)死光,灭绝;


die away:(风、声音、光线等)逐渐停止(消失)

die down:(指炉火等)渐熄;(指骚动等)渐平息;(指闹声)消失

die off:先后死去了;…死去

die of:死于内因(如疾病、年老、饥饿、情感等)

die from:死于外因(如损伤、事故、天灾等)

11.  as a/the result of:由于…

as a result:结果,因此

result from:因…而引起

result in=cause:导致,致使…

12.   take measures to do sth:采取措施

make clothes to one’s own measure:量体裁衣

13.   late:晚,迟,不久前





14.   adapt to sth/sb:适应某物/某人

adapt sth/sb to sth/sb:使某物/某人适应某物/某人

adapt oneself to:使自己适应某事

adapt from:根据…改写/改编


 You should adapt yourself t the new environment.


  You can’t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to

your eyes


  The shoes fitted me well.


   No dish suits all taste.


   A red jacket doesn’t match green trousers.

adopt  sb:收养


15.   devote oneself/time/life to   

look forward to             doing sth

be/get used to

stick to/get down to/object to

16.   free of charge

for free

be free from

set sb/sth free

17.   by force:靠武力,强行

be in force:生效

come/go into force:生效

force one’s way:强行前进或进入

18.   It’s one’s turn to do sth:轮到某人干某事

take one’s turn:依次,轮到某人

in turn:依次,轮流,反过来,转而

by turns:轮流,交替

take turns (at) doing sth/to do sth:轮流干某事





1. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求,所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。

2. 答题前,务必在答题纸上用钢笔或签字将姓名、准考证号等填写清楚。

3. 答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,绝对不能错位。

4. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。


卷(选择题  共60分)





一、Language points

1.           sth

             sth for sth

   prepare+   for sth

             to do sth

   be prepared for

   be prepared to do sth

   make preparations for

2.       They tied for first place in the game.

We tied with the visiting team in the basketball match.

The dog is tied to a tree.

3.  affect vt. 影响

     effect n. 效果,作用

     have a good/bad effect on

     in effect事实上

     cause and effect因果

     take effect生效,起作用

     come into effect生效,实行

     effort n. 努力

     without effort毫不费力

     make every effort尽一切努力

     spare no effort不遗余力

3.       weigh vt. 称…的重量

          vi. 重达…, 重量为…

      put on weight

      lose weight

      by weight

      in meters/pounds/calories

      by the day/the week/the yard/the dozen/the ton

4.                 in…参加…比赛

    compete+  with/against…与…竞赛/竞争


5.       Where there is a river, there is a city.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Where there is life, there is hope.

6.                     do sth

                  not do sth

                  do sth than do sth

   would rather+   =would do sth rather than do sth

                 =prefer to do sth rather than do sth

                 that-clause+  did──表现在或将来

                             had done──表过去

7.       do damage to sth

live one’s dream

in ruins/in pieces

under attack/discussion/construction/consideration/treatment

8.       almost: 差距比nearly小。可与never, no, no one, none,

           nobody, nothing, nowhere等否定词连用,但不能


nearly: 不可与上述否定词连用,但可与not连用,构成

       Not…nearly, 意为“远非…,远不及…”




一、Language points

1.  owe sb sth=owe sth to sb:欠某人某物

    owe sth to sb/sth: 将…归功于…

    owing to…: 由于…

     =thanks to/because of/due to…

2.  think highly/poorly/little/a lot +of sb/sth

    speak highly/well/badly +of sb/sth

    sing high praise for sb/sth

3.  apologize to sb for (doing) sth

    make an apology to sb for (doing) sth

    excuse sb for (doing) sth

    forgive sb for (doing) sth

    pardon sb for (doing) sth

4.  make an impression on sb

    have an impression of sth

    impress sth on/upon one’s mind

5.       serve  in the army

          on the office

    serve the people/the dish

    serve sb with sth=serve sth to sb

    serve as the chairman

6.       make jokes about: 取笑, 拿…开玩笑

=make a joke about

    laugh at: 嘲笑

    have a joke with sb: 开某人的玩笑

    play a joke on sb=play tricks on sb: 戏弄

    in joke: 闹着玩,开玩笑

7.             to do

    It’s time+   for sth

               For sb to do sth


8.  the one/ones:替代同类事物中特指一个或一些

    one: 替代上文提到的同类名词中的一个,表泛指

    it: 指上文提到的同一个事物

    that: 替代上文出现的带定冠词的名词或不可数名词

9.  none: 用来回答how many/how much引导的问句,常与of连用

    no one: 只能指人,用来回答who引导的问句

    neither: 两者都不,表单数

    nothing: 用于指物,用来回答what引导的问句

10.  cloth  布(u.): a piece of cloth

           表示某种特殊用途的布块(桌布):Wipe up the water with a cloth.

     clothes: 衣服,服装。是一个没有单数形式的复数名词:

             A suit of clothes 注:不能直接用数词修饰,但可用many, few, his, my, thse之类的词修饰,作主语时谓语动词用复数。

     clothing: 服装,衣着。是一个无复数形式的物质名词,除衣服外,还包括幌子,手套,鞋袜之类的东西,作主语时谓语动词用单数。A piece of clothing, an artcle of clothing

     dress: 指穿在外面的衣服,尤指在社交场合穿的礼服及妇女的连衣裙。

     suit: 成套的衣服。

11.  live: 活着,有生命的(作定语,主要用来指鸟或其他动物),实况直播的

     lively: 活泼的,有生气的,生动的

     alive: 活着的,还有气儿的,是表语形容词,在句中作表语或后置定语

     living: 活着,健在的,现行的

12.  receive: 收到,接到(客观动作);accept: 接受,领受(主观意愿)



13.        turn+adj: 常表示从某种状态向其他状态变化的自然现象

             The weather has turned much colder.

      go+adj: 常表示由好变坏的情况:The milk went wrong/bad.

      become+adj: 强调施动者的作用或变化的结果

                  Please don’t get angry.

      come+adj: 一般表示向好的方面变化。

                My dream has come true.

14. 含有插入语的疑问句:

What do you think has happened to him?

How do you suppose the film will end?

Why do you believe he is unfit for the office?

15. 主从复合句的反意疑问句:疑问部分根据主句确定,但是主句的主语是I/we, 谓语是think /suppose /believe /hope /imagine /expect /guess /know /feel /be sure /be told时,疑问部分根据从句确定,否定转移时,疑问部分用肯定语气。

She think it is a good idea, doesn’t she?

I think it is a good idea, isn’t it?

I don’t think it is a good idea, is it?

