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2.The author felt very uncomfortable during some of the dinners because____________.

A.she disliked scorpions and lobster

B.the services in the restaurants were not good enough

C.she disliked that the things were brought live to the table

D.she thought the food was not fresh enough



1.According to the author of the passage ,it is the Chinese custom_____________.

A.to fill somebody’s teacup all the way up  B.not to fill somebody’s teacup full

C.not to fill somebody’s teacup half way  D.not to desire the guest to leave

解析:B。细节理解题,根据“I was gently criticized for filling somebody’s teacup all the way up instead of half way.”可知,作者不熟悉中国的饮食风俗,给客人的茶杯填得满满的,而不是填一半,并因此受到和善的批评,由此可知按照中国的风俗,不应该往茶杯中填满茶水。


4.What do you know about “My Heartache”?

A.It was a very popular song.       B.It was a song for the movie of the same name.

C.Fields’ heart was badly hit by someone. D.Fields’ heart ached when he graduated.

解析:A。由最后一段可知“My Heartache”是Fields写的一首歌曲,该歌曲名列1974年最佳排行榜第十七名。


Before I came to China, I had heard that ,although North Americans eat more than Chinese ,Chinese eat better .Since I have come to China ,I have been able to experience these differences first-hand.A whole new world of food has been opened up to me .

    Along with these new experiences came the quite unexpected introduction to the rituals (惯例)associated with eating .For example,shortly after arriving ,I was gently criticized for filling somebody’s teacup all the way up instead of half way. This was a signal to the person that I desired that he leave.

    There may be mixed messages about what it means when you do something associated with food. But the fact is that there may be a message contained in the preparation ,serving and consumption(吃喝)of food in China. This was an idea that was totally new to me !

    More than one Chinese has made the comment to me that they were unhappy with the results of inviting a foreigner to a meal .They told me that the foreigner was not appreciative of the meal that was served to him or her and was hard to please .

    Having played the part of the foreigner at more than one Chinese buffet, I can understand where the misunderstandings come from .I myself have felt very uncomfortable during some of the dinners I have been invited to .

    One time I was invited to a dinner in a famous restaurant in Tianjin. Its menu was based on seafood .I was still relatively new to the concept that your fish would be brought live to your table .In Canada you are never introduced to your meal before hand .Something we don’t like is considering what our food looks like before that actual consumption.

    However ,having been in China for one year, I went along and helped point out some of the selections for the evening’s meal .I hesitated at the scorpions(蝎子),but swallowed my distaste and indeed found later that they were tasty.

    The meal was winding its way along without any problems .Then they brought out the lobster(龙虾). I looked at it and then looked at it again and noticed that it was still moving !It had been brought out live to show that our raw lobster was indeed very fresh.

    At that point ,I nearly lost it .It took all of my composure(镇定)for me to stay seated at the table and not hurl(冲进)myself in the bathroom and bring up the contents of the previous dishes.

    Now the interesting thing is that when I tell that story to a foreigner ,the reaction is always the same : Horror ,sympathy ,shock .When I tell the same story to a Chinese ,they don’t understand my point of view .In fact ,I often think that they believe that there is something truly wrong with me and not with the fact that a lobster had been served live at the table.


3.The underlined phrase “had their way” in Paragraph 1 most probably means“_______”.

A.done as they wished          B.found their way of punishing Fields

C.made conditions easy for Fields’ future  D.prevented Fields from going to college



2.From this passage, we can learn that Fields_________.

A.wrote no songs before entering college    B.made up songs before entering college

C.began writing songs after attending college   D.had songs published before attending college

解析:B。由第三、四两段可知Fields在进入Stanton大学前就已偷偷地在“play his guitar and make up songs”了。


1.According to the passage, Stanley Fields’__________.

A.parents were teachers      B.mother and brother were teachers

C.father and uncle were teachers   D.aunt and uncle were teachers

解析:C。由第二段中的“He wanted me to go to college and become a teacher as he and his brother were”可知答案。


5.The attitude of the writer toward Band Relax One is _____________.

A.supportive   B.objective  ive ral

解析:A。根据作者在文章中的语气可知他对于Band Relax One持赞承态度。


Stanley Fields, who wrote “Sad, Sad Cowboy”, which won this year’s Philip’s Prize as the best song of the year, might have had a very different job if his parents had had their way.

In an interview, Fields said, “When I was a child, my father always told me I should put down my guitar and do my homework. He wanted me to go to college and become a teacher as he and his brother were.”

Fields explained that he made a great effort to please his father, but often his love of music became too great and he would steal into a garden behind his house and play his guitar and make up song.

“I made it to Stanton College,” he laughed,“but I took accounting(会计)instead of teaching. And to pay my own way, I played the guitar and sang at a local nightclub.”

While fields was still in his senior year(大学四年级), an executive(总裁)of a record company came into the club as he was singing one of his own songs. The executive liked what he heard and signed the man to a contract(合同).

Since graduating from Stanton College in 1973, Fields has spent his full time writing and singing songs. “My Heartache,”a song he wrote while in college, reached number seventeen in the top twenty hit songs of 1974 and in 1977 his song “Rambling”was the song for the movie of the same name.


4.Band Relax One met a lot problems in its development except _____________.

A.their parents' objections   B.financial pressures

C.lack of musical knowledge ging of the band members

解析:C。根据“Parents' objections, financial pressure and changing of band members - nothing stopped their dream”可知,当时他们的父母反对,资金紧张,乐队队员频繁变动。


3.A-Kui took up drumming because _____________.

A.He loved it very much   B.He was good at it

C.He had learned how to play drums  D.he couldn't afford to buy expensive instruments.

解析:D。根据“The reason that he didn't choose guitar or bass was simply that they were too costly.”可知。


2.When A-Kui said "But I didn't want to be planned.",he meant that ______________.

A.he didn't like to do things as planned  B.he didn't like to take up what his parents wished him to

C.he liked to hang about in the street   D.he hadn't planned what he would be


