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19. - Could you tell me the way to _______ Johnsons, please?

- Sorry, we don' t have _______ Johnson here in the village.

A. the; the        B. the; a                   C. 不填; the         D. the; 不填


18. Why don't you just _______ your own business and leave me alone?

A. make         B. open                C. consider          D. mind


17. _______ matters most in learning English is enough practice.

A. What         B. Why                C. Where           D. Which


16. Some people choose jobs for other reasons _______ money these days.

A. for        B. except               C. besides            D. with


15. - Is there anything wrong. Bob? You look sad.

---Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ______ of my friends back home.

A. have just thought      B. was just thinking        C. would just think  D. will just be thinking


14. -I'm sony to have kept you waiting.

- _______, Bill.

A. You' re welcome    B. Go ahead        C. Don' t mention it      D. No problem


13.1 have _______ all my papers but I still can't find my notes.

A. looked through         B. looked for  C. looked after        D. looked out


12. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _______could be heard outside the classroom.

A. opened and closed            B. to be opened and closed  

C. being opened and closed         D. to open and close


11. If Joe' s wife won' t go to the party, _______.

A. he will either    B. neither will he         C. he neither will          D. either he will


10. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his _______ one.

A. better-known    B. well-known           C. best-known        D. most-known

