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1.how to spell the word “water”


8.prved   9.grew   10.seemed

3 Grammar practice


1.will make  2.became  3.appeared/seemed  4.remain  5.sounds  6.fell  7.went


6. Helen is now at school. Ann is helping her. In fact, Ann sat beside Helen in every class during her school years. She spelled out for her the things that the teachers taught, because most books were not printed in Braille at that time.

Lesson 67

2 Grammar practice



5. Look! Helen is saying “Mother”. That makes her parents and teacher very happy.


4. Now Helen is touching Ann’s throat and lips while Ann is speaking. This is how the deaf-blind child learned to speak. She tried to copy Ann’s movements of lips and throat so as to form speech.


3. Ann is laughing happily. Helen is touching Ann’s face in order to feel the movement of her laughing. This is how Ann leaned words. When Helen knew the meaning of the word Ann was going to spell it. She spelled the word into the girl’s hand with her fingers.


2. This is Ann Sullivan and this is the head of the institution for the blind. He is handing over a letter to Ann. The letter came from Helen Keller’s parents. They wanted to invite a teacher for Helen. Ann was glad to accept the invitation.


1. This is Ann Sullivan. She was born in 1866 and became an orphan when she was young. She spent her childhood in a children’s home. Then she went to an institution for the blind. There she learnt Braille and studied the teaching of deaf-blind children.


4.nose, smell, smell, smells;  5. Hear, listens to/watches, sounds

Lesson 66

2  Note making

What did Annie learn to do?

To read Braille, teach death-blind children and spell out words by hand.

What did Annie teach the writer?

Skills: understand words, read Braille, speak

Ideas: blind people should be treated like normal beings; keep on trying until you succeed.

3 Story telling

