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   Liu Fang, a middle-age woman, was out of work last      76.    

and her heart breaks into pieces. What should she do?      77.    

She tried to find a job but unfortunate she failed.       78.    

She refused many times because she was no longer young.     79.    

   One day, her friend said, "The dish you cook are very good. 80.    

Why not start an inn?" She agreed. The small inn was opened in  81.    

a spring day. Customers are very more satisfied with Liu Fang's 82.    

cooking, so the dishes are not only cheap but also delicious.  83.    

Though Liu Fang is busier than ever, she has happy smile on   84.    

her face. Life Of her family is getting better and better.    85.    


35.When Mrs White goes back to her home after class, she expects Jane, her daughter, to      at her desk.

A. be working   B. have been working   C. have worked   D. work


34.--Didn’t you explain it to the boss?

--The boss stormed out of the garage before I      got in a word.

A. would    B. could    C. dared    D. might


33.      mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.

A. while remembering       B. He is remembered

C. To have remembered       D. Though remembered

