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22. A. hands      B. teeth       C. legs        D. ears


21. A. move      B. run        C. jump       D. fly


20. A. chance     B. reason      C. problem    D. difference


19. A. decide     B. imagine     C. hear       D. believe


18. A. cold       B. angry      C. sad        D. simple


17. A. starving    B. crying      C. working    D. hiding


16. A. free       B. happy      C. full        D. honest


15. For those _____ work in Beijing Central Business District, the parking fee for a day almost equals what they earn.

   A. 不填        B. that      C. who        D. whom

Section B (18 marks) 

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Once upon a time, there was a tortoise (乌龟) in a lake. He made friends with two geese and they were   16   for many years.

Then there had been no rain for many months. The lakes and rivers started drying up under the burning sun. The people and animals were   17   and the two geese decided to save themselves and go away. So they came to say a (n)   18   goodbye to the tortoise.

The poor tortoise could not   19   they could leave him behind to die. The geese wondered how they could save him too. The  20   was that they did not know how to take him along because the tortoise could not   21  . The tortoise came up with an idea. He told the geese to get him a stick that he could hold between his   22  . The geese could then take him flying   23   while holding the two ends of the stick. But the geese were worried that if the tortoise opened his mouth by mistake, he would fall down and die. So the tortoise   24   not to open his mouth.

The geese flew off carrying the tortoise with them. They flew over hills, valleys (山谷,峡谷) and fields. Finally, they flew over a city. The people were   25   to see such a strange sight. They clapped their hands and shouted how wonderful it was. The people’s   26   and clapping annoyed the tortoise. He wondered why these foolish people were making so much noise. As soon as he opened his mouth to   27  , he fell to the ground. So the poor tortoise was killed all because of his foolishness and intolerance (不忍耐).


14. Young people under 25 make up nearly 40 percent of the Chinese population, and they’ll soon be _____ the nation.

   A. in charge of         B. in the charge of  C. in the form of      D. in preparation for


13. — Could you please give me some advice about the coming interview?

   — Well, the most important thing _____ you must do is showing confidence.

   A. which       B. whom       C. what        D. that

