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I work in a small shop. It’s near an English __ 36__. Every day students come to __ 37__ things.

In the __ 38__  , I get up (起床) at six. And then I have breakfast.

I get go (到达) the __39_ at about six fifty. The shop opens at seven. We sell things __40__ food and drink. We have school things, _41__. So there __ 42__ often many people in our shop __ 43___ morning to evening.

I have __ 44__ in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. We go home __45__ supper.

(  ) 36. A. farm          B. factory           C. school     D. river

(  ) 37. A. buy           B. sell             C. take          D. want

(  )38. A. evening        B. afternoon      C. noon      D. morning

(  ) 39. A. classroom. B. school        C. shop         D. club

(  ) 40.A. with         B. like              C. for           D. about

(  ) 41. A. too           B. also             C. and          D. but

(  ) 42. A. are           B. have             C. see           D. come

(  ) 43. A. in          B. on           C. at           D. from

(  ) 44. A. supper       B. breakfast          C. tea           D. lunch

(  ) 45. A. to       B. at               C. with          D. for


It’s Sunday afternoon. Mary and her mother  46  to do the shopping. Her mother wants to buy something for supper, Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a new shop.

What does your shop sell? Mary asks. “A lot of things.”  47  in the shop says, “You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too.”

Mary and her mother go in. There are many people in the shop. Mary wants a skirt.

  48  do you want ?” asks the girl in the shop.


“Have a look  49  this one. It’s nice.”

“How much is the skirt?”

  50  eighty Yuan.”

“That’s too expensive(贵的).Can you find a cheap one?”

“What about the green one? It  51  nice . And it’s  52  thirty Yuan.”

“OK,  53  a lot.”

“You’re welcome”

After that, Mary buys some school things, too. 54  Mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish.  55  get home very late.

(  ) 46. A. going    B. go     C. wants     D. walks

(  ) 47. A. A man   B. A boy    C. The girls   D. The girl

( ) 48. A. What color   B. What   C.How     D. How much

(  ) 49. A. on     B. for    C. at        D. in 

(  ) 50. A.They’re   B. It’s    C. Is        D. It

(  ) 51.A.sound    B. sounds   C. look       D. looks

(  ) 52.A.too     B. only    C. also       D. yet

(  ) 53.A.thank    B. thank you  C. thanks     D. thanks you

(  ) 54. A.Her     B. His      C. She       D. He 

(  ) 55. A.She    B. They   C .We    D. Mary


35. price, what, of, is, the, this, set, of , glasses



34. green, the, are, shorts, sale, for, dollars, on, twenty



33. lots, we, have, socks, of, in, for, yuan, all, two, colors



32. boy, in, is, white, the, cousin, my



31. our, school, come, see, yourself, and, for, to



30. _____ salad _____ on the table?

  A. How many; are there    B. How much; is there

  C. How many; is there     D. How much: are there


29. We go to school _____ Monday _____ Friday.

  A. between; and    B. from; to   C. next; to    D. in; on


28. Come ____ see at Huaxing Clothes Store _____ yourself.

  A. and; for    B. to; for    C. and; by   D. to; with


27. We have ________ students.

A. two hundred and forty –four         B. two hundreds and fourty  four 

C. two hundred and forty four         D. two hundreds and forty –four

