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4.    Nobody ______(know) the secret except me.


Project: What’s the story?


3.    His mother said he ______ (return) the fork to the restaurant tomorrow.


2.    It’s rude ______ (point) to the others when you eat at table.


1.    I think______(sing) loudly at table is not polite.


2.    In Canada, to finish the food in front of the class in rude.

In China, everybody has a knife at the table. Exercises: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.


1.    In China, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you usually pick it up and eat it.


3.    It’s ______ to use a toothpick at the table.

Finish the task in class in oral.

Step3. Read the text and find out the sentences with the new words. All societies have customs about how to eat politely.

We call these customs “table manners”.

It’s okay to eat it, especially if it’s something dry, like a piece of bread.

In Canada, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you pick it up and put it on your plate.

Parents are forever telling their children: “Don’t talk with your moth full!”

Step4. Reading task:

Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.


2.    In China, if your guests have no food on their plates, putting food on their plates is ______.


1.    Table manners in China and Canada are quite ______.


2.    Grasp the Past Future Tense.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The expressions of similarities and differences.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures

Type of Lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Lead in: a pair work.

The teacher asks the students the following question: Have you ever traveled to other places? Where have you been?

Show some pictures with the help of the multi-media. The pictures are from Australia, France, China, England, America and Japan.

Let the students discuss for 2 or 3 minutes. Then let them say in front of the class. When the student is speaking, the others can ask him or her questions about his subject.

Step2. Listening task

Listen and answer the following questions:

