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1.    In North America, there are no words for being polite.


3.    When people give you gifts in Canada, you ______ them with many words.

Finish the task in class in oral.

Step3. Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.


2.    Good manners in North America are ______ from good manners in China.


1.    Wu Zhou has lived in Canada for ______ years.


3.    Past Future Tense.

Teaching Difficult Tense:

Past Future Tense.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Lead in by a group work.

Ask the students to tell the differences about the manners when you receive the presents.

Work in groups of three or four. Everyone writes his or her answers down on a piece of paper. Then exchange their ideas. Next sum the main ideas and present them to the class.

Step2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words.


2.    Apologies, similarities and differences.


1.    Good manners in China and North America.


2.    Cultivate the students’ abilities about learning English.

Teaching Important Points:


3.    That’ formal in English.

Practice the new words in class.

Stp4. The language points:

I’m a little confused.

But in China it comes last!

What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion?

Make sentences with the language points.

Step5. Practice:

Tell us why Danny is confused. If you understand, give us an example.

Let some students say give some examples to show the differences between Chinese and English names.

Step6. Work with a partner. Write a dialogue in which Brian and Wang Mei meet and introduce themselves. What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion.

Step7. Homework

Give English names to each of your family members.


English names are so different from Chinese names that some Chinese students are confused about them. Let the students choose English names themselves. Then they can choose English names for their family members. I believe practice makes perfect.

Lesson 22: Do Manners Matter?

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: praise

Oral words and expressions: Joe

Teaching Aims:


2. My family name is “Smith”.

