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3.    Grasp some words about occupation.

Teaching Important Points:


2.    Know more about the foreign calendar.


1.    Practice the students’ written ability.


4.    pay attention to

S4: We all pay attention to the new girl who comes to our class.

draw one’s attention

The fascinating fact drew all the people’s attention at once.


Find a great man and tell the others his story. Work in groups. At the same time, the teacher walks around the classroom to see if they have any questions.

Discuss for a while, then let some students come to the front to give reports.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work in groups. Discuss for a while. Then let some students act their dialogue out or give a report to the class. Talk about what job you want to do after you graduate from high school. Remind them to use the words that express the sequence. To get my job, first _____, then _____and finally, _____.

Step8. Homework

Find a great man and say what he did in his life.


All the students have their dreams. What do they want to do when he grows up? In order to make the dreams come true, we must put effort into our study. Group work is a good way to practice the students’ abilities.

Lesson 43: Let Me Check My Calendar

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: steal, silk, trousers, manager, biscuit, perfect, director, training, advise, progress, step, chemistry, mark, chalk, pound, pork, postman, duty, law, prison, normal

Oral words and expressions: calendar, shady, court, tailor, merchant, memo, Tim, crayon, steak, sausage, butcher, criminal, secretary

Teaching Aims:


3.    achieve

S3: He achieved scholarship in the final exam.


2.    put effort into

S2: If we want to pass the exam, we must put more effort into it.


1.    graduate …from…

S1: What do you want to be when you graduate from the university?


3.    What plants do the butterflies lay eggs on?

Finish the task in class in oral.

Step4. Read the text and retell the main ideas of the two passages. Retell the passages in the third person. Don’t retell them word by word.

Step5. Practice

Make sentences with the language points:


2.    Does Chelsea need to study art, physics and math in high school?


1.    Where is the university that he wants to go into?

