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35. --- I got sick and tired of hotels and hotel food after the trip to Mexico.

 --- I can imagine. ___________.

A.  Don’t meet trouble half-way.

B.  All’s well that ends well.

C.  East or west, home is the best.

D.  Honesty is the best policy.


34. --- What are the habits of highly successful women?

   --- Taking action is a crucial habit and ________.

 A. dreaming is so       B. so is dreaming

   C. so dreaming is       D. so does dreaming


33. One of the greatest sources of unhappiness, in my experience, is the difficulty we have in accepting things _____ they are.

   A. as        B. what      C. which     D. where


32. A study found that the bones of women who drink beer regularly are stronger, _____them less likely to suffer from osteoporosis, a disease of bone that leads to an increased risk of fracture.

 A. to make    B. make   C. made   D. making


31. A high public tolerance for - and low public awareness of - noise pollution has provided bus video advertisers with a paradise ______ their businesses.

 A. in which to expand       B. which to expand in

 C. where to expand        D. that they expand in


30. Sino-US relations have made remarkable progress over the past three decades and this has linked the two countries ______.

 A. closely    B. closed      C. close        D. closer


29. Generally speaking, parents prefer to rent a house near a school ____ the year rather than monthly in order to accompany their children for long.

   A. within     B. by       C. during        D. in

