0  336302  336310  336316  336320  336326  336328  336332  336338  336340  336346  336352  336356  336358  336362  336368  336370  336376  336380  336382  336386  336388  336392  336394  336396  336397  336398  336400  336401  336402  336404  336406  336410  336412  336416  336418  336422  336428  336430  336436  336440  336442  336446  336452  336458  336460  336466  336470  336472  336478  336482  336488  336496  447090 

28. Tell John not to leave the house unless he _________ that the lights_________.

     A. will make sure, will be turned off        B. will make sure, will turn off

     C. makes sure, are turned off           D. is made sure, will be turned off


27. ---How is everything, Rose?     


A. Thank you       B. Not too bad       C. I’m all right, thanks     D. Not at all


26. _________ you apologize for what you have just said __________ it is all over between us.

    A. Either; or        B. Not only; but also    C. Whether; or        D. Neither; nor


25. I’m bored with continual rain. How I wish that the sun __________ brightly when I __________ up.

A. will shine; wake               B. would be shining; woke

C. would shine; woke              D. would be shining; wake


24. ---Amazing !You __________ wear slippers at work.  

---Don’t you know it’s a fashion?

A. must       B. can          C. should         D. may


23. Nancy __________ for her lost little son for three days, but she still hasn’t found him.

  A. will have look        B. has looked       C. has been looking      D. had looked


22. Having spent the whole day getting in the crops on the farm, the couple went back home, _________.

A. hungry and tiredly             B. hungry and tired

C. hungrily and tiredly             D. hungrily and tired


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.---He is from America and majors in Chinese herbal medicine in China.


  A. So does his girlfriend.            B. Neither is his girlfriend.

C. It’s the same with his girlfriend.        D. So is his girlfriend.

