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9. view:眼界,视野,另外还可表示“观点,风景”等。 image:指想像或心中的“影像,意象”,还可指肖像、形象。 sight:视野,强调视域本身,是不可数名词。 outlook:景色,指由里面向外看到的景色。


8. exchange sth for sth exchange sth with sb in exchange for:作为交换(和…交换)


7. How are you getting on/along with…?:询问与人相处的情况如或某人工作或学习的进展情况如何。 What does…look like?:询问某人(物)外表看起来如何,侧重人或事物的外表。 What is…like?:询问人或物内在的品质、个性或外表,以及用来询问天气。 What does sb like?:询问某人喜欢什么? How do you like…?=What do you think of…?:某人认为…怎么样 What are you?:询问某人职业?


6. for sale:待售 on sale:上市,减价


5. be/get used to+doing=beome used to+doing:习惯于… used to do sth:过去习惯于… be used to do sth:被用来做…


4. It is no harm/good/use+doing It is useless+doing It is a waste(of time/money)+doing It is worthwhile+doing There is no good/use+in+doing There is no use to do sth/for sth There is no need to do sth There is no doubt about/that-clause There is no sense+in+doing There is no point+in+doing


3. on doing sth   insist+ 坚持…,坚决要求+that+(should) do        认为,坚持说+that+陈述语气


2. apologize to sb for (doing) sth make an apology to sb=say sorry to sb


1. complain to sb about/of sth take a complaint to sb about/of sth

