0  225601  225609  225615  225619  225625  225627  225631  225637  225639  225645  225651  225655  225657  225661  225667  225669  225675  225679  225681  225685  225687  225691  225693  225695  225696  225697  225699  225700  225701  225703  225705  225709  225711  225715  225717  225721  225727  225729  225735  225739  225741  225745  225751  225757  225759  225765  225769  225771  225777  225781  225787  225795  447090 

7. I had  a  little  trouble         English   grammar .

A. to learn     B. learning      C. learned     D. learn 


6.When  I  don’t  know  how  to  spell  a  word  ,  I  always      .

A. look  up  a  dictionary       B. look  at  a  dictionary

C. look  it  up  in  a  dictionary    D. look  it  for  in  a  dictionary 


5. She  has  a  good  singing        .    It      very  beautiful  .

A. sound , sounds    B. voice , voices   C. sound , voices   D. voice , sounds


4.We  learn  English  by          videos  .

A. seeing    B. looking  at    C. watching    D. to  watch 


3.If  you  are  in  trouble  ,  you  can      Mr  Wang      help .

A. ask , to      B. ask ,  for   C. ask  ,  about    D. want ,  for 


2.---     do  you  learn  French  ?  ---By  talking  with  Frenchmen .

A. When      B. Why      C. Who        D. How 


1.I  think  memorizing  the  words  of  songs  can  help  us       .

A. many     B.  a  few     C. a  lot  of      D. a  lot 


15.He  had  trouble            (make)  a  sentence  with  the  word  .


14.If  you  don’t  know  how        (spell)  the  new  words  ,  look  them  up  in  a  dictionary  .


13.I  enjoy         (watch)  movies  with  my  friends  .

