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14. Every time she tried to argue with her husband, she _______ crying her eyes out.  

A. stayed up   B. made up   C. came up   D. ended up


13. When I was in primary school, I had trouble ______complete sentences.

  A. to make    B. made    C. making    D. make


12. When we come across a new word while reading, we can just guess what it means without _______ in a dictionary.

  A. looking for it  B. looking it out   C. looking it up  D. looking up it


11. --- Shall we wait for Tom for a little longer?

  ---I don’t think it ________ whether he is here or not.

  A. troubles     B. minds     C. affects    D. matters


10. ---Do you often read English magazines? 

--- No, because I find the words _______ the magazines are too hard ______ me to understand.

A. in, for    B. on, for    C. in, of    D. on, of  


9. Although he’s failed many times, he never becomes _________.

A. frustrated     B. frustrating    C. annoying   D. excited


8. ______an English language club, then you’ll get more chances to practice speaking

  A. Taking part in    B. Take part in   C. Joining   D. Join


7.    ---Just call me and ask ________ help at any time you need.

  ---Thank you. I will.

  A. to    B. with     C. for    D. about


6.    ---My friend Tom is a great partner to practice conversations ________.

---You mean practicing speaking English?

  A. /   B. with   C. together   D. to


5.    ---What did Tom say just now?

---He asked me _______the best ways to learn more Chinese.

  A. how    B. what     C. about    D. which

