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2.    How about ________ to England for our summer holidays? (go)


1.    Mr Li’s __________ English is very poor. We can hardly understand him. (speak)


5.    In England, there are three t________ in a school year.

Ⅱ、Complete the following sentences using the proper forms of the given verbs.


4.    Jim’s birthday did not seem c_________ without his father there.


3.    I was very i______ by his story.


2.    As we know, learning a foreign language needs a lot of p_______.


1.    It will take a long time to find a s________ to the problem.


2.    Offer the students the exercises and ask them to do them carefully. If they have any problems, they can ask me for help.

Ⅰ、Complete the following words.


1.    We have finished Unit 1, but how have we grasped it? Now let’s do some additional exercises to check..


9.    Finally I’ll make a conclusion to tell the students where their successful points lie and what their mistakes are.

  Task 3

