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2. A: Do you write vocabulary lists?

B: Oh, yes. I do it often.

Period  3 Teaching procedures: Step 1  Leading in


1. Answers to Activity 3a:

Ways of learning English
Not successful
Lillian Li
studying grammar
memorizing the words of pop songs
reading English magazines
Wei Ming
Watching English movies
Studying grammar
Liu Chang
having conversations with friends
Joining the English club


3. make a list study for a test, ask the teacher for help.

Period  2 Teaching procedures : Step 1  Leading in 1) Revise the target language presented in previous classes by making up conversations. 2) Check homework. Get several students to read their sentences aloud to the class. Then collect the writing and write a comment on each paper before returning them. 3) Show the key words on the screen by a projector. Say the words and have the students repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.

Step 2  Activity 3a

Call attention to the article. Explain to the students that they will read the article and then write in the chart the ways of learning English that are unsuccessful, OK and successful for the students Lillian Li, Wei Ming and Liu Chang. Help the students find the information in the reading. Say, Read the article again and complete the chart on your own. Write the correct answers on the blackboard so that students can check the spelling and other details of their answers.

Step 3  Activity 3b

Read the instructions to the class. Ask students to find partners and decide who is student A and who is student B. Point out the uncompleted sample conversation. Invite two more advanced students to say and complete the sample conversation. Ask students to make up conversations using information from Activity 3 a. A few minutes later, change them round so that both students have the opportunity to interview the other. Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. Step 4  Part 4  Interview Read the instructions to the class. Get students to check what they do to learn English. Remind the students of the differences among often, sometimes and never. Invite a pair of students to say the sample conversation to the class. Write the conversation on the blackboard. Say, Work in pairs. Interview your partner and fill in the chart.

Step 5  Summary

In this class, we've learned some key vocabulary words and the target language. We've also done a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing practice using the target language. Step 6  Homework 1. Review Section A. 2. Ask students to collect information and write an article about how to learn to do something new. The article may be about how to learn to swim, how to learn to play soccer and so forth. 3. Finish off the exercises on pages 1-2 of the workbook. 4. Preview Section B. Blackboard Design

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

Section A

Period 2


2. A; How do you study for a test?

B:I study by working with a group.

A: Have you ever studied with a group? B:Yes, I have. I've learned a lot that way.


1. Ways of studying!

by working with friends

by making flashcards

by reading the textbook

by making vocabulary lists

by listening to cassettes

by asking the teacher for help


1.   Go over the words, pharaes and sentences we’ve learnt today. 2.   Interview students in other classes, family members, and friends to try to discover some new ways of studying that haven't been introduced in the book or in class. 3.   Ask the students to write two sentences with what about... ? and two sentences with verb+by with gerund. 4.   Preview the rest of Section A. Blackboard Design

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

Section A

Period 1


4. by watching English-language TV

Step 3  Activity 1b

Say. You will hear one conversation. You are asked to write the letter of each picture in front of the name of the person who studies that way. Play the recording. Check the answers with the whole class. Answers l.a 2.c 3.b Step 4  Activity 1c

Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

Say, Now work with a partner. Ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out their conversations.

Step 5  Activity 2a

Call students' attention to the picture. They are members of an English club that meets after school once a week. They are talking about the ways to learn English. Get different students to read them to the class.

Say, Listen to a conversation among the members of the English club. Check the questions you hear. Play the recording. Check the answers with the whole class.

Answers: checked questions: 1,2,4,5

Step 6  Activity 2b

Point to the list of answers in the box. Get different students to read the answers to the class. Point to the checked questions in Activity 2a. Say, You are to listen to the same conversation again. This time write the letter of the correct answer after each question you checked in Activity 2a. Play the recording again. Students write the letters in the blanks. Check the answers with the whole class.(Answers: l.d 2.b 3.c 4. a)

Step 7  Activity 2c

Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the class. Say, Make conversations using information from Activities 2a and 2b with a partner. Ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out their conversations. Step 8  Grammar Focus

Write the three sentences containing by doing on the blackboard. Underline the words by listening, by studying and by reading aloud. Say, When you ask how to do something or to tell how you do something, you often use the word "by" followed by an -ing word.

Write the following on the blackboard: learn new words, make a list, study for a test, ask the teacher for help. Ask students to practice asking and answering questions using each pair of expressions.

Step 9  Summary

In this class, we've learned some key vocabulary words, such as flashcard, cassette. And we've also learned the target language How do you study for a test? I study by working with a group. Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. I've learned a lot that way. key vocabulary what about... ? and the structure verb+by with gerund.

Step 10 Homework


3. by reading aloud every morning


2. by practising conversations with my friends


1. by joining a study group

