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2. Finish off the exercises on pages 3-4 of the workbook.


1. Review all the language points presented in this unit.


2. The most helpful ideas:

listening to English songs, reading English newspaper

Period  5 Teaching procedures: Step 1  Leading in 1.   Check homework. 2.   Ask some students to read their writings about one of the people interviewed in Activity 4. Collect their writings and help correct any errors before returning them. Step 2  Part 1 Invite a student to read the vocabulary words at the top. Say, You are to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, you may need to use another form of the word. Check the answers. Five students each reads a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of students check their work. Answers: 1. write down 2. spell 3. join 4. found 5. feels Ask students to make their own sentences with the words. Step 3  Part 2 Ask students to look at the Notes on Xu Zheng and Notes on Xu Zheng's essay. Elicit how to convert the notes into sentences in an article. E.g. Xu Zheng likes writing notes, watching movies and listening to pop songs. He thinks most people speak English as a second language. Ask students to complete the work individually. Say, the order of information will vary but should contain all the' points in the notes. Step 4  Just for Fun!

Ask all the students to read the conversation. Ask, What is funny about this cartoon story? Help students to answer. The alien thinks he can learn English by eating an English book. Invite pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class.

Step 5  Summary

We've reviewed some vocabulary words presented in the unit. And we've also made up sentences using some words.

Step 6  Homework


1. A sample letter to Activity 3b:

Dear Wei Ming. I know it isn't easy to Learn English, but I have... , not every word. You also said that you often forgot a lot of new words. Well, try writing the new words in your note book and studying at home. That helps a lot. If you keep on doing this, you will get good grades in English.


Liu Chang


4.   Prewiew Selfcheck in this unit.

Blackboard Design

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

Section B

 Period 4


3.   Write about one of the people interviewed in Activity 4.


2.   Finish off the article in Activity 3c.


1.   Review Section B


3. I think that doing lots of listening practice is...

Step 3  Activity 3b

Say, Please complete the letter on your own. Say, you should look back at Activity 2b. Check the answers by having a student write his/her work on the blackboard.

Step 4  Activity 3c

Read the instructions to the class. Ask students to take turns suggesting things that have been the most helpful. Make a list of ideas on the blackboard. Say, Write an article about the things that have helped you the most. Use these suggestions on the blackboard with your own ideas to write your article. You may also use the article in Activity 3a as a model. Ask students to read their letters to a partner.

Step 5  Part 4 Interview

Read the instructions to the class. Demonstrate how to fill in the information in the chart.

T: Wei Ming, what isn't easy about learning English?

W: Grammar.

T: What do you do about this?

W: I take lots of grammar notes in class.

T: What is your favourite way to learn more English?

W: Listening to English songs.

Wei Ming
Question 1
Question 2
take lots of grammar notes in class
Question 3
listening English songs

Ask students to interview three students and fill in the chart. Get a couple of students to tell the class about one of the people they interviewed.

Step 6  Summary

In this class, we've mainly done much reading and writing practice.

Step 7  Homework


2. ... I thought my classmates might laugh at me.

