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3.   Act out the dialogue in Lesson 13.


3.   Preview Lesson 14.

Lesson 14

Class opening


2.   Practice the dialogue in this lesson.


6.   Make up a similar dialogue.

Class closing


5.   Practice the dialogue.


4.   Play the audiotape again as the students follow in their books.


3.   Check the answers.


2.   Books closed! Ask some questions : What is Danny doing? What is the baby doing? Listen to the audiotape.


1.   Drill

Teacher: Can I join you?

Students: Can I join you?

Teacher: Do you want to join the game?

Students: Do you want to join the game?


4.   Watch and Guess.

The teacher does some actions (singing, talking, eating, drinking, crying ) and asks the students to guess what am I doing?

Quiet , play with, join

Step1: Presentation

Show a picture in which some children are playing games.

Teacher: What are the children doing now?

Students: They are playing games.

Teacher: Who are they playing with?

Students: With their friends.

Teacher: Do you want to join them?

Students: Yes, I do.

Step2: Practice

