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61. wish(同义词)___________          62. paint(名词)  ___________          63. start(同义词)___________


A.Is music your favourite subject?  B. It’s a quter to eight.        C. What class go you have next?

D. Let’s hurry.                       E. I want to be a painter when I grow up.

Jenny:  Hi, Mary.                                   Mary:  Hi, Jenny. 36______

Jenny:  I have music class next.                        Mary:  37______.            

Jenny:  No, but I like music.How about you?            Mary:  Art is my favourite. 38______   

Jenny:  Oh, what’s the time?                  Mary:  39________.          

Jenny:  It’s time for class.40________.                  Mary:  You’re right. Let’s hurry.

Jenny:  See you later.


35.(  ) They like to play _________football, but I like to play ___________violin.

A. /; the                  B. / ; /                   C. the ; the               D. a ; an


34.(   ) We’re in the same ___________, but we are in different __________.

A. grade; classes           B. grades; class           C. grade; class            D. grades; classes


33.(  ) There are two teams playing football. Lily is on one team. But Lucy is on ________.

A. other                B. another               C. the other              D. one other


32.(  ) I loved a girl named King. ___________

A. her name is             B. called                 C. her name              D. with


31.(  ) The students each ___________a new math book.

A. having                B. is has                 C. has                   D. have  

