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2. a dialogue about what they see at the Beijing Station


1. Mastery words: station, child, room, taxi


4. The next reading in student book.

Lesson 15 Arriving in Beijing

Teaching content:


3. Finish off the activity book in Lesson 14.


1. Understand the meaning of the whole text.


2. New lesson

Step 1. Lead in

Discuss some questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Is it expensive to buy things on the train? Why or why not?

Do you like to buy things from salesman on the train? Why or why not?

Answer them together with the students.

Step 2. Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:

Why is the baby crying? What is the mother doing?

What is Danny doing?

Does Wu Li buy some socks on the train?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text to make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time.

Step 3. Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation if necessary. Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5. Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about doing something and then doing something else. Ask each group to use the word now and any other vocabulary they like. Encourage your students to experiment and be creative! English is fun and easy! Please read about making up dialogue in “Teaching Techniques.”

Step 6. Discuss “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Write a role play and practice it. One of you is a salesman. The other are customers. What is the salesman selling? Present your role play to your classmates.

Step 7. Exercise

Do activity book lesson 14 Number 2. The students listen to four sentences and draw four pictures correspondingly. The audiotape goes like:

Listen and draw the pictures.

The woman is crying.

The man is laughing.

The baby is crying.

You are laughing.



1. Class opening

1) Greetings in everyday English.

2) Duty report

3) Mainly revision of last lesson.


2. What is he/she doing?

Difficult points:

the usage of the Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids:

pictures or some real objects, audiotape, flash cards, slide projector

Type: text

Teaching procedures:


1. the usage of tired, sleep, listen and loud


3. some useful word: tired, loud

Teaching goals:

