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2.    Up till now I have only learned a thousand English words.


1.    I have been there twice this year.


6. 这是我看过的最有意思的书。

Sample answers:


5. 你看过这样的电影了吗?


4. 今天我什么东西都还没吃。


3.    这学期他不太用功。


2.    到现在我只学了一千英语单词。


1.    今年我去过那里两次。


2. Key sentences 重点句子( P111)

Have you cleaned out the refrigerator yet?

I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.

Have you fed the cat yet?

Not yet. I’ll do it in a minute.

Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to understand and talk about recent events and the chores people have to do before a vacation.

Emotion & attitude goals 情感与态度目标

Enable the students to do preparation independently before vacation.

Strategy goals 策略目标


Culture awareness 文化意识目标

Learn the different habit of vacation between western countries and Chinese.

Teaching important points 教学重点

The Present Perfect Tense

Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

Step 1 Check the homework and lead-in ( 1a: P110)

Ask two or more students to show their work and how they did it.

T: In the last unit, you were asked to write a passage about a story happened last weekend, using the Past Tense. Now I’d like to know who’d like to display your project on the classroom wall.

T: Now tell us where you found these materials and how you did it.

S1: I picked this information on the Internet.

S2: I found it in some books with the help of my parents.

S3: I wrote this composition with the help of my dictionary.

One sample version:

On the morning of last weekend, my friend Kangkang and I were on the way to Fenghua Park when we found a tree bend, we felt very sorry for the tree and set out to do something to help it. We straighten the tree by tying it to a stick. We put a rope around the tree and put up a notice, which read, “Take Care of Trees”. When we had finished working, we all felt tired.

When we got to the park, it was almost 12:00. It was very hot, we felt tired and hungry. But we were happy and very satisfied with what we had done because we had made a contribution to the protection of the environment.

T: Well, summer holiday is coming. I wonder what you are going to do during summer holiday.

S1: I’m going to Beijing to visit some places of interest.

T: Good idea. You’d better visit the Great Wall, or you will not be a real man. What about you, Tina?

S2: I want to go to Dalian to relax myself because Dalian is a beautiful city and the weather is nice too.

T: I think so. By the way, do you like the sea?

S2: O f course. We like it very much. It’s so wide and beautiful.

T: Why not go to the beach and go on a beach vacation?

S2: Good idea!

T: When we go on a beach vacation what will you pack?

S1: A camera.

S2: some clothes.

S3: A map.

T: I think so. You’d better take a guidebook, a bathing suit and a towel. They are very useful when you are on a beach vacation. (Use real objects or pictures to teach guidebook, bathing suit and a towel. Read the new words with students.)

What are you going to pack when you go on a trip? (Write pack on the blackboard. Get students to guess the meaning)

S4: I think I am going to pack an umbrella. It is very useful because it can be used both on a sunny day and a rainy day.

T: I agree with you. What else are you going to pack, Judy?

S5: A camera is very useful, I think. It can give me a good memory about the trip.

Collect more possible things to pack: some clothes, a lot of money, some snacks, some fruit, towel, map, umbrella, sunglasses, bathing suit, guidebook…

T: Well, we have got so many things to pack. We can’t pack all of them into a small suitcase. What are the three most important things to pack for the trip?

S6: A camera, some clothes and money.                           

T: Have you packed your camera?

S7: Yes, I have already packed it.

T: Have you packed your money?

S7: No, I haven’t. I have to go to the bank to get it.

T: You must be careful with your money. Money is not everything, but you cannot have a pleasant holiday without it. Have you packed your bathing suit, Jessie?

S8: No, I haven’t washed it yet.

Get several more students to show their answers and write some important sentences on the blackboard.

T: Thank you for your wonderful work.

Show the students some pictures and get the students to practice small dialogues using have you…?

Sample dialogue 1:

S1: Hello, where are you going?

S2: I’m going on a beach vacation?

S1: Have you packed your guidebook?

S2: Yes. I have already packed it in the suitcase.

Sample dialogue 2:

S3: Hi, where are you going?

S4: I’m going to the supermarket to buy some rice and dumplings.

S3: Have you locked your door?

S4: Yes, I have. It is dangerous to leave the door open when I go out.

S3: That’s right. You must be careful.

T: Good. You really did a great job. Now I wonder what the three most important things to pack are when you go on a beach vacation/a city vacation. Write your ideas below in 1a on page 110. 

Sample answers:

A beach vacation
Sightseeing in a city
Bathing suit
Comfortable shoes

Step II Listening and practice (1b, 1c:P110; 2a, 2b:P111)

T: What would you do if you are going to do some listening practice?

S1: I think we should know what we are asked to do first.

T: Then what are you asked to do according to the instruction?

S1: We are asked to listen and check the chores the people have already done.

T: Now I want to know before you leave for a holiday, what chores you should do at home?

S1: I think we should close the window.

S2: We should water the flowers.

T: Good idea. If you do not water the flowers, they will dry and die soon.

S3: We’d better take out the trash.

S4: We should clean out the refrigerator.

S5: Turn off the light.

S6: Lock the door.

T: That’s right. If you leave the door and the window open, a thief will visit your house. Well, I think all of your advice is wonderful. Listen to the recording and check the chores the people have already done in 1b on page 110.

T: Just now we listened to a conversation between a woman, a man and a boy. I think they have prepared everything for their beach vacation. Now make conversations in pairs, using the information from activity 1b on page 110.  Which pair would like to perform your conversation first? Good, you two, please.

S1: Have you watered the plants yet?

S2: Yes, I have already watered them.

T: Well done. Next pair, please.

S3: Have you packed the beach towels yet?

S4: No, I haven’t. Can’t Judy pack them?

S3: No, she’s busy.

S4: Have you packed your guidebook and the street map?

S5: I have already bought the guidebook, but I haven’t got the street map yet.

T: Before we listen to the recording, let’s look at the picture on Page 111 first. What can you see in the picture?

S1: I can see a boy and a girl in the picture.

T: What else can you see?

S2: I can see a lovely cat with a long tail.

T: What are they doing?

S3. They are talking about something.

T: What do you think they are talking about?

S4: I think they are talking about preparing a trip.

T: Now listen and find out what they are talking about. Then tell us who said each thing. Write M for “Mark”, write T for “Tina”.

Play the recording for the first time and check the answers.

T: Listen again and match each question in activity 2b and check the answers.

Step III  Pairwork (2c: P111)

T: After listening, we’ve got some information from the conversation. Tina and Mark are going out with their parents. Tina hasn’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet. She has to do it right now. She has already put her bike in the garage, but she hasn’t locked the garage because she thinks that it’s Mark’s job. Mark thinks he has done most of his jobs. He has taken out the trash, but he hasn’t fed the cat. He will do it in a minute. Now use the information from activities 2a and 2b to role play a conversation. 

Sample conversation 1:

S1: Hi, Tina. Are you ready for the beach vacation?

S2: No, I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.

S1; Have you fed the cat yet?

S2: Not yet. I‘ll feed it in a minute.

S1: Have you turned off your radio?

S2: Yes. I have. I think we’re almost ready.

Sample conversation 2:

S1: Hi, Tina. Are you ready for the beach vacation?

S2: No, I haven’t locked the garage yet.

S1: I’ve already done most of my jobs.

S2: Have you taken the towels?

S2: No, I’ will do it in a minute.

Step III Grammar Focus (P111)

T: Look at the Grammar Focus box on page 111.  Now we will learn something about the Present Perfect Tense. It is used to indicate an action that took place in the past or just a moment ago when the resulting state is still present. Such as, I’ve dropped my pen on the ground. You can see the pen on the floor now. I’ve opened the door. Now the door is open, etc.

Ask the other students to write some sentences on the board, using the Present Perfect Tense. Circle have done in the sentences.

T: Well, do you know the differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Tense?

Show the following to students.

(1)  She has taught English for eight years.
(2)  Have you fed your dog yet?
(3)  Has he got up?
(4)  ---Come and have breakfast with us.
--- Thank you. I’ve just had it.
(5) What have I said to make you so angry?
(6) She taught English last year.
(7)  Did you feed your dog last night?
(8) Did he get up early this morning?
(9) I had my breakfast in the canteen.
(10) What did you say just now?

T: From the above examples, we can see the differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Tense. So we can reach the following conclusion:

Show the following to the students.

现在完成时: 主语+ have/has done
一般过去时: 主语+past participle

Show the following to the students and ask them to read aloud.

1. Have you received your letter?
2. Has the rain stopped yet?
3. She has gone to America.
4. I’ve already posted your letters.
5. I’ve just have had my lunch.

Show students the following and ask them to make sentences one by one orally.

Put the following sentences into English.


Period 1 New function presenting

Language goals 语言目标

1. Words & expressions 单词与短语

 bathing, suit, towel, water(v.), guidebook, refrigerator, clean out

