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1. elect vt.选举,推举;选择vi. 进行选举,作出选择
election n.选举,推举,当选
elective adj.可任意选择的n.选修科目
2. immigrate vi. 移入
immigration n. 移民入境
immigrant n.移民,侨民
3. race n.赛跑;竞争;人种
  v. 参赛
racial adj. 人种的,种族的
racism n. 种族歧视,种族偏见;种族主义
4. apparent adj. 显然的,明白的,表面上的
apparently adv. 显然,表面上地
5. punishment n. 罚,刑罚
punish vt. 惩罚,处罚
1). In America, presidential ________ (elect) are held every four years.
2). They deserve to ________ (punish) for putting passengers at risk.
3). She had to tidy the classroom as ________ (punish) for being late.
4). She was the daughter of Chinese ________ (immigrate) to America.
5). There was a sudden increase ________ (immigrate) in from Eastern Europe.
6). He is a victim of ________ (race) discrimination.
7). She turned to face him, her anger ________ (apparent) gone.
8). Their motives, as will soon become  _______ (apparently), are completely selfish.
Keys:  1). elections     2). be punished  3). punishment     4). immigrants    
5). immigration  6). racial     7). apparently    8). apparent    


1. means / way / method
means “方法、方式、工具”,着重于具体的手段。(单复数相同)
way “一般的方法、方式或个人的特殊方法方式”,与技巧或效果的好坏无关。
method “有系统的、有效率的精心拟定的方法”,也可以指抽象概念“条理”。
短语搭配:做……的方法:a way to do sth./a way of doing sth. / a method of doing sth.;用这种/些方法:in this way / with the method / by this means;用……方法,借助……:by means of... 无论如何:by all means;一点也不,决不(用于句首句子需倒装) :by no means;by the way顺便问一下;on one’ s way to…在去……的路上;in the way 挡住路
1). These vegetables can be cooked in different _______.
2). Only in this _______ can you find out the truth.
3). By this _______ I get in touch with him.
4). We express our thoughts by _______ of words.
5). ______ _______ _______ shall I lend him money!
6). The methods of _______ (teach) need _______ (improve).
Keys: 1). ways  2). way   3). means   4). means   5). By no means 
6). teaching; improving / to be improved
2. percent / percentage
percent 表示“百分之……”,相当于“%”,其前面往往是一个具体的数字。
percentage 表示“百分比;百分率”,前面不能是具体数字,只能被high,low等修饰。
1). I am a hundred ________ in agreement with you.
2). This company only supply 30 ________ of what we need.
3). The numbers are small, in _________ terms, but significant.
4). There used to be a high _________ of babies that diet scarlet fever every year.
Keys: 1). percent  2). percent   3). percentage   4). percentage what percentage
3. obvious / apparent/ evident / clear
1). It was an ________ mistake for him to have gone alone.
2). The situation is ________ to everyone.
3). It was becoming increasingly _________ that he disliked me.
4). The applause made it _________ that the play was a hit.
Keys: 1). obvious   2). clear   3). apparent   4). evident 
4. hire / employ / rent
hire是日常用语,指按工作量或时间雇用人或租借东西,有“花钱使用某物”和“把某物使用权出让给别人以收取费用”之意;多指临时租用某物。如:hire a boat,a car,a camera,a bicycle,an evening dress,a hall for a meeting等,指人时,有“雇用”、“受雇”两种含义。
的职业人员,有“聘请”之义;也可以解释为“忙于,从事”常用于be employed in sth. / doing sth. 短语中。 注:要弄清 employ 几个名词的用法:employee (雇工,雇员),employer (户主,东家),employment (就业,雇用)。
rent一般指租借房屋、地产(租借出去);也有“花钱使用某物”和“把某物使用权出让给别人以收取费用”之意;多指用于长时间的场合。如:rent a house,a flat,a TV等。rent还可作名词,意为“租金;租费”。
1). Our house has been ________ by a newly-married couple.
2). It’ s important to ________ proper words in writing poem.
3). They _________ ________ in writing when I came.
4). They ________ out boats by the hour.
5). We ________ a driver to take us on a tour of the city.
Keys: 1). rented   2). employ   3). were employed   4). hire  5). hired
















