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7. in case 因为可能发生某事;以防万一;万一


It may rain you’ d better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does). 可能下雨---你最好带把伞,以防万一(下起来)。

[短语归纳] case短语:

in case of sth 若发生某事;假如                      in any case 无论如何;总之                 

in no case 在任何情形下决不;无论如何都不            in that case 既然那样;假若是那样的话

[练习] 翻译下面的句子。

1). _______ _______ _______ _______ (遇火警时), ring the alarm bell.

2). You don’ t like your job? _______ _______ _______ (既然那样), why don’ t you leave?

3). Bring some money with you _______ _______ (以防万一) you want to buy something.

Keys: 1). In case of fire   2). In that case   3). in case


6. ring back 回复电话


1). I’ ll ask him to ring you back. 我会叫他给你回电话。

2). He rang off before I could answer it. 我还没来得及接他就挂断了。

[短语归纳] ring短语:

ring...up 给……打电话                ring off 挂断电话          give sb. a ring给某人打电话

[练习] 翻译下面的句子。

1). 他们一到我就给你打电话。


2). 你一定要挂电话了。我要用这个电话。


3). 他给他的医生打了电话,取消了他们的约会。


Keys: 1). I’ ll ring you up as soon as they arrive. / I will give you a ring as soon as they arrive.

   2). You must ring off now. I want to use this phone.

   3). He gave his doctor a ring and canceled his appiontment.


5. get through 用完,消耗掉;(设法)做或完成某事;通过(与某人)联系(尤指通电话)


1). I’ ve got through a lot of correspondence today. 今天我处理了一大批信件。

2). I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’ t get through (to you). 昨天我给你打了几次电话, 可是都没(和你)接通。

[短语归纳] get短语:

get (sth) across (to sb)(使某事)传播或为人理解          get ahead (of sb) 领先(於某人)

get along with sb 与某人合得来;与某人和睦相处         get on/along with sth 取得进展

get away (from sb/...) 逃离或摆脱开(某人或某地)       get off 离开某地或出发

get away with sth 偷携某物潜逃;不因某事受惩罚         get by (on sth)(靠某物)勉强维生;设法维持;对付

get down to sth/doing sth 开始做某事;重视某事物;认真处理某事   get over sth overcome克服;战胜;掌握

[练习] 翻译下面的句子。

1). If you cheat in the exam you’ ll never _______ _______ _______ it.

2). He’ s not very good at _______ his ideas _______.

3). It’ s time I _______ _______ (认真干) some serious work.

4). He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he’ ll ______ ______ it.

Keys: 1). get away with   2). getting; across  3). got down to  4). get over


4. out of order次序颠倒;发生故障


Our air-conditioner is out of order. 我们的冷气机出故障了。

[短语归纳] order短语:

in order 整齐,状况良好,适宜,按顺序        in order that后接从句,而in order to后接动词原形

[练习] 翻译下面的句子。

1). 电梯出故障了。


2). 情况一团杂糟。


3). 他现在发言是十分合适的。


Keys: 1). The elevator is out of order.       2). Things were in terrible order.

   3). It’ ll be quite in order for him to speak now.


3. (every) now and then/again 时而;偶尔;有时


1). I like to go to the opera now and then. 我喜欢偶尔去看歌剧。

2). Every now and again she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep. 她时而到楼上看看他是否还在睡着。

[短语归纳] now短语:

now (that)... 由於……;既然     right now 此刻;现在      by now 到目前为止

just now 刚才            from now on 从现在开始        

[练习] 用与now相关的词组填空。  

1). Sonia should have been home _______ _______. Do you think she’ s OK?  

2). I hear from him ________ ________ ________ ________.

3). Please try to be more careful ________ ________ ________.

4). There’ s nothing I can do about this ________ ________.

Keys: 1). by now   2). every now and then   3). from now on   4). right now


2. set about sth/doing sth  (不用於被动语态) 开始(某工作); 着手做某事


1). I must set about my packing. 我得开始收拾行李了。

2). The new government must set about finding solutions to the country’ s economic problems. 新政府必须立即找出解决国家经济问题的办法。

[短语归纳] set短语:

set sth aside 将某事物放在一边;(为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间)

set sth down 将某事物记在纸上; 写下来         set out 从某地出发上路

set off 开始(旅行、赛跑等)                  set sth off 使(炸弹、地雷等)爆炸

set to 精力充沛地开始做某事                  set sth up 摆放或竖起某物;创(体育)记录

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词。

1). I don’ t know how to set _______ this job.

2). She set _______ a new world record time _______ the 100 metres.

3). They set _______ on the last stage _______ their journey.

4). How do senior managers set _______ making these decisions?

Keys: 1). about   2). up; in  3). out; of   4). about


1. call up 征召;召集服兵役;唤起;使人回忆;带入心中;打电话给某人


1). He called me up to tell me the good news. 他打电话给我并告诉我这个好消息。

2). I was called up three months after war broke out.. 战争爆发后的第三个月,我应征入伍。

[短语归纳] call短语:

call back 召回;回电话;收回处理             call on/at 拜访(on后跟人;at后跟地点名词)

call for 要求,提倡,为……叫喊              call forth 使产生;引起;使起作用

call in 召集,召来,来访                    call off 取消;取消或延期:

call out 出动,唤起,大声叫唤    

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词或副词。

1). This is the work that calls _______ patience. 

2). Human Rights groups are calling _______ the release of political prisoners.  

3). He had to _______ the meeting because of the bad weather.

4). I’ ll call _______ him tomorrow do you want to visit him with me?

5). The company has called _______ all such models as built in 1990.

6). The government then called _______ troops to deal with the disturbances.

7). The old photo calls _______ memories of my childhood.

Keys: 1). for   2). for   3). off   4). on   5). back   6). in   7). up  


5. hang vt.& vi. (hung; hung) 悬挂,附着;悬挂着 vt. (hanged; hanged) 吊死,绞死


1). His pictures were hung in the Museum of Modem Arts. 他的画在现代艺术馆展出。

2). The man was hanged for murder. 那男子因谋杀罪被处绞刑。


hang about 闲待着,终日无所事事;闲荡              hang on 紧握着;(电话用语)别挂断

hang up 挂;挂断电话;延迟;推迟或搁置

[练习] 用与hang的正确形式或相关的词组填空。  

1). She __________ the phone angrily before I could speak. 

2). He _________ for murder.

3). The curtain ________ well.

4). _________ a minute; I’ m just coming.

Keys: 1). hung up   2). was hanged   3). hangs   4). Hang on


3. seize vt. 抓住,捉住;占据;(指强烈的感情﹑ 愿望等)突然影响或控制(某人)


1). She seized me by the wrist. 她抓住我的手腕。

2). Panic seized us. 我们惊恐万状。


seize hold of sth 抓住某物         seize a chance / an opportunity 抓住时机

seize on/upon sth 意识到某事物而立即加以利用

[练习] 完成句子。

1). His father asked him ______________________________________ (抓住时机赚一些钱).

2). We _____________ (身不由己) by a sudden impulse to run.

3). The critics _______ _______ (抓住) my mistake and said I was ignorant.

Keys: 1). to seize the chance to make some money   2). were seized   3). seized on

