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(1)“新闻调查”--      (2)“天气预报”--

(3)“艺术人生”--      (4)“生   活”--

(5)“人与自然”--      (6)“声   音”--



   华南虎  汶川   限塑令  奥运   山西矿难   神七   三聚氰胺





A group of students came to Zhoukoudian for a ____1____. An archaeologist showed them around. He told them it was here that they found _____2_____ of the earliest people who lived in this ______3______ of the world, and it was reasonable to ____4_____ they had lived in these caves, regardless of the cold. We had discovered ____5____ in the center of the bones of tigers and bears. It seemed that they might have used _____6______ stone tools to cut ____7_____ the animal and _____8_____ their skin to sew the pieces together. Maybe there was _____9_______ between early people. They didn’t ____10______ their own crops, but picked fruit and killed animals.

(答案: 1.visit;    2.evidence;   3.part;     4.assume;   5.fireplaces;

6. sharpened;   7.up;   8.remove;   9.trade;   10.grow)


2. Our evidence suggests they did indeed wear clothes made form animal skins. 我们的证据表明他们确实穿了用动物皮做成的衣服。

[解释] suggest最常用有两个意思:


1). It’ s noisy here. I suggest changing another hotel. 这里太吵了,我建议换个宾馆。

2). I suggest (that) you (should) ask Mr. Wu. 我建议你问问吴先生。

3). I suggest that the boy be sent to the hospital at once. 我建议立即把小孩送医院。


一个坚持:insist  /  二个命令:command, order  /  四个建议:advise, suggest, recommend, propose /

四个要求:ask, demand, request, require


His expression suggests that he has got the job.他脸上的表情表明他已经得到了那份工作。

[练习] 在括号里填入所给词的适当形式。  

1). I wrote suggesting that he ________ (come) for the weekend.

2). He demands that he ________ (tell) everything.

Keys: 1). come   2). be told



1. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. 我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚,这说明他们可能整个冬季都在烧火。

[解释]“have been excavating”是现在完成进行时,表示从过去开始一直延续到现在,或将继续延续至将来。

如:We have been working on this project for over a month now. 到目前为止,我们一直在处理那个项目,已




They have built a house. (完成)  /  They have been building a house. (尚未完成)

[练习] 在括号里填入所给词的适当形式。  

1). We ________ ________ (work) for two hours by the time she came.

2). Last year he ________ (write) a novel. I don’ t know whether he ________ (finish) now.

3). Since 1977, CCTV ________ (broadcast) English programmes.  

Keys: 1). had been working   2). was writing; has finished   3). has been broadcasting


4. date back to... = date from... 追溯到……,从……时候开始就有了 


The church dates back to the 13th century. 这座教堂从十三世纪开始就有了。


[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入短语或所给词的适当形式。  

1). The custom ________ ________ hundreds of years.

2). Our friendship________ ________ ________ the late 70s.

3). This is a law ________ (date) from the 17th century.  

Keys: 1). dates back   2). dates back to   3). dating


3. look ahead 向前看;为将来谋划


Have you looked ahead to what you’ ll be doing in five years’ time? 你是否想过五年後你要做些什麽?

[短语归纳] look短语:

look back 向后看; 回顾             look out 留神;注意          look into 调查

look up 查找;形势好转;看望         look up to sb. 尊敬    某人        look through 仔细查阅

look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望      look on 旁观;看作          look over 快速浏览,复习

look down (on/upon sth.) 向下看; 轻视

[练习] 用look短语翻译下面的句子。  

1). You should ____________________________________.(翻阅字典查查这个生词).

2). I am looking forward to ________________________ as soon as possible. (收到你的回信)

3). _______________ (当心) or you will catch cold.

4). I have to _______________________ (把笔记复习一遍) for the exam.

Keys: 1). look up the word in a dictionary   2). hearing from you   3). look out       4). look over my notes


2. fed up with 受够了,厌烦               


1). I’ m fed up with waiting for her to telephone. 我等她的电话都等得不耐烦了。

2). What’ s the matter? You look pretty fed up. 怎麽啦?你显得那麽不高兴。

[短语归纳] feed短语:

feed sb/sth on sth给(人或动物)食物;喂;饲养     feed on(动物)以……为主食

feed sth to sb/sth 给(人或动物)某物作为食物

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词。

1). Several children were feeding bread ________ the ducks.

2). What do you feed your dog ________?               

3). Cows feed ________ grass.

4). I’ m fed up ________ the same breakfast every morning.

Keys: 1). to   2). on   3). on   4). with

