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2.    Work on 3a.

Step 4 Pair work


1.    Match the countries and the languages. “What languages do they speak in…? They speak…..in China/Australia/…”


4.    Pairs ask and answer the picture using “Where is …from? He/She is from…” “Where does he/she live? He/She lives in ….”

Step 2 Presentation

T: They are from different countries. And they speak different languages. 

  Do you know what languages they speak?

Talk about the children on the map. See how many languages the Ss know and teach the new words like “Japanese, French”.

Step 3 Task One


3.    Game: “Where is Sydney? It’s in ….” One by one in groups. See which group does best. (4)


2.    Revise the new words and the sentences with the Ss.


1.    Greetings.


2.    Sentences: What language do/does…speak?  They speak…./He/She speaks……..

Teaching difficulties:

Ss use the sentences they learned to communicate with their partners about their pen pals.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming-up and revision


1.    Word: language


2.    Talk about nationality, cities people live and languages.

Key points:


1.    Learn the languages.

