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Ⅳ. Look at these clothes. They look very nice. Whose shoes are these? Oh, they are Michael’s. Give the yellow skirt to Jane. I think it’s hers. Are the long blue pants mine? No, they are his. His name is Wang Wei. He is tall and he has long legs.


Ⅲ. M: Nice to meet you. My name is Li Ming.

W: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Rose.

M: Where are you from, Rose?

W: I’m from the U.S.A. What about you?

M: I’m from Guangdong. What class are you in?

W: I’m in Class 4, Grade 7.

M: Oh, I’m in Class 7, Grade 7. Who is your Chinese teacher?

W: Mr. Wang.

M: I don’t know him. What does he look like?

W: He is tall and thin. He is in a white shirt and blue pants.


10. Does he have a knife?


9. What color is your hair?


8. What does he look like?


7. Your new pants look very nice.


5. My bike is new.

Ⅱ. 6. Whose bike is this?


4. Her skirt is too old.


3. John’s sister has long hair.


2. His mouth is big.

