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3.  What is the capital city of it?


2.  Do you speak English in your country?


1.  Where are you from?


5. Reading silentiy and finding.

Let students find some language points with their partners.

①       know about

②       know

③       Ottawa

④       This is…

⑤       These are…

  Use some pictures to explain them.

  Let students do the follow exercises.

Exercises 1

①       Who know about Canada?

②       I know my friends __________ live Canada.

③       I know they speak English and French in Canada.

______________________________________________ 。

④       What are the interest of places in Canada?

⑤       Is the U.S. south of Canada.

Exercises 2

①     Let a student describe the flag of Canada.

②     What language do the people in Canada? 

③     What is the capital of Canada?

④     Where is Canada? (look at the map and answer it.)

⑤     What’s it famous for?

            Playing this game


4. Learning new worsds:

Let students know these new words with some pictures.

Let a student read these new words, the others read after him/her.

Let students make some sentences with Canada, know.


3. Play some pictures about Canada.

Let students know something about Canada. Compare to China with Canada, may they know more Canada.


2. Review.

  T: Where do you live?

   What do you speak?

   What’s the capital of China?

   What do you know about China’s flag?

Ss: ...

 Step 2  Study-Inquiry(研讨探究)(时间:20分钟)



     Step 1  Self-Perception(自学感知)(时间:10分钟)

1. Greeting.

  T:  What’s the weather like today?

  Ss:  It’s…

 T:  What’s the date today?

  Ss:  It’s…

T:  Merry Christmas!  Let’s listen to an English song about Christmas Day, OK?

Ss: OK.

T: What’s this? (手里拿一个圣诞老人)

Ss:  It’s…

T: Now I tell a story about Father Christmas.

Ss: ...

T: Christmas Day is …   Canada also has Christmas Day.


3. Talk about language learning strategies.


2. Learn some sentences.

I know about Canada.

There are the Rocky Mountains.

