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1. (学唱“Jingle Bells”, 播放录音让学生跟唱。)

T: Today we’ll sing a song, Jingle Bells.


4. (要求学生以康康的名义回信, 告诉朱丽娅中国人如何过春节。)

T: Now please help Kangkang write a letter to tell Julia how Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival.


T: Who’d like to read your letter?

S1:  Dear Julia. Thank you for your letter. The Spring Festival is important in China…

S2:  …

Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间: 8分钟)


3. (提示中国人如何庆祝春节。)

T: Christmas is the most important festival in western countries. What’s the most important festival in China?

Ss:  Spring Festival.

T: How do we celebrate it?

S1:  We eat dumplings.

S2:  Before Spring Festival, people do shopping.

S3:  We visit friends.


2. (让学生将答案写在黑板上。)

T: Who’d like to write your answers on the blackboard?

was, had, wore, gave, didn’t play, tell

(让学生观察, 判断以上动词用的什么形式。)

T: These words are verbs. What forms of these verbs do we use?

Ss:  Simple past.

T: Yes, we use the simple past forms of the verbs except the last one.


T:   Please find more verbs in simple past form in the letter, and circle them.


T: Please tell us what you found.

S1:  Colored.

S2:  Knocked.

S3:  Shouted.


T: Can you say some verbs and their past forms?

S1:    Sing-sang.

S2:  Buy-bought.


1. (让学生完成2a的练习。)

T: Yesterday was Halloween, Julia had a wonderful time with her friends. Now she is writing a letter to Kangkang. Please read the letter and fill in the blanks in 2a.


4. (要求学生独立完成1b。)

T:   We know there are a lot of differences between Spring Festival and Christmas. Now please find the differences and complete the table in 1b.


T: When are the Spring Festival and Christmas?

S1: Spring Festival: January or February.

Christmas Day: December 25th.

T: What do we usually do on Spring Festival?

S2: Make dumplings, perform lion and dragon dances.

T: What about Christmas Day’s activities?

S3: Decorate a Christmas tree, put up stockings, give each other gifts.

T: What are Spring Festival’s gifts?

S4: Greeting cards, lucky money.

T: And Christmas Day’s gifts?

S5: Greeting cards.

T: What are Spring Festival’s foods?

S6: Dumplings.

T: Christmas Day’s?

S7: Turkey and Christmas cake.

Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:14分钟)


3. (要求学生利用春节的主要活动描述春节。)

T: Now, please try to retell the passage with the main activities.

S1: Before Spring Festival, …


2. (请个别学生大声朗读短文, 检查学生的读音。)

T: Who’d like to read this passage?

S1: In China, celebrating…

S2:   …


1. (播放1a录音, 让学生跟读。)

T: Please listen to 1a and repeat.


2. (请学生在黑板上写下关于春节活动的句子。)

T: Please write down the sentences about the main activities of Spring Festival.

Prepare delicious food.
Clean and decorate their houses.
Get together for a big dinner.
Stay up and enjoy dumplings.
Greet their parents and get lucky money.

Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)

