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2. (用在序数词、形容词和副词的最高级之前)


2. very bad 严重的, 极坏的, 很糟的 (同义词) horrible

test [test] v. to find out how good something is, to examine 考, 测验, 试验

n. examination 考试 have a test 进行测验/试验 (辩析)test指小考或考查, examination指正式的考试

text [tekst] n. main body of a book of printed page 课文; 文本; 课本;  textbook textbook [‘tekstbuk] n. 课本; 教科书

than [ n] conj. introducing the second part of a comparison 比

thank [  k] v. to say that you are grateful 感谢

n.(仅用复数)感谢 thank to 由于; 幸亏

that [  t] adj. & pron. (contrasting with this, these)那; 那个 conj. (引导名词性从句)

the [ i:  ] art.1. (指特定的人或物)这(那)个; 这(那)些


2. adj. anxious; excited because something uncommon in going to happen 紧张的

tent [tent] n. a shelter made of thick cloth which can be carried 帐篷

term [t :m] n.a part of year at school, three of four months during which students attend classes 学期

terrible [ter[bl] adj.1. causing great fear 可怕的


6. 乘车(船)

take along 随身带着;

take a walk/rest 散步/休息,

take an interest in 对......产生兴趣;

take away 拿走;

take down 取下, 记下;

take off 脱掉衣服, 起飞;

take out 取出 ;

take food/medicine 吃食物/药 ;

take the train/a boat/a bus 坐火车/船/公共汽车;

take sb. back to 使某人回想起 ;

take sides in 站在 ...... 一边 ;

take up  占去,  占据, 开始,  从事某项活动;

take pride in 以 ...... 为自豪, 对 ...... 感到得意;

take  it easy 放心好了,  别着急 ;

take the place of 代替 ; 发生。(辩析)

take place 往往强调所发生的事情事前已有安排,因此常可作“举行”。例:When will

the football match take place? happen 是普通名词,表示具体事物的发生,往往带有意外和偶然性。

tale [teil] n. a story 故事, 传说 ;A Tale of  Two Cities 双城记; a folk tale 民间故事 ;a fairy tale 童话故事能。(辩析) tale 一般指传说或幻想的故事。story 最常用,它可指口头或文字、真实或虚构的故事。

talk [t :k] n., vt. & vi. to say something; speak to give information 谈话, 聊天, 讲话, 演讲;

talk about/of 谈论, 谈到 ...... ;

talk to 对......说 ;

talk with 和......说 ;

have a talk (with sb.) 和某人谈话 。

tall [t :l] adj. having a greater than average height 高的, (同义词)high。 (辩析)tall指从某物或某人的顶端到底部的长度,反义词是short。如:a tall pole 一根高高的电杆; high指高度,强调的是从地面或某基准面向上到某点的距离,反义词是low。如: a high mountain 高山/ a high tower 高塔 /The shelf is too high for me to reach. 这个架子太高了,我够不着。

tank [t  k] n. a container for holding liquid 储水箱; 储水容器

tap [t p] n. a thing which controls the flow of  liquid (自来水、煤气等的)龙头

tape [teip] n. narrow material in the form of a band 录音带

tape-recording n. 录音

task [ta:sk] n.a piece of work that must be done 任务

taste [teist] n. 味道quality of substances made known by putting some on the tongue; v. 尝味道; 有......味道be aware of the taste of sth.

tax [t ks] n. the money which you pay to the government 税; 税款 v. 交税; 收税

taxi [‘t ksi] n. a car which you can hire for a short journey 出租车 take a taxi乘出租车 by taxi乘出租车

tea [ti:] n.a drink made with water and the dried leaves of a plant茶;leaves of a plant for making such a drink 茶叶

teach [ti:t ] vi. & vt. (taught, taught) to show somebody how to do something 教, 讲授

teacher [ti:t  ] n. a person who teaches 教员

team [ti:m] n. a number of people who play a game together 队, 组

tear [ti ] n. a drop of salty liquid from the eye 眼泪(常用复数)

tear [t ] vt. (tore, torn) to pull apart or into pieces 撕开,  撕裂

tear down 拆除, 拆毁

tear open 撕开

teachnical [‘teknikl] adj. having to do with some special art of skill; having to do with machines 技术的, 工艺的

technique [‘teknik] n. skill 技艺

telegram [‘teligr m] n. a message which is sent by telegraph 电报

telegraph [‘teligra:f] n. a way of sending messages by radio or wire 电报

telephone/phone [‘telif n] n. an instrument for speaking to a person who is a long way away 电话

v. 打电话

television/TV [teli’vi n] n. a method of showing films, shows, pictures, etc. over  a distance 电视机

tell [tel] v. (told, told) 1. to express in words 讲述, 说; 告诉 tell lies 说谎 2. to command, to order 吩咐, 命令 tell sb. to do sth. 吩咐某人做某事

temperature [‘temprit  ] n. how hot or cold a thing is  温度

take one's temperature 给某人量体温

ten [ten] num. the number 10  十

tens of  thousands 好几万

tennis [‘tenis] n. a game played by two or four players with a soft ball which they hit over a net 网球

tense [tens] 1. n. verb form showing the time of action or state (语法)时态


5. 吃,喝,服用


4. 花费(时间) (辩析)spend “花费”,在主动语态句中只能用人作主语,其宾语一般是金钱或时间名词。cost 可指花费金钱、时间、力气等,只能用事物作主语,不能用被动语态,一般用双宾语。take 与表示时间的名词连用时,主语可以是it ,也可以是人或活动。例:It took him three years to write the book. /He took three years to write the book./ The book took him three years to write;


3. 做(和名词连用, 表示与该名词意义相关的动作)


2. to carry to another place 拿走;带走; 带去


2.use; effect; result用途; 效果; 结果

