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6. Two ________ died of cold in that country last winter.

A. hundreds old people                   B. hundreds old people 

C. hundred old people                    D. hundred old peoples


5. China is ________ larger than the United States.

A. one six      B. one sixth          C. one sixes     D. a sixths


4. Please wait here. I’ll be back in ________ hours.

A. two and half a   B. two and a half       C. half and two   D. two a half


3. His uncle has lived at ________ for ten years.

A. No. 103 Heping Road               B. 103 Heping Road 

C. Heping Road 103                 D. Heping Road No. 103


2. My good friend Zhang Ming studies at ________Middle School.

A. 16        B. the 16        C. 16th No.       D. No. 16


1.---- What date is it?

    ----It’s ________.

A .the May fourth   B. the fourth of May   C. fourth May     D. May four


2.He told me two ________ students attended the meeting.

      A. score   B. scores    C. scores of   D. score and

   [误点] B, C 中英文数词表达的不同方式.  

   [解析] score意为 “二十”, 与数词连用时其后不加s.正确答案为: A.

   [捷径] 1) score与hundred, thousand, million 在表示上是一样, scores of 表示

  好多的概念. Score表示确切数字时可以用上介词of来连用.


 three score of people “六十人”.

   2) 除此之外,还有dozen(一打)一词与上者用法一样. 所不同的是: dozen可以与some连用, 例如:some dozen people “一打左右的人”.而some dozen of people = some dozens of people译为 “若干打的人”. dozen与a, 数词及many, several连用时只用其单数形式.


    a dozen people 而不与of连用.           






要点归纳 数词是表示计算的数目、事物的数量或事物的顺序的词类。

基数词及其表达方法 (所有其他基数词都可以由这些词构成)

(1)  1~12独立成词(它们也叫基本基数词);

13~19是以相对应的3~9加后缀-teen构成(特殊拼写:thirteen, fifteen, eighteen);20~90整十位数的基数词是由相对应的2~9加后缀-ty构成(特殊拼写:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty);


    twenty-two, ninety-nine.

(3)101~999的三位数字:第一位数字+hundred +and +后面的一位或两位数字。

(4)1000以上的大数,要使用计数逗号“,”,即从个位数向前,每三位加一逗号,第一个逗号前是thousand,第二个逗号前是million,“万”用ten thousand表示,“十万”则用hundred thousand来表示。

  (5)hundred, thousand, million表示具体数目时不用复数形式,其前可用two, three等例如:

hundreds of people好几百人   thousands of sheep数千只羊



如:  dozen(一打)、score(二十)。

习惯上dozen后若有代词,表示有所指的范围时dozen后要加of,而score此要求。如:two dozen of these chairs 这些椅子当中的两打

(8) 数词也可用来表示时间概念。表示年代可用“in the + 基数词”的复数形式。

  (9)表示年龄可用“in one’s + 基数词复数”来表示。 

另外, 中文的表达习惯差异也是学生学习数词时产生误区的因素.


1.They have ________ sheep and cows to take care of.

A. a great deal of  B. a lot  C. a great many  D. good deal

   [误点] A 误认为sheep是不可数名词. 

   [解析]  sheep 是可数名词,其单数形式与复数形式相同.正确答案为 C.  0

   [捷径] a great deal of修饰不可数名词.修饰不可数的名词还有 much, amount

of; 修饰可数名词的有 a number of, many, a great many; 既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词的有: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity of, some, enough等.英语的名词有可数和不可数之分,可数名词可以用数来表示一个、两个等。如果强调的不是一个、两个,而是总量,可用量来表达。不可数名词只能用量来表达。英语中的量可由封闭性量词来表示。如:many, much, (a) little, (a)few, several等不定代词也可用作限定词,具有计量作用, 表示事物的全部或局部,这一类词在英语中数目有限,比较稳定。


   Asking for permission and responses



I’d like to see you, will ten o’clock do?

We’ll meet at the cinema at 9:00. Is that all right?

Would Thursday be all right to you?

I’d like to talk to you, could you come to my office at two- tomorrow afternoon?



I’ll see you then.

Yes, I’ll be free then.

Yes, what about three o’clock? I have something to do at two.



---- See you again tomorrow, OK?


   ---- I’d like to talk to you, when will you be free this month?

   ---- Let me see, I’ll be free next Saturday.

   ----I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith.

   ----Well, I can arrange for you to see him two weeks from now.


2. cause 与reason的区别

   cause和 reason都表示原因。cause是自然造成某种结果的原因,起因。reason指在事 


   The cause of the fire is carelessness.

   The reason for which he was late is not clear.


What caused him to change his mind?

Do you think this will cause a lot of trouble?

