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30. In this age of information, the role of museums within society is changing _______ and rapidly.

A. originally           B. fundamentally      C. cautiously          D. slightly


29. ________ the weather, the press conference will still be held on time.

A. Instead of          B. In relation to       C. Regardless of       D. On behalf of


28. We should learn to save our natural resources so that they can be ________ for our younger generations.

A. responsible         B. permanent         C. spare              D. sustainable


27. In English-speaking countries, a person with a large vocabulary is _______ a walking dictionary.

A. referred to          B. compared to        C. thought of          D. devoted to


26. Practising Chinese Kun fu can not only ________ one’s strength, but also develop one’s character.

A. bring up            B. build up            C. take up             D. pull up


25. Most people honestly admit that they hardly know a thing when it ________ understanding how a piece of music is made.

A. amounts to         B. appeals to          C. leads to            D. comes to


24. The best method to ________ this goal is to unite as many people as possible and form a powerful team.

A. complete           B. promote           C. accomplish         D. win


23. Take two pills every six hours. If you still feel uncomfortable, _______ medical advice.

A. seek               B. observe            C. request            D. ignore


22. Study shows that scary movies, easy ______ to weapons and improper internet games greatly contribute to campus violence.

A. gain                B. possession         C. access             D. chance




21. We should bear in mind that social development and balance of nature should go in _______.

A. combination        B. sympathy          C. harmony           D. association

