0  311335  311343  311349  311353  311359  311361  311365  311371  311373  311379  311385  311389  311391  311395  311401  311403  311409  311413  311415  311419  311421  311425  311427  311429  311430  311431  311433  311434  311435  311437  311439  311443  311445  311449  311451  311455  311461  311463  311469  311473  311475  311479  311485  311491  311493  311499  311503  311505  311511  311515  311521  311529  447090 

32.The witness who appeared in court ____ to speak out the truth instead of covering it up.

    A.encouraged                     B.has been encouraging

    C.was encouraging                                 D.had been encouraged


31.Several years ago they found in England a tomb of a man ____ from around 2,300 B.C.

    A.dated         B.dating        C.dates         D.to date


30.-Why did you leave the water running in the sink?

    -My goodness! I guess I ____ to turn off the tap.

    A.forgot        B.have forgotten C.forget         D.had forgottten


29.Washington, a state in the United States, was named _____ one of the greatest American presidents.

    A.in favor of      B.by means of . C.in honour of    D.in spite of


28.____ you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.

    A.If only         B.As far as       C.So long as     D.Only if


27.Have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class sometimes ____ failing exams?

    A.take up       B.pick up        C.come up       D.end up


26.The minister stressed that under no circumstances ____ the disabled to be looked down upon.

    A.is             B.are           C.has           D.have


25.It seems as if they are going to ____ us a lot of money for the party hall.

    A.cost          B.ask           C.demand       D.charge


24.It was with great excitement one morning in July ________ the young man read a classified advertisement.

    A.when          B.that           C.who          D.which


23.It is obvious that this anti-smoking ____ is mainly aimed at young teenagers.

    A.campaign       B.war           C.battle         D.fighting

