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(五中、六中、几江、八中)命题:刘家财 审核:章元良






第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共60分)


《磁场 电磁感应  交变电流  传感器》期中测试试卷

班级                    姓名                     成绩           








时间:90分钟    总分:100分





I.Listening Comprehension(30分)

II.Vocabulary and Grammar(20分)

Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25.Paper money was in      use when Marco Polo visited the country in      thirteenth century.

       A.the…/                 B./…the                 C.the…the              D./…/

26.Paper produced every year is      the world’s production of vehicles.

       A.the three times weight of                      B.three times the weight of

       C.as three times heavy as                         D.three times heavy than

27.      no possibility      he would win the first prize in the maths contest.

       A.It was, that                                         B.There was, but    

       C.Here was, when                                   D.There was , that

28.That’s such a well-known place      everyone wants to visit      we can find it in the map of the world.

       A.that, as               B.as, as                  C.that, that             D.as, that

29.      in such a traffic accident, he feels awful these days.

       A.Involved                                            B.Involving

       C.Having involved                                  D.Being involved

30.Tom      a book about Chinese last year, but I don’t know if he has finished it.

       A.has written          B.was writing         C.wrote                  D.had written

31.―Is this the first time you      Shanghai?

       ―No, but the first time I      here, there weren’t so many high-rise buildings.

       A.visited…came                                     B.have visited…came

       C.have visited…have come                      D.visited…have come

32.Having been knocked down by a speeding car,     .

       A.many people didn’t think he was still alive

       B.the car was stopped by a policeman

       C.he was rushed to a nearby hospital

       D.a stranger came to help him

33.No freshman and no graduate      to sit in on the forum.

       A.are allowed         B.is allowed            C.are agreed           D.is agreed

34.      no buses, we had to walk home.

       A.There were         B.As there being     C.There being         D.There had

35.If you don’t turn up by 6 o’clock, we will go      you.

       A.without               B.except                 C.but                     D.besides

36.      the villagers realized how serious the pollution was?

       A.When was it that                                 B.Was it when

       C.It was when that                                  D.When it was that

37.      was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for theft.

       A.A cook and waiter                               B.A cook and a waiter

       C.The cook and waiter                             D.A cook and the waiter

38.―Do you Know Jim quarreled with his brother?

       ―I don’t know,     .

       A.nor don’t I care                                   B.nor do I care

       C.I don’t care, neither                             D.I don’t care also

39.The sailor      swim only half way before he got totally exhausted and drowned.

       A.could                 B.might                  C.would                 D.was able to

40.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise.      , our minds are developed by learning.

       A.Probably             B.Likely                 C.Similarly             D.Generally

41.Human beings like any other living things will get old and die, and it is an objective law

         of man’s will.

       A.independent         B.resistant              C.free                    D.acceptable

42.If you eat too many sweeties, you will      your appetite.

       A.damage               B.spoil                  C.destroy                D.attack

43.Plastic parts can      metal ones in many machines. But they don’t last long.

       A.substitute for                                       B.be replaced with

       C.take the place for                                 D.be in place of

44.The experiment, though they had tried their best,      to be a failure.

       A.turned up            B.turned out           C.turned in             D.turned on


Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C

And D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


      If you have been dreaming of becoming an astronaut after you grow up, get start now! An astronaut needs a strong body and mind. Shenzhou VI astronauts are able to live upside-down. They do this not just during sleep, but also when eating and going to the toilet. Before they  45   the space, they had lots of practice. Each upside-down training time lasted 20 days.

       Chinese astronauts aren’t just spaceship  46   but also machine repairers and scientists. They have to know every part of the spaceship and how it works.  47   something goes wrong, they’ve got to know  48   repair it. Also they do scientific experiments in space.

       Shenzhou VI astronauts know how to live in  49  . They took a knife, a gun and some dye with them into space. If they land in forests, the knife and gun can  50   them from wild animals. If they  51   the sea, the dye can color the seawater around them yellow. This can drive  52   sea animals away.

       Astronauts must have strong  53  . They can’t get a headache and be sick. With many things to   54   , they’ve got no time for sickness. Do you still have a long, long way to go?

45.A.went through       B.flew into             C.stayed at              D.lived at

46.A.teachers              B.coaches               C.inventors             D.drivers

47.A.If                       B.Unless                 C.So                      D.While

48.A.what to               B.why to                C.how to                D.when to

49.A.the world            B.the wild              C.trouble                D.space

50.A.prevent               B.protest                C.predict                D.protect

51.A.fall into              B.jump into            C.fly over               D.fly across

52.A.harmless             B.lively                  C.dangerous            D.selfish

53.A.bodies                 B.minds                 C.healthy                D.encouragement

54.A.bring                  B.take care             C.tend                    D.look forward to


       Mr Smith was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with life. He did not sleep well and his food did not  55   with him. The situation lasted for some time. Finally, after a   56   of sleepless nights, he decided to consult his doctor. The doctor advised a change of  57  . Go abroad,”he said,“But I’m not good at foreign languages,”said Mr Smith.“It doesn’t matter,”said the doctor.“It won’t   58   you to talk a little less. Go on a voyage. Take plenty of exercise. Try to reduce your weight,  59   rich food.”

       Mr Smith went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to communicate through gestures. He attended a physical training course. The instructor made him bend his knees, swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly. He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs   60   . After a time his muscles grew hard and firm. The life suited him; he almost put aside his financial  61   and nearly forgot the importance of making more money. He even began to  62   individual trees and individual birds. He ate and slept well. Finally he returned home. But unfortunately his improvement was temporary. Soon he was a   63   businessman again, worried about his property, his profits, his savings, his success in a  64   society, and things in general.

55.A.agree                  B.taste                    C.suit                     D.fit

56.A.series                  B.course                 C.number               D.few

57.A.situations            B.surroundings        C.weather               D.life

58.A.stop                    B.hurt                    C.help                    D.prevent

59.A.eat                      B.prepare               C.avoid                  D.try

60.A.highly                 B.widely                C.alternately           D.regularly

61.A.hardship              B.debts                   C.worries               D.success

62.A.see                     B.notice                 C.glance                 D.consider

63.A.rich                    B.happy                 C.normal                D.successful

64.A.struggle              B.business              C.miserable            D.competitive

Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension(35分)

Directions:Read the following passages. Each passages is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just heard.


       A student who enters a university in the second half of the 20th century is in a new situation. He is not like the young man of the early 19th who came to sit at the feet of the masters and left as a master. That situation no longer exists, because now it is not only the student who changes. He may grow fast, but science grows still faster.

       The young German philosophy Hegel, writing at the beginning of the 19th century, believed that one man’s mind could contain all the knowledge of his times. At that time it was perfectly possible for a man to hold such a belief and to base his life on it. Hegel’s friend Goethe wrote a famous poem about a young man who hoped to translate this purpose into reality. They young man in the poem was called Fraust. But Hegel’s situation was slightly different from Fraust’s because Fraust, the hero of the poem, had the devil to help him, while Hegel had only his professors.

       Today a very different situation exists, a situation in which the professor and the devil have lost most of their power. Today a student cannot master knowledge, he can only be its servant. He knows that he can become familiar only with a small corner of knowledge, and that his learning will always be imperfect and incomplete. But he can still hope to add something to the sum of knowledge, and so make the situation slightly more difficult for those who come after him.

65.The poem about Fraust is mentioned to tell us      .

       A.he was a young man.

       B.he got the devil’s help.

       C.the situation was slightly more difficult for those who came after him.

       D.today’s learning situation is much different from that in the past.

66.A student of the 20th century is faced with a new situation because      .

       A.he has to learn entirely on his own.       B.he can never be a master now.

       C.science grows very fast.                        D.he is changing all the time

67.Today a student knows that      .

       A.his knowledge is often incorrect.

       B.he cannot learn more than the students in the 19th century did.

       C.those who come after him will have greater difficulties in learning

       D.his knowledge is very limited compared with the total amount

68.The best title for this passage might be      .

       A.Hegel, the Great German Philosopher.

       B.The Learning Situation in the Modern University

       C.How to Study at a Modern University

       D.The Rapid Development of Science


      In May 1994, When Ralph Illion was a sailor stationed in the Pacific, he wrote a love letter to a girl named Gloria back in Chicago. He also wrote to his wife, Lillian. You can imagine Lillian’s surprise when she opened her letter and found Gloria’s included.

       “Dear Gloria,”it began.“It’s about time I introduced myself. We haven’t met, yet I have heard so much about you, I must say I’ve fallen in love.”

       “This confession might come as a shock, since you know nothing about me except what other people have told you. Don’t take them too seriously. I’m really a bad fellow once you get to know me. And my feelings for you will never change as long as I live.”

       “I hope this makes the proper impression and you won’t think me too bold. Send me a picture. And please keep my love for you locked in your heart, have it opened only when I call for it in person.”

       Gloria, now in her mid-40s, mailed me the letter, along with the one Ralph wrote in May 1944 to Lillian. Gloria was three months old when Ralph, her father, mailed them both. He’d been on a warship for ten months and had never seen her. He’s 80 now and still happily married to Lillian, Gloria’s mom.

69.After Lillian read these letters      .

       A.she was very angry with her husband    B.she didn’t know what to do

       C.she was very surprised                          D.she was very glad and laughed

70.Which of the following took place ?

       A.Lillian divorced Ralph after she read the letter .

       B.Gloria refused Ralph’s love .

       C.Ralph remarried Lillian when he was 80.

       D.Ralph sent a letter to Lillian and one to Gloria in the same envelop .

71.When Ralph wrote these letters , he was        .

       A.in his 40s            B.a young fellow     C.in his 30s            D.at the age of 80

72.We can infer that        .

       A.Lillian hated Ralph                            

       B.Ralph was an amusing man

       C.Gloria didn’t think Ralph was a good boyfriend

       D.Ralph put the two letters in one envelop by carelessness




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Monday, 8January for 2 weeks

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73.What Kind of performance does the Newton theatre have in January ?

       A.A comedy .         B.A ballet              C.A concert            D.a film

74.Who is the writer of “My Fat Friend”?

       A.Tim Danby                                        B.Swan Lake         

       C.Charles Lawrence                                D.Oxford

75.Which of the following is true ?

       A.Performances start at 8 on weekdays .

       B.You can get tea and coffee during the performance .

       C.Seats for the performances cost $4 each

       D.The Shanghai Festival Ballet will perform for 5 days .


Recently a group of children in America poured some gasoline on a sleeping man and set him on fire .When caught , the children said they had done what they’d seen on TV.

The incidents make people angry who believe that American children are harmed by watching too much TV. They claim children can’t tell between the fiction of TV and reality , and TV distracts them from learning and makes them violent .

To estimate the impact of TV on young people, “Life” magazine hires a company to interview hundreds of school children in Nora Springs , Iowa and in Dallas , Texas . Although the two cities are very different , the company finds children in each city watch the same TV shows .

Many Iowa children , who watch an average of three hours of TV a day , recognizing that life on TV is rosier that what they experience . They favourite shows are situation comedies about American families in trouble . Many boys like violent shows about police detectives or heroes , girls particularly soap operas-stories about families and friends .

On the whole , children find real violence on news programs hard to take . “If you see a bus crash on the news , it’s frightening,” one-fifth grader says . By and large , the Iowa children agree that the best thing about TV is it makes you laugh .

Children in Dallas are savvier about programs of drug use on TV. “they don’t really show them doing it right . On TV they are not real.” A fifth grader says .

“life” agrees with a 1988 study by the U. S Department of education that finds children are none the worse for watching TV. The study finds TV doesn’t have lasting effect on children . On the contrary , kids show good judgment about what they watch . “There are very few good shows on TV anymore,” a 10-year-old boy says .

While the debate about TV is so heated , the “Life” survey gives hope that American kids aren’t wasting three or four hours a day (what is worse , by the time young people enter college today , they will have devoted more time to watching television than they will spend in college ). However , a child watching TV isn’t reading a good book of joining in healthful sports .

76.The main idea of the passage is          .

       A.children who watch three or more hours of TV a day are smarter than children who watch only one hour a day

       B.watching too much TV can cause children to go out and kill people .

       C.children learn about drugs from watching TV

       D.children learn from TV and can tell reality from what they see on it .

77.Children who see real violence on TV news programs           .

       A.change the channel to watch other programs

       B.think TV gives a very positive image of friendship

       C.are sometimes upset and scared

       D.live in Iowa or Texas

78.Children who enter college today           .

       A.have spent more time watching TV than they will spend in college .

       B.usually cause the satisfaction of the society

       C.think life on TV is happier that their life at home

       D.watch most the same TV shows as children in Dallas

79.The “Life” survey of children’s TV habits           .

       A.concludes that watching up to seven hours a day of TV is good for children

       B.agree with the U.S. Department of Education study that found few negative effects from watching TV

       C.concludes that there aren’t any good shows on TV any more

       D.concludes that children shouldn’t pour gasoline on sleeping man .


Directions : Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading form A-F for each paragraph .

There is one extra heading which you do not need .

A.The information shown on the cards being used is to the same form country to country .

B.Not all the countries use the card for the same purpose .

C.Some countries may stop the terrorism by using the card

D.How to keep the information into the card ?

E.All the nations prefer to use the card .

F.What is one of the differences between Chin’s new and current ID cards ?

80.       The plastic identification (ID) cards carried by all Chinese citizens over 16 are to be replaced with electronic cards from next year . The new cards , which most people will have by 2005, contain a microchip on which personal information is stored . This can be checked against databases kept by the government .

81.       “The information will be locked into the card so that people won’t be able to use false identities,” said Ren Tianbu , a security official in Shenyang .

82.       China’s present plastic identity cards were introduced 17 years ago , and a similar system is used by many other countries . However , the information shown on a card differs from nation. Most ID cards show the holder’s name , sex, date of birth and photograph , as well as the card’s expiry date and number .

83.       Germany, France and Spain all use ID cards , but there are some developed nations who dislike the idea . The US, Canada, New Zealand , Australia, Sweden and Britain are among those with no national ID card . However , some of the counties have ID cards for particular uses . For example , Australia and the United States use a driving license to identify people .

84.       Identity cards are introduced for a variety of reasons . Race , politics and religion were often at the heart of older ID systems . In recent years , though , ID cards have been linked to national information databases , which form the basis of how a government manages a country . The US, Britain and some other countries are considering a national ID systems a way of preventing possible terrorist attacks .

80.Paragraph 1                    .

81.Paragraph 2                    .

82.Paragraph 3                    .

83.Paragraph 4                    .

84.Paragraph 5                    .

















II.Guided Writing(25%)

Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese .



























    本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)和第Ⅲ卷(选择题)三部分,共150 分,考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将第Ⅱ卷和答题卡交回。





1.In the       of  rain, the opening ceremony of the book  fair will have to be held indoors.

    A.face                    B.event                   C.time             D. course

2.I want to buy that kind of cloth because I    the cloth    well.

    A.have told; washed                        B.have been told;washes

    C.have been told;is washed           D.was told;  washed.

3.Willpower is a kind of quality…and that is       it takes to do everything well.

    A.why                    B.that                     C.what             D. which

4.To keep healthy, a lot of people     jogging as a  regular form of  exercise .

    A.took up               B.caught on             C. carried out      D.made for

5.Richard was called in by the police to answer questions       disappearance of Thomas Ripley,  whose relatives were so     his present situation,

    A.concerning;concerning about         B.concerned;worrying about

    C.with regards to;concerned about        D.regarding;concerned about

6.Jim is awfully  difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his,_______ ,is more true than any other.

 A. once gained            B.when to gain         C.as gained       D.while gaining

7.Is the Haihe River,        through  Tianjin ,very large? 

    A.which flows          B.flows.                 C.which one flows  D.flowed

8.―why are you so late ? I     here for more than an hour .

  --I’m terribly sorry. I overslept and missed the bus.

    A.am waiting     B.was waiting    C.have been waiting         D.have been waited

9.Mom, I lost     diamond ring you bought for me as my birthday present.

    Could you keep______ eye out for it when you clean my bedroom?

A.a;an           B.a;the          C.the;the                       D.the ;an

10.The local government is trying all out to find out who is _______the forest fire.

    A. to blame for starting       B.to blame to start

    C. to be blamed for staring    D.to be blamed to start

11.-Do you mind if I visit you now and talk about the advertising campaign,Mr. President ?

    -I'd rather you      at the moment.

    A.are not coming  B.don’t come  C.didn’t come                  D.will not come

12.It was     back home after the experiment.

  A.not until midnight did he go     B.until midnight that he didn’t go

  C. until midnight when he didn’t go  D.not until midnight that he went

13.My parents will move back into town in a year Or______.

    A. 1ater              B.  after             C.about                          D. so

14.The film Harry Potter IV is       for  children above 12 and adults for it contains horror and violence.

    A.promised     B.intended        C. admitted                       D.permitted

15.       it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich,  many  other people who are outstanding in their field take little notice of personal possessions.

    A. While            B.Since            C.Unless                          D.If


    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从l6-35 各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    During my first three years on the island, I considered often how I might cross to this mainland.    My first two attempts  16 ,for in each case, 17 I had painstakingly built a boat to carry  me, I found it too  18  and heavy to move to the water’s edge.19  I built a small canoe out   of a tree trunk. 20 too small  for crossing the ocean, the  canoe would at least enable me to sail around the  21 .I loaded it with provisions (准备), 22  my little sail ,and set out, staying  close to the  23  .At length, however ,I  24  a  rocky point around which the waves  25  in  such  a  way as to send my small boat out to sea.It was only  by  great  26  and  provide I was able to sail  back  to land.When at  last I fell exhausted upon the floor of my country bower(凉亭),I  was  27  to hear a voice echoing(回响)my  28 ,saying,“Poor Robinson  Crusoe ,where are you ?Where have you been?”I started up  29  fear.After while I  30 that it was my parrot ,Poll,31 the phrases I had taught him.

    For fifteen years,I busied myself with caring  32  my crops and animals,maintaining my houses,and  33  my island.Then one day as I went to my canoe,I was surprised to see the print or a man’s naked  34  ,very  plain in the sand.Thunderstruck,I looked and  35 , but  neither saw  nor  heard angry one.Nor were there any other footprints.

    16  A.failed          B.happened      C.succeeded       D. survived

    17  A.as             B.when        C. after                    D. before

    18. A.tall                     B.small          C. large            D. dangerous

    19.A. Firstly                  B.Secondly      C. Next            D. Finally

    20.A.But           B.Still           C. Because          D.Though

    21.A sea              B.island          C.river mouth     D.water’s edge

    22. A.put             B.folded         C.raised          D. started

    23. A.rock            B.sea           C. ocean           D. shoreline

24.A escaped          B.avoided        C.came across     D.knocked  into

    25.A. swept           B. blew           C.flew           D.flooded

    26.A.courage        B.struggle        C. wisdom         D. desire

    27. A. mad           B. angry           C. pleased           D.astonished

    28.A.tones          B.heart          C.speeches        D. thoughts

    29.A.at             B.by          C.on            D.with

    30.A. knew           B.realized        C.admitted          D. recognized

    31.A. singing          B.shouting       C.1eaning          D. repeating

    32.A.about          B.of             C.to             D. for

    33.A.enjoying        B.beautifying      C.planning        D.exploring

    34.A. foot             B .hand           C. leg              D. arm

    35.A.thought        B.1istened             C.noticed         D.sensed





Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I knew of .It serves directly to  assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price,thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living .By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labor , and is therefore an effective way to fight unemployment .It lowers the costs of many services:without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost  four times as much,the  price of your television license would need to be doubled ,and travel by bus or tube would cost 20 percent more.

    And perhaps most important of all,advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the produces and services you buy. Apart from the fact that twenty seven acts of Parliament govern  the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the  promise of his advertisements,He  might fool  some people for a little while through  misleading advertising.He will not do so for long ,for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once .If you see an article consistently advertised ,it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed  for it, and that it represents good  value。

    Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.

    There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television  personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.He was drawing excessively fine distinctions.Of course  advertising seeks to persuades.

 If its message were confined merely to   information ?and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve,for even a detail such as the choice of the color of a shirt is subtly  persuasive―advertising would be so boring that no one  would pay any attention.But  perhaps that is what the well-known television personality  wants.

36.By the first sentence of the passage the author means that    

    A.he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertising

    B. everybody knows well that advertising is money consuming

    C.advertising costs money  like everything else

    D.it is worthwhile to spend money on advertising

37.The underlined  word‘it’in the second paragraph stands  for   

    A. the article.      B.the advertiser.

    C.the advertisement.D.the proof.

38.The author deems that the well-known TV personality is       

    A. very precise in passing his judgment  on advertising

    B.interested in nothing but  the buyers’ attention

    C.correct in telling the difference between persuasion and information

    D.obviously partial in his views on advertising

39.In the anther’s option,       

    A. advertising can seldom bring  material benefit to man by providing information

  B.advertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them over

    C.there is nothing wrong with adverting in persuading the  buyer

    D.the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement


   One thing the tour books don’t tell you about London is that 2000 of its residents are foxes. They ran away from the city about two centuries ago after developers and pollution moved in. But now that the environment is clear, the foxes have come home.

   “ The number and variety of wild animals in urban areas is increasing,” says Comer Jones. A survey of the wildlife in New York’s Central Park last year counted 14 species of mammals. A similar survey conducted in the 1890s counted only five species.

   Several changes have brought wild animals to the cities. Foremost is that air and water quality in many cities has improved as a result of the 1970s pollution-control efforts. Meanwhile, rural areas have been built up, leaving many animals on the edges of suburbs. In addition, urban wildlife refuges(避难处)have been created. The Greater London Council last year spent £ 750,000 to buy land and build 10 permanent(永久的)wildlife refuges in the city. As a result, many birds are now living in the city. For peregrine falcons cities are actually safer than rural cliff dwellings(悬崖栖息地)。By 1970 the birds had died out east of the Mississippi because of the DDT had made their eggs too thin to support life. That year, scientist Tom Cade of Cornell University began raising the birds for release in cities afforded plenty of food.

   Cities can attract wild animals without turning them harmful. The trick is to create habitats where they can be self-sufficient but still be seen and appreciated. Such habitats can even be functional. In San Francisco, the local government is testing different kinds of rainwater control basins to see not only whish ones retain(保持)the cleanest water but which will attract the most birds.

40. The passage is mainly concerned with_____.

    A.wildlife returning to large cities  B.foxes returning to London

    C.wild animals living in zoos    D. a survey of wildlife in New York

41.It can be inferred from the passage that    

    A. Londoners are putting more and more wild animals into their zoos

    B.Londoners are happy to see wild animals return to their city

    C.Londoners file trying to move wild animals back to the countryside

    D.Londoners have welcomed the wild birds,but found foxes a problem

42.According to the passage, the number of species of wildlife in NewYork's Central Park      

    A.is slowly decreasing            B.competes favorably with other cities

    C.is on the same level as before        D.has more than doubled in the last century

43.Which of the following is NOT a reason that  wildlife returning to the cities?

    A.Food is plentiful  in the cities.

    B.Wildlife is appreciated in the cities.

    C.Wildlife  refuges have been  built in the cities.

    D.Air and water quality has improved in the  cities.



Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of tricks at play each time we reach out for that particular brand of product on the shelf.

Coloring, for example, varies  according to what the producers are trying to sell. Health foods are  packaged  in  greens, yellows or browns because we think of these as healthy  colors. Ice cream  packers are  often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.

     When some kind of pain killer was brought out recently, researchers found that the colors turned the customers off  because they made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came  on the market in a dark blue and white package ----blue, because we think of it as safe, And white as calm.

The  size  of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesn’t contain as much as It appears to.

It is believed that the better ?known companies spend, on average, 70 per cent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!

The  most  successful producers know that it’s not enough to have a good product. The   founder of Pears soap, who  for 25 years has used pretty little girls to  promote  their  goods, came  to the  conclusion: “Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius to sell it.”

44. Which of the following may trick a shopper into buying a product according to the text?

  A. The cost of its package          B. The price of the product

  C. The color of its package         D. The brand name of the product

45. The underlined part “the color turned the customers off” (in para.3) means the colors__.

A. attracted the customers strongly

B. had weak effects on the customers

C. tricked the customers into shopping

D. caused the customers to lose interest

46. Which of the following is the key to the success in product sales?

A. The way to promote the goods.    

B. the discovery of a genius

C. The team to produce a good producer

D. The brand name used by successful producers.

47. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?

    A. Choice of good products                B. Disadvantage of products

    C. Effect of packaging on shopping                 D. Brand names and shopping tricks 



   “A good book for children should simply  be a good book in its  own right,” says  Mollie  Hunter Born and  brought up near Edinburgh, Mollie has devoted her talents to writing  primarily  for young people. She firmly believes that is always and  should  always be a wider audience for any good book whatever its main market is, In Mollie’s opinion it is necessary to make full use of language and she  enjoys telling a story, which is  what every writer should be doing. “If you aren’t telling a story, you’re  a very dead writer indeed,” she says. With the chief function of a writer being to entertain (让人愉快),Mollie is  indeed an entertainer. “I have this great love of not  only  the meaning of language but of the  music of language,” she says. “This  love  goes back to early childhood. I’ve told  stories all my life. I had a school teacher who used to ask us what we would like to  be when we grew up and, because my family always  had dogs, and I was very good at  handing them, I said I wanted to work with dogs, and the teacher  always said ‘Nonsense, Mollie, dear, you’ll be a writer.’  So finally I thought that this woman must have something, since she was a good teacher and I decided when I was nine that I would be a writer.”

    This  childhood intention  is described in her novel, A Sound of Chariots, which although written in the third person is clearly autobiographical (自传体的) and gives a picture both of Mollie’s ambition (理想) and her struggle towards its achievement. Thoughts of her childhood inevitably(不可避免地)brought thoughts of the time when her home was still a village with buttercup meadows and  strawberry fields---sadly  now covered  with modern  houses. “I was once taken back to see  it and I felt that  somebody had lain dirty hands all over my childhood. I’ll  never go back,” she said. “Never” “When I set one of my books in Scotland,” she said, “I can recall my  romantic (浪漫的) feelings as a child playing in those fields, or watching the  village blacksmith at work. And that’s important, because children now know  so much so early that romance can’t exist for them, as it did for us.”

48. What does Mollie Hunter feel about the nature of a good book?

   A. It should not aim at a narrow audience.

   B. It should be attractive to young readers.

   C. It should be based on original ideas.

   D. It should not include too much conversation.

49. In Mollie Hunter’s opinion, which of the following is one sign of a poor writer?

   A. Being poor in life experience.              B. Being short of writing skills.

   C. The  weakness of description.            D. The absence of a story.

50. What do we learn about Mollie Hunter as a young child?

   A. She didn’t expect to become a writer.  B. She didn’t enjoy writing stories.

   C. She didn’t have any particular ambitions.

 D. She didn’t respect her teacher’s views.

51. In comparison with children of earlier years , Mollie feels that children are___.

    A.more intelligent                             B.better informed

    C.1ess eager to learn                            D.1ess interested in reality

52.What’s the writer's purpose in this text?

    A. To describe Mollie Hunter's most successful books.

    B.To share her enjoyment of Mollie Hunter’s books

    C.To introduce Mollie Hunter's work to a wider audience.

D.To provide information for Mollie Hunter’s existing readers.



    Drunken driving-sometimes called America’s socially accepted form of murder―has become a  national epidemic(流行病).Every hour of every day about three Americans on  average are killed by drunken  drivers,adding up to an incredible 250,000 Over the past ten  years.A  drunken driver is usually  referred to as one with O.1O -blood alcohol content or roughly three beer glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours.Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the America manly image and judges were lenient in most courts ,but the drunken killing has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies ,especially concerning young children ,that public opinion is no  longer so tolerant(忍受).

    Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21,reversing trend(逆转潮流)in the 1960s to reduce It to 18.After New Jersey lowered it to 18,the number of people killed by 18-20-year-old drivers more than doubled ,so the state recently upped it  back to 21.

    Reformers,however ,fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by educational programs to help young people to develop “responsible attitudes” about drinking and teach them to resist peer pressure to drink

Though new laws have led to increased arrests and tests many areas already ,to a marked drop in accidents,some states are  also punishing bars for serving customers too many drinks.A bar in Massachusetts Was fined for serving six or more double brandies to a customer  who was“obviously drunk” and later drove the road, killing a nine-year-old boy .

    As the accidents continue to occur daily in every state , some Americans are even beginning to speak well of the 13 years national prohibition(禁令)of alcohol that began in 1919,which President Hoover called the“noble experiment”。They forgot that legal

prohibition didn't stop drinking ,but encouraged political corruption(腐败)and organized crime.As with the booming drug trade generally ,there is no easy solution.

53.What can be inferred from the fact of the traffic accidents in New Jersey?

   A.Young drivers were usually bad.

   B.The legal drinking age should be raised.

   C.Some drivers didn't surprise the legal drinking age.

   D.Drivers should not be allowed to drink.

54.The underlined word“lenient”in the first paragraph means   

   A.merciful                B.cruel            C.serious                 D. determined

55. As regards drunken driving , public opinion has changed because    

  A. judges are no longer lenient

   B. new laws are introduced in some states

   C.drivers do not appreciate their manly image

   D.the news media have raised public attention of the problem









I used to complain my English teacher for                          56.     

her bad English.I was also tiring of  her teaching methods,             57.      

that were always slow and boring . However, my attitude               58.      

towards her began to change after one afternoon.It was rained                    59.      

heavily but I didn't attend school. Around 5:30 pm I received              60.     

a phone call.”Are you all right?” asked my English teacher in quiet         61.      

voice.On hearing his words.I was  shocked and my mind was        62.      

flooded with mixed feeling.She was showing her concern for          63.      

me ,though I had not been happily with her! Was she just acting,                64.      

or should I smooth away my past misunderstanding of her ?             65.      

















  The students of class 3have recently had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.








